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Everything posted by bmeyer46
yes he is...! a person could get incredibly technical on mixing the e-juice...playing " mad rocket scientist,chemist" lol
OK I used to smoke Doral Menthol Lights...around 1 mg nicotine per cig...I believe from what I've read. now here's where I get confused. People talk about the different mg of nicotine per ml..which I understand that...the bottle says 24mg, so it's 24 mg per ml ..correct? soooooo... How do you go about figuring what the mg would be per say 10ml bottle that would compare to the analog Dorals when you cut with the VG/PG? We know there are 20 cigarettes per pack so that would be 20mg nicotine per pack...I'm guessing, so how do you know how to figure the nicotine in the 10ml bottle to be equal to the pack of cigarettes? and would that bottle equal a pack of cigarettes or would it be less or more. I hope that makes sense??? all this math makes my head hurt!!!
I got the same letter back from them also....it's what we in government call a "canned" letter.
my video response...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS1zNm673g4
https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm hell, contact the whitehouse http://www.whitehouse.gov/
my suggestion since I work for the government is too flood the phone lines to your US representatives, senators or any other political figure and just keep hounding them....I know from experience that whenever there is a rep call our office craps all over itself to get it worked out....whatever the problem is. email them, phone them, comment on their websites..whatever you can do. It may NOT help, but it sure can't hurt.
well since I already have my e-cig...here comes another order for some juice!!
Let me see here.... this is how it will go down if the FDA has their way first off the banning of E cigs....or at least ones that don't carry the FDA stamp of approval...that will cost the vendors oh who knows how much to get approval...several companies will fold. Next they will go after the e-liquid producers.... we have to approve your manufacturing methods to make sure they meet our "strict" guidelines... Many will go out of business because they DO fail their "tests" or they don't want to bother being watched over by big brother government. So now we have a small handful of e cig manufacturers and a small handful of e liquid manufacturers. e liquid from china will contain lead paint so it will be made illegal too. NOW here it where it will get interesting. RJ Reynolds and Phillip Morris will obtain patents on the e-cigs by paying the struggling businesses the right to get these patents and manufacture the e cigs. Next the same two tobacco giants will enlist the aid of some of the biggest pharmaceutical companies to work with them to create a pharmaceutical grade liquid nicotine that can only be obtained at your local pharmacy and the nicotine in them is provided by....you guessed it....the two tobacco giants. the FDA wins, the tobacco companies win, the pharmaceutical companies win. and we lose
ok, time to get pissed..... the FDA approves drugs for treatment of arthritis, erectile disfunction, high cholesterol etc..etc...ALL of those drugs that the FDA approved have side affects that have been documented, yet there are no reports of any of these kinds of side effects fro E-cigs, yet they want to target this industry? Somewhere there is a check from Phillip Morris or RJ Reynolds written to the FDA....just gotta find out whose desk it's on.
anybody thought of using hydrogen peroxide? probably not safe, but that bubbly action...oooohh. Or perhaps a water pic from the battery side? you'd probably have to crank down on the pressure but hmmmmmm? oh and red licorice flavor sure sticks with the atomizer!!! LOL
Crack 101...never was around that stuff either...so thats good to know!! Thanks
Ok, I'll leave them alone!! LOL I really need to go to petsmart and get some of the filler stuff as Walmart didn't carry Fluvall, just some whisper stuff? What other materials have people used in their carts? just curious, cause when it comes to saving money, so people get incredibly creative! Especially in this economy.
I've seen the videos on using Fluvall for cartomizer filling, along with the blue spongy stuff you use for aquariums. Has anybody thought of using a scotch brite pad? like the green or blue scratchers for teflon pans? I've got 2 whole big boxes of them just daring me to chop em up.....resist...resist......
It's here!!! gotta make a run to the post office.....I'm so excited, like a kid at christmas!!!
For all those who vape and have a spouse or significant other in the house that smokes, did they try vaping and quit smoking too? Or are they still smoking analogs? Did you end up ordering a ecig for them cause yours kept disappearing?
AFTER I smoked it I got to thinking about where that bottle may have been!!! Oh well...it was too late by then> Also our local smoke shack has a display case full of little vials of flavored stuff, but the girl said it was for flavoring tobacco, what do you suppose is in that stuff?
a friend of mine showed me her e cig and had a little bottle of "cotton candy" oil.. well I tried it and it was really good. come to find out......it wasn't actually for her e cig.....it was a "personal lube" (sorry) product. Well I read the bottle and guess what the ingredients were..propylene glycol, glycerine and water. She said she spent $4.99 on the bottle, which is high in my opinion considering how little a bottle it was, but I had NEVER thought of THAT stuff as vaping oil? hmmmmmm just thought it was interesting.