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    Doncaster , UK

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  1. Welcome! I've had tons of batteries, I am sbout to swap these out but the Vision Spinner2 VV batteries are great to start with I would say, nice long charge and variable voltage, charge indicater, plus they look good and with colours to choose from. I've tried tons an tons of tanks some good, bad and unfortunately some fake. I've stood by bottom few tanks for a long time now, there are so many to choose from, my last were a Davide BDC and Aspire Vivi BDC as I like bigger tanks. I have however just got an Aspire K1 BVC and Id say it's perfect for a beginner to start with as both battery and tank are not expensive and gives you a solid stepping stone into vaping. A big plus with aspire kit also is the Anti-counterfeit codes on their packaging as there are a lot of fakes out there. That's just my opinion after a couple of years of trial and error. I Hope that helps. Bob
  2. Hey guys, my names Bob or blueschill (whichever) I've been vaping for around 2 years and making personal eliquid for around a year. I am an Ex-Royal Navy Marine Engineer and loved my time serving until I were made disabled. I've had a brilliant trip so far constantly testing/using various batteries and tanks, some good, some bad but all exciting to get that juice in and start to taste those flavours. When it's time for new kit I like to buy something different and new instead of what I've already had wether the product be good or bad. I make eliquid for me and my wife as its a lot cheaper, after a lot of experimenting I found my winning mix that's tweaked dependant on my fav tanks that I'm using. The current kit I'm using are the Aspire Davide BDC and my new Aspire K1 BVC which I have had for a week and must say the new redesigned BVC atomisers are utterly wonderful so far, plus they did a great job on the tank, although I usually prefer a much larger capacity. Plus my Vision Spinner 2's which are getting changed soon as the charge quality are getting a bit worn out.
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