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    VirginiaKay got a reaction from BEERCITYVAPRZ in Blu Cig Problems And Analog Cravings   
    I'm using a Blu and personally I do like it... now.

    I traded the atty that came with the Blu for a Volcano atty and the improvement was noticeable immediately. With the Blu atty I had to take these huge long drags directly into my lungs like you mention, (which admittedly I never could do with an analog) just to get a decent amount of vapor. I ordered the Volcano atty to replace it and I get the same amount of vapor with much less effort and drag.

    I can't speak for the carts that come with the Blu, I ordered blank carts (from Volcano) and liquid the same time I ordered the starter kit, and never really gave the prefilled carts a chance. There was a bit of leakage when I first started filling the cart, but once I got the amount of liquid I needed to add figured out I had very little problem with leakage.

    Personally, I've never looked back once I got my Blu working the way I wanted it, granted it's only been a few weeks since my last analog. Like anything I think it varies person to person, based on how much of a smoker you were and what kind of experience you're getting out of your ecig now.

    I definitely plan on adding another ecig to my collection in the future, but I plan on keeping my Blu still. To each their own.
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    VirginiaKay reacted to VirginiaKay in Looking For An Led Change How To   
    I already knew there were black 510s with Purple LED (Hence me saying as a last resort I could use the battery with an adapter.) but thank you anyway.

    I wanted to go with a K8 because of their size, their cartomizers, and the fact that there are readily available manual as well as automatic batteries. With the 510 I've only really seen manuals and had a hard time finding automatic batteries, and from what I've heard the automatic batteries can be temperamental and unreliable.

    By the way this wouldn't be my first e cig, though some may argue it might as well be since I'm using Blu's I like them a lot despite so many bad reviews and disapproval, don't get me wrong. I'm just ready to try bigger and better things, and I get the feeling once I get a new e cig, it will leave my Blu pack relegated to a forgotten corner of a cluttered drawer, which is why I want to be able to have automatic as well as manual batteries.

    So... back to original question, anyone know how to change LEDs?
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