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  1. ThAnks! The USB charger is so little and fast! Love it.
  2. Yay!!! I got my order!!! I am now the proud owner of a mega battery, a regular charger, a USB charger and I also have a passthrough on the way (sick or what???) I did buy a pack of smokes (I have 3 small children and a husband-I just can't be snappy all day long!!!) I am sooooo happy I could spit. I can't believe how gross reg. cigs taste now esp. compared to vaping-I mean I knew they were bad, but NOW that I have been vaping they taste REALLY bad-not the yummy menthol my head remembered at all-not even the first one, not to mention the mild nausea, headach, and general crappy feeling. Thanks all!
  3. I am in Auburn Maine. Anyone else nearby???
  4. Thank you-and that's funny:O) I am about to kill my husband (who broke the thing in the first place) he just calls from work and says 'how's it going' i say-well I probably won't be in the best of moods tomorrow-as I don't have a battery-HE SAYS-Well how is this different than cigarettes than? If it affects you the same will it still kill you (I WANTED TO SAY-NO IT WON'T, BUT YOU WON'T HAVE TO WORRY BECAUSE WHEN YOU COME HOME TONIGHT I AM GOING TO KILL YOU, THEN YOU WON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IT AT ALL:O) Sorry-but jeez-he broke the friggin' thing-still has yet to say sorry (which he never will) and then PICKS NOW (PRE-NICOTINE FIT OF A STATE I AM IN) to enlighten me about how he thinks my 'vaping' may not really be that safe ARGGGGGGGG! He doesn't get it I know-he's never smoked lucky guy So, I broke apart my charger to see if I could fix it. So far it's still not working. There are two wires that go to a piston that connects with the battery and directly connect with a small coil (like the one in a bic pen) one is red and is still connected with the coil and a black one that is not connected with anything, but looks like it went close to where the red one does. Any mechanical people out there that know where the black wire should go? I will google the workings of a basic charger (isn't nicotine an amazing motivator?)
  5. Okay-I have doubles and triples of most of my vaping equipment since I never want to be caught with my pants down so to speak. WELLLLLLLLL so much for that. I have a tornado, and a wall charger thing, and my first battery main adaptor kicked-so, I thought no problem I have 2 for back ups. My husband had to use a pair of pliers to get out the old main adaptor as it was really stuck on there. So, he gets if off (in pieces I might add) and I screw in my new adaptor and then my battery and no blinking light on my battery, and the light on the charger stays green. So, I try my other back up-same thing. I figure my husband broke the charger, and so I order another (and one for the computer as a back up) BUT when I went to use one of my other batteries, it's dead and so I am working off one, and possibly an hour on another B-4 my order comes AND I AM FREAKING OUT AS I KNOW I WILL HAVE 3 DEAD BATTERIES LONG BEFORE MY ORDER COMES AAAARRGHGHGHGGHGGHG WHAT AM I GOING TO DO??????????????????????? Please help me, please help me- Is there any other way to charge my batteries, any way to temporarily fix my charger ANYTHING that could get me through until my order comes in??????/
  6. Well, this is funny because I like vaping so much I am just waiting for someone to say how bad it is somehow or way-so THAT KIND OF NEGATIVE was not what I was expecting lol! As for the movie it is Elementary, my dear Watson=Sherlock Holmes-which I though the banter was friggin' hilarious in, good movie:O) Nice to be sitting there and 'smoking' while watching a movie yes???
  7. I think you should buy one and tell us how it is
  8. Hi guys-I got some blue foam from the local pet store. I don't think it was the kind you all talk about, but not sure. The only kind I could find that didn't have a cartridge attached (for a fish tank that is) was a blue foam cover for a large cylinder type filter. I just cut it to fit the cartridge for my ego after filling it 2/3 or so. I took a 3 or 5 ml empty bottle and mixed 24 mg nic liquid with 3 med. sized menthol crystals and added maybe 1/2 ml of organic peppermint extract. IT IS THE BEST VAPE I HAVE HAD IN A WHILE!!!!! Loving it! I have always been a menthol girl, and just had not found the 'sweet spot' of the right menthol yet. The menthol crystals alone just wasn't doing it for me-either it was to weak or then Way to strong. I am such a happy girl right now!!!!
  9. um..where do you get it that cheap? That is if you don't mind me asking-I just paid-well A LOT more than that-color me silly???
  10. sugar booger! I missed this post and bought some from TW this morning! A gallon eh? Tha's some heavy vaping lol!
  11. Well, I think I am going to order the blue foam from strictly, but the PG at TW is less AND of course neither one has mega drip tips lol! I bought a 500ml bottle of 36mg flavorless nic-liquid and so maybe I will just try a few flavors at each place I need to order from. Wouldn't it be great if ALL the suppliers carried blue foam, mega drip tips AND PG AND flavors rofl! hint..hint....
  12. Not sure if this should be in the DIY section or not, but I am wondering where to get good and reasonably price PG and blue foam? I can't seem to get all that I want in one place (mega drip tip, flavors, PG, and blue foam) so any help is good:O)
  13. Just wondering if anyone has tried these? I am trying to get everything I need from one store-but i have not tried these flavors yet. Wondering if anyone here has? THanx
  14. Yeah, i have made those leak to lol! I will search for the post about a really good foam filler (think it was blue something?) And I think I will try the drip tip for the mega-as i only have one regular now. Thanks
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