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Everything posted by Tug

  1. I have a friend who has one and he said his fire button sticks sometimes,has that happened to you at all?
  2. A lot of those devices have a ton of safety features to prevent overheating and what not
  3. If it's made to cut off at ten seconds then I'm sure it's fine
  4. It's gonna be a long day lol but I got my Spinner and nautilus vaping in the waiting room.
  5. oh I know she will :-) her name is Maci Grace
  6. At the hospital waiting on my niece to be born,I'm gonna be an uncle!
  7. Right on Brother! Congratulations!
  8. I have a Sigelei 150w lol is that enough power?
  9. One of these days I will build me a Clapton coil,you guys are making me jealous lol.Do they take long to heat up when you fire it?
  10. On my way lol
  11. Man you guys suck! What no invite?! Lol
  12. It should say in the user manual that came with the mod....
  13. I've had it for a few days now,it's a damn nice mod.ive thought about getting one in red
  14. Wow what a beautiful bride! Congratulations my man!
  15. See! He/she is giving me the stink eye in the picture lol
  16. I am not a fan of cats lol they are all a55holes
  17. Son of a *****!!!! Stop it now! My head is about to explode with cuteness overload!!!!
  18. I want a bloodhound pup so bad it hurts! I want to name him Ruger :-) I will eat glass if someone buys me one lol
  19. holy **** she's cute! I'm as manly as a man can be but when you put a puppy in my hands I turn into a giddy school girl lmao I can't handle it ok stop! Why the hell did you start this thread,Comp! Lol very cute dogs Jeff.
  20. Lol she's really cute.i like them fluffy I hate when Caillou gets a haircut
  21. This is Caillou ( kye-you) he's a Maltese and he's 8yrs old.Hes my snuggle buddy
  22. thanks man!
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