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Tony Mike

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About Tony Mike

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    new Orleans

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  1. I've heard good things about atoz for boards and such. Another good place for parts is www.kidneypuncher.com and Www.fatdadaddyvapes.com Good luck!
  2. I've only had one mod need repair and it was One of my provaris. I've never had a mech or DNA mod need to be fixed.
  3. I have 3 vaporshark RDNA 40s and absolutely love these these. Knew has an erlkonigin, the other two I swap around dripping Atty because I can't find one Atty that: absolutely love. Nickel is a pain in through rectum to work with but with the temp limiting I'm getting much more durability out of through cotton wicks so I don't see myself having tl mess with through coils as often. I did notice that with 28g nickel and the temp control I have much more freedom to make the coils bigger; hence, offsetting some if the softness with through nickel. - (for the erlkonigin) I normally wrap 26 or 28 g lanthanum St 2.25 mnemonic and 7-8 wraps. now I'm wrapping my coils at 3mm with 2 10-11 wraps. For my dual build on the clit 2 and tobh i did through same but dual coil. I also pulse and squeeze the coil more than I would lanthanum to add more rigidity. Setting that up making sure both the mod and Atty are cooled down before calibrating seem to work phenomenal. I don't see Amy of my other mods being used much more.
  4. This is easily the best tobacco flavor I've had. I used to cape the Ry4s any cowboy blends. Now I primarily cape desert blends; but, this one has stayed in my rotation for advS. In fact I DIY juice now and this is one of only two juices i still buy http://www.vapingtiger.com/tiger-aide-e-juice/tobacco-e-juice/product/143-golden-bear-tobacco
  5. I hunt but I'm on private land so we usually are only in the blind for an hour or two before we head back to the camp for a refill (whiskey). Similar don't vape when in the blind; but I do only bring vanilla cheesecake up to the camp for those weekends and it's never given me an issue. Not sure if your vendor has one. But I would always order cheesecakes and request vanilla added to it. Not the best vape in the whole wide world but gets the job done and doesn't scare away the bucks.
  6. Vaporshark dna30 came in...the rdna40 should be here Monday.
  7. Got an authentic erlkonigin. I bought an erlprinz the day they became available and was blown away to be camping a tank that performed so well. I had to get the konigin.. expensive but worth every last stinkin. Penny. I can't wait to here a second as a backup. I normally drip but can't drip and drive so these are perfect for me
  8. For my copper I use bartenders friend. I totally disassemble the mod, give it a good shine. I then put a little noalox on the threads only before reassembling. Some people say that noalox is bad, but I haven't had any issues.yet. Flexible clearcoat I've seen some cats using this stuff. I can't speak from first hand experience but they seem to like it. https://www.etsy.com/listing/101636524/protectaclear-protective-coating-jewelry
  9. Ma bad I didn't see that : (
  10. So I'm guessing this where we put put shipping lists... If I'm wrong just lemme know. - I usually buy one or two inexpensive attys a month and supplies. but ive beem saving for what i thoight was going to be a game changer in the provari 3 and low and behold the dna40 was the game changer so im converting all my regilated mods so i ordered a dna40 rdna from vapor shark on 10/15. And 2 more today. Also an erlkonigin and the erlk driptip adapter. A glass tank from ib tanked. 1 liter of nic, i liter of pg and 2 liters lf vg. Also some flavors from tfa and 500ft of pure nickel 26g from temco.
  11. I know of vaporsharks and have that ordered I also know of bap, xpv, and hana. Out of the four valorshark is obviously my favorite; But, I don't want to look like a total fanboy. Before I order a hana I wanted to see of anyone was aware of other options.
  12. YEAH I haven't used a coil like that are higher wattage. Back in Feb I got went from the MVP to a provari and got into RBAs. A few months later I moved over to dnamods and mechs so I've never used a coil/head like that. On anything with higher wattage so I'm curious to see if they can wick fast enough to not cause dry hits. If I put a kayfun any higher than 16 Watts all i get dry burnt cotton. But that the nice part of a higher wattage mod. I can drip with my DNA at 25 w slap on a tanks and drop the wattage and keep vaping with the same mod. Or grab my erl and just swap tops and nor have to hit anything but the fire button. Lol. I what I'm really curios to see is the sx250w what chip. Supposed to come out in dcember 250w with temp control. I've vaped an Atlas at 50w and after My lings recovered decided that's the most I'll ever do. Lmao!!!! Anyway... too much coffee sends me on a tangent. That istick is an unbelievable mod for the money. It's gonna put a serious hurt o. Innokin.
  13. Here is that siglei at FT for under a hundred bucks... has me wanting to pull the trigger. http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10006734/1918100-authentic-sigelei-100w-variable-wattage-apv-box **** for 4 dollars more that clipper is in the US http://101vape.com/variable-voltagewattage-devices/469-cloupor-t6-100-watt-box-mod.html#oid=1003_299
  14. I used to do the same till I got a magma and that would let me drip and drive without having to redrip. (Sounds like a syphilis patient) . For a while I wasn't using a tank at all, just couldn't compare to a stopper. However; I just recently went back to tanks by day with the erlprinz. Loving that tank. At 22w and a 1 ohm single coil build it hits almost just like the magma. But it's a 5 Ml tank. So much better than any tank I've owned or used. Let me know what you think of the Istick. was planning on pulling the trigger and then evolv screwed up my plans.
  15. I have a DNA 40 shipping out Thursday and ordering 2 more tomorrow. I'm transitioning to all temp Control Mods. I normally drip my Dial coil builds at 24w so even a 30w mod is enough for me when I want to place cloud chaser I use my 454/stingrayx with a 0.3 build. I have however read quite a few unflattering things about clipper in general and other than the sigelei having a bad 510 Nothing bad about it. They fixed the 510 issue so if it were me that's what I would go with.
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