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  1. HaHa!! Definitely see new coils in my future
  2. Soon my friend, I will get started on them..
  3. That is one of the flavors in there, my first ever peanut butter flavored vape.. Rather excited to try it
  4. HaHa!! thats right, with a Fadora flavor tasting table..
  5. Ohhhhhhhh yeah! HaHa
  6. Just got this in the mail today, looks like Christmas came early for me.. I get to try me some Fadora, my first thoughts/ reviews will be coming soon..
  7. Oh nice!! You're gonna get a PM from me momentarily..
  8. Sweet!! I was nervous about posting this.. I try not to step on anyone's toes or make any mistakes. So I'm glad.. I didnt put this in the juices section because this is my channel as a whole, and not broken down into particular videos, which would have certain juices/ flavors. There is only 2 hardware reviews in my channel so far, mostly juices thus far. As far as Fadora goes, give me time. I will have to make sure I definitely put that line in my reviews =)
  9. So I have been doing some video reviews, I know you're probably saying to yourself "Oh Lord not another one!" but yes.. It's something I enjoy doing, I think it's alot of fun plus I like to give my honest opinion to help out anyone who might be curious or perhaps like minded. I tried to search the rules to make sure something like this isn't frowned upon, or not allowed here but I haven't seen anything.. So I will say this, if this is something you don't want in this forum. Then I apologize ahead of time and I will remove it. Otherwise, I would really appreciate some input from this community. I would like to share my channel, and if anyone has the time to check out any of my videos and provide input/ suggestions or even idea's to help make them better I would greatly appreciate it. I've gotten positive feedback thus far from random people here and there but I wanted to bring this to light with a community of people who are most likely able to tell me how to make them better. So ANY advice will be taken seriously, and into consideration. A very big Thank You in advance to anyone who takes the time to watch these and can contribute.. www.youtube.com/user/parkwaynightmare
  10. I have a Nauti Mini, and I have never gone pure VG.. The most I have done would be an 80/20 (VG/PG) and mine has never had a problem
  11. I would say a tab where people could put local brick and mortars/ shops on a map, so some people might come across a store that they never knew existed, or the location
  12. Cyber Monday sale. The company is E-Juice Essentials, http://www.ejuiceessentials.com, and they are offering 25% off. They offer a VG based Juice line, and carry 3 different lines of Juice (Angel EJuice, Zomby Joose, and Mystic Organics).. I have tried some of their Angel Ejuices and Zomby Joose. I HIGHLY recommend (from the Angel EJuice line) "Witch Doctor" "Screaming Chupacabra" & "Mad Batter" those are sooooo damn good!! But yeah, they have a big selection and figured its a sale today so I wanted to let the community know about. Use code "CYBERSALE" if you did want to check them out and get that discount
  13. Ohhhh, forgot this part.. Use code "CYBERSALE" if you did want to check them out and get that discount
  14. This is more Cyber Monday, but I wanted to post on here to let everyone know about a cyber Monday sale. The company is E-Juice Essentials, http://www.ejuiceessentials.com, and they are offering 25% off. They offer a VG based juice line, and carry 3 different lines of juice (Angel EJuice, Zomby Joose, and Mystic Organics).. I have tried some of their Angel Ejuices and Zomby Joose. I HIGHLY recommend (from the Angel EJuice line) "Witch Doctor" "Screaming Chupacabra" & "Mad Batter" those are sooooo damn good!! But yeah, they have a big selection and figured its a special sale coming up so I wanted to let the community know about it.
  15. Hey everyone, I am writing this to see if anyone can help shed some light on something for me. I don't know if anyone out there is familiar with Cigabuy (cigabuy.com) but I was browsing their website and they have some insanely low prices! For example, the Vamo V5 they have it listed for $22.26 (www.cigabuy.com/vamo-v5-variable-voltagewattage-mod-apv-px2j2ww-p-3818.html) and I see retailers still selling it for around $50 - $60, a local retailer near me has the V5 listed for $55.. Is it because they're in China and the quality is different? Is it a clone? Is there a big difference between a clone vs. an original? That's not all.. Even the Vamo V6 is cheap as hell through them! $36.69 (http://www.cigabuy.com/vamo-v6-variable-voltagewattage-mod-apv-px2j2ww-p-5611.html) when I've seen it listed for $50 to $60 as well.. What really blew my mind was the damn iTaste MVP 2.0, $36.99 (http://www.cigabuy.com/innokin-2600mah-itaste-mvp-iclear-30-kit-apv-px2j2ww-p-1889.html) local retailers are selling that for like $80 around me.. Have I been living under a rock and never knew about this site? Anyone have success using them? Please someone give me the lowdown.. Because I browse their site and my jaw is on the floor from their prices..
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