I don't mean to insult your intelligence but did you prime the coil before vaping on it? If so my guess is that it isn't wicking the max VG very well.I would try a lower VG juice like a 30pg/70vg and see if that helps.I have a Subtank Nano and a Mini,the nano seems to wick anything I put in it as the Mini doesn't so much.I don't know why but that's just my experience with it so far.
The chuff getting hot doesn't bother me,I want the white one.And I've also been looking at that zombie green freak show mini.Im trying to find something that looks good with a black Sigelei 150w
The IPV mini 30w is a great mod paired with a Samsung 25r or Purple Efest.I have a Subtank Mini and I'm having issues with it wicking high VG.Ive heard nothing but good things about the Delta II,but the coils are kind of pricey
Nice,B! I love fishing,my dad brother and I go striper fishing on lake Texoma at least once or twice a year on a guided trip.Its so much fun.Nice crappie you got there,all the ones I've caught here in Texas are about half that size lol.