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Everything posted by firefighter334

  1. Comp you have any flavor like the gorilla juice?
  2. I am right there with you I don't like the fruit flavors either. I am just starting out 4 days vaping 2 without an analog. I have found help with an itaste vtr and the flavor gorilla juice from alien vapor. It is like banana something. Keep at it and you will succeed.
  3. The nic level says 2.4 that can't be right
  4. Hi, I am Jacob and I am new to vaping. I fell like my vaping is not satisfying my craving for an "analog." I have an ego-t and a haus (cheap walmart vaper) for my back up. This is my second day. I smoke and chew I am trying to quit both but still feel the need to smoke not so much chew anymore. I don't know anything about vaping and had some awesome help from a store here is central kansas who has gave me a lot of info. So can you do too much vaping? How do you tell if you have done too much? Any places to get free samples? Not sure what e - liquid to go for. I have searched this forum and others but unable to answer my questions. Thank you for you time.
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