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  1. When I bought juice the other day I bought 2 kinds. Belgian Waffle and Javascotch. Been vaping the BW (yummy) .. this morning I tried the Javascotch. I'm not having the crackling problems.. it's been working pretty smooth. The JS is a wee bit darker than the BW.. they are both 70/30. What's up with that?
  2. Server unexpectedly dropped the connection ..
  3. When I checked out I received a message .. Safari can't open the page
  4. I went with Apple Cider.. pretty good flavor?
  5. do you have a discount code?
  6. I have to pick the OHM range? lol .. I have no idea what that is. Your coils are very impressive : )
  7. It's maddening with the coils.. I don't have the patience for this. Honestly.. things are so much more complex than just a couple of years back. Unreal. I'm just a simple girl with simple desires. I just want something that works!! I'll have to try his juice while I'm there.
  8. Are your custom coils on your site?
  9. You're a "flavor alchemist"? It was meant to be! lol
  10. Sounds great! Can you hook me up? Do you recommend I stay with the Ka ng er? If so, I'll do 2 packs and do you do juice also?
  11. How much are your coils if I may ask?
  12. Gotcha Am I the only one experiencing this? I like things to run smooth lol
  13. It came in a tiny package .. not lose as in unpackaged. When I went back to the shop after I bought the juice the guy there told me it was probably the coil. I was flabbered as I hadn't used it much. I can see one "bad" one but two? Kang er seems to dominate the market ? Auto correct kept changing to anger lol ..
  14. One came with the Kanger atomizer (came w/2 actually but I've only used 1) and the other was loose. Not sure if it had a logo on it or not. Had the same issue with both coils tho
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