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    blueschill got a reaction from copper in New member looking for a place to start...   

    I've had tons of batteries, I am sbout to swap these out but the Vision Spinner2 VV batteries are great to start with I would say, nice long charge and variable voltage, charge indicater, plus they look good and with colours to choose from.

    I've tried tons an tons of tanks some good, bad and unfortunately some fake.
    I've stood by bottom few tanks for a long time now, there are so many to choose from, my last were a Davide BDC and Aspire Vivi BDC as I like bigger tanks.
    I have however just got an Aspire K1 BVC and Id say it's perfect for a beginner to start with as both battery and tank are not expensive and gives you a solid stepping stone into vaping.

    A big plus with aspire kit also is the Anti-counterfeit codes on their packaging as there are a lot of fakes out there.

    That's just my opinion after a couple of years of trial and error.
    I Hope that helps.
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    blueschill reacted to copper in Hello guys, a quick hello from the uk :) + Current Kit   
    Welcome to the forum!

    The next time you want to treat yourself to something special, look up "Luxe Mods" in the UK.
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    blueschill reacted to jasonculp in Hello guys, a quick hello from the uk :) + Current Kit   
    Welcome to Vapor Talk!
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    blueschill reacted to Tx Biker in BVC's for the other Aspire tanks   

    Found these this morning bouncing around the web. Gonna place an order next week and giv'em a try. Youtube video posted on these too.
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