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Everything posted by Eesa8820

  1. I'm pretty new to vaping (about 2 weeks) and I LOVE it I generally smoked about half a pack a day, give or take a few here and there. Pretty amazing sense I've been smoking for about 32 years. I turned to vaping because it was just getting to expensive to continue buying cigs, even at the so called low price of 3$ a pack. My problem is that my vape pin has become my newest and bestes friend. I always have it and I'm constantly puffing on it. So much so that I burned up the first 2 atomizers that came with my vape pin in about the span of 5 days and the batteries are constantly on the charger! After reading a few articles I have realized that I seriously need to up grade my nic level from 16 to some where around 18 or 22. My hubbie purchased it so 16 is what came with my kit, I didn't have the choice in choosing the nic level. I've recently purchased a 5 pack of customizers/atomizers just in case it should happen again before I get a chance to make the nic up-grade.
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