^^^i agree but I'd rather him learn from us rather than try to figure it out on his own.if he wants to learn how to build more power to him.I know he's seen us preach on battery safety and the dangers that can happen.
I already mentioned to him to first get an understanding of ohms law and battery safety.I told him to research and study it hard.Gotta start somewhere.
The Samsung 25r is a really good battery.Sony batteries are so counterfeited these days that I will not buy them anymore. The efest batteries are POS IMO. You'll need an ohm meter.kanthal,organic cotton and some tools for building coils.
I don't think Rip is annoying.I think he's funny as hell.this guy is a total ****** bag... Mplough,go check out the vaping bogan.he makes me laugh my *** off.his opening greeting is the best.