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Everything posted by SweetPea

  1. Nobody has flavors like Decadent Vapors! Then again . . . . I'm not sure that any other vendor would want them. LOL. They have some of the strangest flavors but it's cool of them to go out of the box with their choices.
  2. Does it have to be DIY or can we trade vendor juices?
  3. As often as necessary. lol. In fact, I think I will do that right now. My e2 has been going all day, I guess it's time for a top off.
  4. I ordered on the radio and then decided to research. That's how we all do it isn't it? Well, before I got the ecig, I found forums and cancelled the order.
  5. Tests were done on nicotine left in a very warm car over a period of time. There was no noticeable difference in the strength.
  6. I would recommend warming your juices to room temperature before using . . especially if they are vg.
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