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Everything posted by Acidvape5

  1. To geremy13: let me know when you get it to work I want to know how you like it how it's working for you what are the pros the cons would it be worth buying
  2. I started with egos but if I could talk to myself before I started I would recommend the Smoktech BEC pro and aspire nautilus tank or kanger protank 3
  3. Hello my vape friends I was wondering if any body knew about provari p3s and batteries which is for it button top or flat top
  4. My wife uses Joyetech ego batteries and evod tanks I just gave her an EVIC and a vivi nova tank
  5. I have a kanger PT3 running 2.4 ohms on my smok BEC pro at 20watts and sometimes higher with no problems I did burn out the first coil but with the 2.4 no problems whatsoever
  6. I hear the clones are some times better but I also hear horror stories......a reputable manufacture will repair their products can the same be said for clones????????? Please let me know
  7. I will say this I used to buy knockoffs and fakes back when Dinos roam (lol) they were all cheap and felled apart on me it taught me a lesson spend the money for the real thing and it will last you
  8. Yes I'm using Joyetech evic supreme Smok BEC pro 50w and provari p3
  9. Hello my fellow vapers; I was wondering if anybody had any info on the kanger aero tank turbo, not the sales pitch I want real world knowledge from someone has one or use one
  10. Tell me some of the online retailers you use.... I will admit that it has been long while since I ordered online and got scamed out of a lot of money It took me two years to get it all back and a class action lawsuit help too but I swore off of online ordering at that time
  11. Amen to that cash is always and forever will be king
  12. Hello fellow vapers its the reason why I like the B & Ms walk in ask for what you want get it and leave no waiting no praying that you didn't get scamed sorry about what happen scamers make it hard for honest folk to do business they all should be ran out of business. maybe if there was a site that they could be put on to let everybody know don't do business with these companies then maybe they would think twice.........
  13. I have a question: Can you use a RDA on an APV ????
  14. Welcome to the vape side we have juices lol
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