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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Maybe a big bore drip tip would help?
  2. Just bought a Tobecco Plume Veil copper clone the other day,I'm still getting used to it.I have had my stillare clone for a long time and I love it.
  3. It doesn't bother me to smell tobacco smoke,I just take a big wiff and say "Ahh...that takes me back" :-)
  4. I have had nothing but bad luck with efest.they show full charge on my charger but I get no power to my mod.I returned them 2 times ultimately swapping them out for Sony vtc5's
  5. So I constantly get a build up of juice on my stillare clone and I sometimes get a little in my mouth when vaping.do they sell the drip tips that come on 454 big blocks separately? Or something like it?
  6. I'm still pretty new to the site and I can't seem to figure out how to post pics! Do you have to do the <IMG> code to post them?
  7. I love cinnamon ejuice.I get mine from my local B&M called cinnamon firestorm...its like liquid red hots!
  8. Anyone here have a FUhattan clone? I have a nemesis clone that I like but I am trying to get away from spring firing buttons.I was considering the FU clone since it has a magnetic firing button which has less voltage drop.
  9. Thanks I will check out your review! I really want to try Andromeda
  10. I started off vaping 24mg then dropped to 18,then 12 and then 6.the 6mg wasn't doing it so I stuck to 12 mg.its a good balance for me at least.
  11. Has anyone bought space jam off of eBay? I searched for it but all that comes up is 0 nicotine bottles.And my second question is,is space jam as good as people say it is?
  12. Chocolate Goblin from DFW Vapor,it tastes like tootsie rolls :-p
  13. I'm going to attempt the sleeper build tonight...this is going to be a disaster!
  14. I have always used rubbing alcohol to clean out my protanks and then rinse it good with purified water.especially after using a cinnamon juice and wanting to vape a fruity flavor after.
  15. Yeah I don't mind wrapping coils.I usually wrap 3 or 4 all the same and put them in my box.I can make a coil last a long time.I might try the vapin' donuts eventually
  16. How is the flavor compared to kanthal coils?
  17. How is the ramp up time? Quick? Slow? Does it take a while to break them in?
  18. Tug

    Rda wicking help?

    You have way too much cotton in your coil.
  19. Tug

    Rda wicking help?

    First off did you make sure the coil is firing from the inside out? If not you might have a dead leg somewhere give it a squeeze with some pliers and that should take care of that if its an issue.Second I always unravel the cotton ball until you can see through it cut a small piece about 2 inches and like Copper was saying it should be easy to twist in and out of the coil,the cotton will expand when you saturate it.make sure your coil isn't touching the deck or outer barrel.I always soak my cotton with juice and let it sit for about 30 min just to make sure its all juiced up.Just play with different coils and wicking techniques, it took me a long time to figure out what works best for me.
  20. Has anyone here tried them? I've seen RIP trippers reviews on them but I want to hear from you guys who have had experiences with them.Go!
  21. I heat my coils up when they get nasty and once they are red hot I quench them under the faucet.they are good as new!
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