I bought a Kanger Protank 2 from the Vapor Talk store and it absolutely rocked the flavor of my juices.
I'm a noob and my first purchase was a Spinner 2 with some Pro Tank Minis and it was awesome...haven't had a cigarette since.
I wanted to get some extra flavor and I also needed to have something as a backup after losing my Spinner the first time going out for a few pints, lol.
So I bought that tank and an Eleaf iStick and the flavor difference was incredible. Both are great.
Definitely agree with mcquinn on that one.
My last order was all 24mg nicotine and I chain vape...sometimes I get a little nauseous from it so my next order is going to have some batches of 0mg stuff.
I've tried figuring out what these RDA's are that everyone mentions but I still don't get what they are, lol. Is it the part where coils get screwed in to? Why would one need these, all the tanks I've bought have them.
Oh, and hi!
He was asking about becoming un-addicted to nicotine, then seeing if he'll get a buzz again after a month of being nic-free.
But, I think he just wanted to have his name and avatar up in lights.
So, I figured out what's been so wrong with the size of the clouds I've been getting:
Old wicks.
I'd make a vid of what they're looking like right now after putting new wicks in the tanks, but the room is too full of vapor.
I read comics so I was looking forward to it. Not as much as I was the Avengers and other movies, but I really, really enjoyed it. So much cool stuff from the comics packed into that movie!