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Everything posted by GeorgeF

  1. I agree with the other above. Never trust a battery with "fire" in it's name. Secondly unless you know the e-bay seller, never buy anything vape related from e-bay. Trust reputable vendors only. Some are Sweet-Vapes, OriginVape, Elev8vape, Yetivape. all of which I have had great success with online purchases. Also good batteries are AW,Samsung 25r, LG, MXJO and efest purple batteries. Never skimp on safety use good batteries and good chargers as other have stated. Hope this helps
  2. Watch this video before you order, I have seen this live and can tell you it is not safe!!
  3. sounds like they may have a winner there.
  4. try this to fix the wicking issue with the stock coils for the Sub Tank. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbXLOkklR1Q
  5. I want the SX mini m class.
  6. This is my Tugboat v1 with twisted 28 gauge 7 wrap .67 ohms.
  7. welcome to VT
  8. Welcome to Vaportalk! I think you mean 2.2 ohm coil. Depends on what atomizer you are using. What configuration do you have? Who makes the tank? What tank is it? Does it call out for a 2.2 specifically or is it recommended?
  9. Wasn't it two years ago that kids were stealing refrigerant from A/C systems to get high? Little did they know they were just robbing themselves of oxygen and getting a high feeling. And yet TV glamorizes drug use, but no TV show is being banned. Wonder where kids are learning these things?
  10. then wiped my
  11. Depends with the impending doom of this legislative session. If we as vapers win the advocacy fight, I would probably still vape. I started 7 months ago using those damn cig-a-likes at ~17-24mg. Funny how big tobacco can't even get their products to stricter tolerances. Yet, I digress. Here I am with better products at 6mg in tanks and dripping 3mg with the occasional 3mg in the tank. probably won't get to 0mg, still liking the nic fix. But by far the flavors are what have me going strong with vaping as well as building coils and re-wicking.
  12. Comp. I am trying to gather my information to send to the Massachusetts AG's office about the amendments to the tobacco law here in MA to include e-cigarettes, and nicotine. This would be unfair in that it would then mark liquid as tobacco. And that would allow it to be then taxed as tobacco. Also, one thing I agree with is underage sale of and nicotine containing product. There is a public hearing on April 23 about the amendments. Which unfortunately I will not be able to attend, but we can email the office of the attorney general in opposition of the proposal.
  13. Welcome to VaporTalk. Simple E-cigarettes are those made by Blu, Njoy, Vuse and the like. Those are cigalike devices made by big tobacco companies. Anything beyond that is a personal vaporizer. Your Ego-T is a good start. That is the battery for the whole device. What type of tank is on it? You may want to start there. Also to get a better throat hit you will need to raise your nicotine level. What level is in the e-liquid you currently have? How many mg/mL? Another factor in throat hit is the pg/vg ratio of the liquid. Higher pg will give you more flavor and hit your throat harder.
  14. Have you ever tried to drink a think milkshake thru a cocktail straw? That is what using Max VG in any tank is like. high VG is very thick and can't wick into a coil fast enough in any tank system. Like Comp said the thickest liquid for tanks would be 30pg/70vg. And only tanks with larger wicking holes will do it with success. Like the Aspire Nautilus with the newer style BVC coils. Other than that I would suggest any of the newer tanks on the market. Aspire Atlantis, Kanger Subtank, Arctic tank, Melo by Eleaf. With these new tanks you need to have a device capable of handling Sub ohms and higher power needed to run the coils.
  15. Comp knows. But its always pg/vg ratio, That is the industry standard. Not vg/pg ratio. Took me a bit to get this as well. Now I know. And welcome to VaporTalk namegame.
  16. vapereaper it could be that you discharged your battery too much. What battery Is it? What voltage does it read when you put it in the charger after it died? How long did you let it charge? What was the voltage of the battery once fully charged? What is the mAh rating of the battey?
  17. I know from personal experience that 35pg/65vg can be handled by a Kangertech SubTank mini. I am currently running it with Sicker Than Most by Sicboy, 35%PG/65%VG. And the stock .5 coils seems to be keeping up after 2 days of chain vaping and 3 tankfulls
  18. Not really T-Bone. I have a Sigelei 100w,iStick 50w, Vamo v5, Vamo v6, an eGo-C Twist, an EVOD 650 mAh, and that Tahiti mod. Atomizers Tugboat v1 Polished Stainless, Tugboat Naval Brass, 2 Kayfun v4 clones, Kayfun light clone, Nautilus and mini, Subtank mini, 2 Aspire K1's, Evod 1 and EVOD Glass. That being said I guess I do have a few toys. But, vaping was supposed to save me money. LOL
  19. Congrats to all of you who are hitting the 2 year mark. I too will be there someday. For now looking forward to the 7 month mark, and with all the legislature coming down the pike it looks like it will be a bumpy ride, but hey I love four wheeling.
  20. I'm with Earthling and B. I went the entire winter without getting really sick. When I smoked I would get the worst colds and bronchitis that would last for a couple of weeks. Had just a few days I felt a bit under the weather, mostly due to 70+ hour work weeks for the duration of the heating season. That's what I do, I fix peoples heat so they are comfortable, even if it means 2 hours of sleep in 48 hours. I have saved some money, would have saved what my signature banner says if it weren't for shiny-it is. But boy does that brass mod with brass dripper look sexy.
  21. I did it last night with my Kay fun v4 clones and it makes a big difference.
  22. GeorgeF

    Kanger sub mini

    Great tutorial dragongunner. I am going to have to try that when I get to building the RTA base in my Subtank Mini.
  23. So here is my Tahiti EVO by GP Customs with Naval Brass Tugboat v1. Tha Tahiti was just polished tonight to better match the Tugboat.
  24. Naval Brass Tugboat to match my Tahiti EVO Kanger Subtank Mini just because.
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