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Everything posted by johnsoncook

  1. Then that would be nice. How evil I am that wish see a sale battle happens between vendors. Then vapers can get a little benefit from it!
  2. Mcquinn, I was concerned about the shipment during their holiday season. The result appears they won't ship anything, either. But one good news my friend Kevin just told me is he himself found a few of them start a sale in advance. Like this one http://www.heavengifts.com/article/Retail-Sales-Spring-Festival-Sales-2015_261.html, it is said 15% on all devices. I'm gonna to check out!
  3. I just found the Chinese New Year is around the corner after I browsed on an Eastern Asian website. And I recently read a few threads about the quality of made in China. I got say the first vaporiser I vaped was made in China.. To look back at my vaping road, I found that I cannot almost say no to made in China, even a few hurt me a couple of times. But among my vaporizers, kanger protank, evod, aerotank, innokin svd, itaste 134 really spent my good vape days. Now I haven been vaping aspire nautilus mini, atlantis, istick...never feel better! Compared with these over $100 made in UK, I did not see any merit actually. Been in this vape journey so far, I have not found any atomizer can do anti-leakage or anti-dryburnt completely! Why still spend much on the so called "quality" devices? I mean, vaporizers Made in China, I'm still in. Since their holiday season is coming, I thought there must be a bunch of sale events. Meanwhile, I got a long vape list to finish, there also includes my friends'. If you have any info, share with me. If I get some, I will tell you guys too.
  4. Which kind of battery do you prefer? Mech one? For me, a 30W Eleaf iStick is good enough, but if you prefer vv/vw mode, I suggest a 50W istick! These support sub ohm vaping, and easy to take out!
  5. An Eleaf iStick 30W would be right! 50w is way too much I think.
  6. When I saw this eGo One device is in a giveaway event launched by Joyetech on FB, I thought finally all major manufacturers are going to RBA market... The most outstanding feature Joyetech Claimed is "It has two atomizer heads. One atomizer at 1ohm is intended for mouth inhalers who seek the sensation of taking a puff of an analog cigarette, and the other at 0.5 sub-ohm for those seeking an effortless loose draw for creating huge cloud production". Maybe it's worth a try. I recalled the days I take my Aspire Atlantis and Naut togetther, quite annoying! Now since such a device is on its way out, I think I would take one, for my EDC. Here goes the Spinfuel prelook video and detailed info: http://www.heavengifts.com/Joyetech-eGo-ONE-Starter-Kit-with-2.5ml-Atomizer-2200mAh.html
  7. Eleaf iStick is a successful mod now rare to be seen in the market. This time Eleaf releases this GS-Air Atomizer, appreantly aims at the istick customers! How will this thing work out? I don't know yet, this is my fancy one. I want to compare it with Aspire nau mini. Expecting some reviews! Detail info from http://www.heavengifts.com/Eleaf-GS-Air-Dual-Coil-Airflow-Adjustable-Atomizer.html, FYR
  8. Heaven Gifts is still in, last week I post a thread here asked for a BLK sale ,there gets a load, BTW thumb up for these marketing guys..and I grab some Eleaf iStick from this HG, price perfect! FYI!
  9.     THX, Christopher..it is so nice that you are always being so helpful!
  10. Major manufacturers released a load of vaping stuff recently...I'm thrilled when the coming out of Atlantis! I talked to my friend Tod, and he told me he has a shopping list too. Due to the quantity, we decided to order all of these in Black Friday, hope to enjoy a good deal! Any store or vendor is on sale? Our list: aspire naulitus, mini, atlantis, cf subohm mod Kanger mini protank 3, aerotank mow Eleaf istick, ijust d16,d14 Joyetech egrip, delta, surpreme Vamo 5
  11. I always believe as a noob shuold spend less money on a starter kit, vaping is a long and expensive road, save big for the aftercoming from a long term view. I spent too much on it, do hope you being smart to pick your vaping stuff!A starter kit is just for you to relieze how vaping it is.. Then you will found Aerotank, EVOD BCC, egrip, naulitus, many great stuff are on your shopping lists, get you much more credit card burden!I recommend noobs to pick a normal brand, like Vapeonly..its vcat's price is quite reasonable, check it out http://www.heavengifts.com/VapeOnly-vCat-Starter-Kit-with-Cat-s-Eye-Window-BDCC-Cartomizer.html
  12. Yep, it's solgan is game over for the cloud chaser...kinda overstate. But I still paid this bill.
  13. dual sub ohm coil less a ohms.i ?that's crazy!!! I wonder what juice did they vape on.
  14. I remember once I vaped out side of a mall, at parking lot actually, someone near me just laughed at me, they said if they wanna smoke, they would grab tobacco cigarettes. But at thatmoment, I was so pround of myself in realizing how advanced I am for my health and surrounding enviroment!
  15. I googled this event, it seems more and more communities are becoming care about this event. Various post are online like ways to quit smoking http://www.metrohypnosiscenter.com/tips-to-stop-smoking/, encouragement for quit http://www.heavengifts.com/guide/several-ways-make-great-american-smokeout-days-resolution-quit-smoking.html http://www.airforcemedicine.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123325592
  16. I happen to find an interesting event launched by American Cancer Society, called the Great American Smokeout. It encourages smokers to use the date to make a plan to quit. And the topic was derived to what kind of quitter are you. I cannot help wondering whether most vapers are ex-smokers and uses distraction and substitutions like e-cig to help bust cravings or not. Is quit smoking is your motivation to get vape?
  17. An extra large naulitus obviously, aspire is proud of its bvc coil I think...it changes the resistance, 0.5 ohm according to the info on http://www.heavengifts.com/Aspire-Atlantis-Tank-Kit-with-Sub-Ohm-Coil.html,2ml capacity is small, not good for airflow at least, grimmgreen has a review http://www.grimmgreen.com/post/102171839048/the-new-aspire-atlantis-tank-its-good-i of it, said good, but I now kind of tired of intensive hardware updating tide, maybe I will get one and try out, not now...anyway, it fits for those who want an RBA experience without having to actually build their own coils.
  18. never do that again, flush them all immediately....
  19. Exactly
  20. exactly, I did the same thing.....
  21. Tnen, I thought an egrip would be great....
  22.     Follow your heart,lol......
  23. why not choosing eleaf istcik?
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