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Everything posted by slightlyaddicted

  1. i swear to god is that a volcano..... volcano
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvK_jt8Ql88 My first review
  3. hahahaha just check'in haha
  4. AHEM! I believe the title of this post contains question marks! haha
  5. Yea i see where your coming from. I was talking about ecigs to this guy at work as he was buying some nicotine gum. I told him i "VAPE IT UP!" and he gave me this look like i was crazy. He told me they were toxic and there was an article about it a couple days ago... I was like wtf?
  6. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32088790/ tell me what you think about that? VAPE IT UP? -Slightly
  7. Hahah yea thanks for jacking my thread guys! jk i dont mind at all. I think samplers are my best bet right now.... i kinda feel like 30ml of anything is too much.. im getting sick of candy apple flavor! haha VAPE IT UP! -Slightly
  8. Thanks guys. Yea i know the whole "good products aren't cheap and cheap products aren't good" deal. But I have ordered the candy apple flavor from them and it was decent. Im just trying to get some variety in my vaping right now and once i get settled with school and stuff i can be more selective of my tastes. thanks for all the help guys. VAPE IT UP! -Slightly Addicted
  9. hmmm i would say neither and go with an janty/joye ego.. Those cigs look like my volcano/blu ecig. I am not of fan of the super mini models. VAPE IT UP! -Slightly Addicted
  10. So far viking vapor seems to be the cheapest place to buy ejuice. You can get a 30ml bottle of custom mixed juice for ten bucks! . Has anyone found a cheaper vendor? Anything cheaper than that will be receiving all of my future orders haha VAPE IT UP! -Slightly Addicted
  11. Cool thanks for that advice man. Im gonna try to find a adapter or mod one so that i can use cartos on it... it just seems easier and more convenient.
  12. Look at youtube videos about the effects of analogues... it always grosses me out. Maybe that will help VAPE IT UP -Slightly Addicted
  13. My attys dont have a wick....
  14. Currently im a pc.. but im looking into macs cuz lets face it.. they are just considered standard for those who want to go into graphic design (which happens to be my major). I HATE MACS just because of the fact that some people get them and think that they are "above" everyone who has a pc. Even though ill be rockin a mac for school i plan to always have my pc on deck for doing anything fun haha
  15. WOW thats crazy.. ive haven't ever heard of that test. Funny thing is i was craving a analogue before this but now.... not so much haha VAPE IT UP! -Slightly Addicted
  16. WEll when i think of menthol i think of gum for some reason... probably cuz its minty. I would go for the flavor that is closest to a good chewing gum flavor.. I can't see carmel menthol workin out very well haha Personally i would try the strawberry-kiwi or the cherry. Let us know how that works out VAPE IT UP! -Slightly Addicted
  17. I have heard that it is possible to use cartomizers with a Janty stick. If anyone knows of a place that sells an adapter or a cartomizer that i will work, would you please post the link up here? Ive been searching for a while and i think im just having some bad luck? im not sure. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. VAPE IT UP! -Slightly Addicted
  18. Sounds nice.. ive been looking for a worthy menthol to try. How much did that order run you? VAPE IT UP -Slightly Addicted
  19. Yea i just dont know why anyone would want to vape bacon... I mean no disrespect if thats your thing but its just not my cup of tea. haha I love bacon as much as the next guy but smoking it just seems a bit too extreme.. maybe you should seek some medical help haha jk VAPE IT UP -Slightly Addicted
  20. THIS IS AMERICA! haha even our soldiers are vapin up the front lines haha http://www.jantyworld.com/news/janty-ego-customer-story.html VAPE IT UP! -Slightly Addicted
  21. I like this guy. He's informational and stern. HA i hope he gets on RR's show. Its amazing how people can be so ignorant... dont you think she should have done at least a little bit of research before talking about it on her show lol... now she just looks dumb to those of us who understand how much safer ecigs are. VAPE IT UP! -Slightly Addicted
  22. HAHAHAHAHAH rofl. Yea i know the feeling man. I was like that for my ejuice from viking vapor. IT TOOK FOREVER TO GET TO ME. Worse part about it was i was all out of juice so i was literally twitching =P. Just fill your time with things to take the thought of it from your mind and you'll be fine i promise. VAPE IT UP! -Slightly Addicted
  23. Does anyone else get hungry when your looking for new juices to try? I REALLY WANT SOME APPLE PIE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!! How much does that juice cost? VAPE IT UP! -Slightly Addicted
  24. Hahaha Yea it seems like everything can kill you now. We are all screwed! =P jk I HAVE seen this juice before and i REALLY want to try it! I wonder if it works.. it would be nice to get some tests done on this stuff. Unfortunately i can see myself going broke on ecig related products so im trying to refrain from buying all those awesome looking ejuices. Is there a solid video review on this stuff yet? VAPE IT UP! -Slightly Addicted
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