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  1. Like
    Breaktru reacted to Diesel Doc in Free advice   
    Never try a new ejuice after eating garlic bread!!!  
  2. Like
    Breaktru reacted to Walt in My First Homemade Clapton   
    24SS wrapped in 32SS  Used the Avid Artisan winding tool.  As you can see it had a blip.  The rest looks pretty good as far as I can tell. 

  3. Like
    Breaktru got a reaction from jasonculp in Strawberry Malt   
    It's been a few years since I made a creamy type eJuice. I got to say this is by far the best tasting delicious mix that I have ever made. Tastes fantastic right after creating it with NO steeping. Just shake and vape. All flavors are Signature (TFA)

  4. Like
    Breaktru got a reaction from texassmokes in Diy-How To Basics   
    “eJuice Me Up” – eJuice Calculator and recipes with multi-functions and on-line database of recipes.
    This FREE software has grown considerably through user participation and suggestions.
    In the short couple of months since it has become available, it has been downloaded and used by several thousands of users worldwide.
    Let’s hear your views and suggestions. See and download it at: http://www.ejuice.breaktru.com

  5. Like
    Breaktru got a reaction from Lyspære in eJuice Calculator - eJuice Me Up   
    eJuice Me Up version 15.0 has been released for downloading
    Added grams weight measuring. Go to the menu "Tools", "Grams Set" and enter your weights.

  6. Like
    Breaktru reacted to Compenstine in what stuff do i need to make my own DIY juices?   
    To get started you will want:

    My go to for DIY Flavors and the rest of what is listed here is http://www.wizardlabs.us

    Test your flavor mixes in small batches 5 to 10ml samples

    Basic Must Haves:
    1ml, 5ml,10ml blunt syringes at least 2 of each (Put scotch tape over the measuring markings or tey will ware off quickly)

    30 ml Glass Dropper Bottles any color (I use Cobalt blue) (For holding small amounts of Bases PG, VG, Nic strengths)

    Droppers for Flavor bottles (Out of Stock)(Wizard Labs sells them to fit the flavor bottles they sell) (I have some small dram bottles I use that came with dropper tops)
    This is where I ordered my bottles from: http://www.specialty...assvialsmi.aspx

    10ml, 25ml glass graduated cylinders (I prefer glass so it don't absorb flavors)

    Glass Funnel

    At least 1 50ml Beaker

    1-2 Volumetric Flasks 50ml and 100ml

    PG/VG Make sure it is food grade or medical grade not industrial grade. What they sell on Wizard labs will do to start with. http://www.bulkapothecary.com/

    The more VG you have in your mix the weaker the flavor but more vapor. VG, If you have say 10/90 mix it will take a lot more flavoring to get it up to taste. I would not recommend doing high vg to start it can get costly for flavor. Trade off for less VG is less vapor production. Straight PG gives vapor but dissipates quick. don't less than a 90/10 mix.

    Hope this helps get you started.
  7. Like
    Breaktru reacted to Compenstine in DIY Starting Supplies   
    One question that seems to pop up a lot is What Supplies do I need to get started doing my own juice? I have been doing DIY Juice for many years and have had many trial and error experiences. I hope this quick guide will help anyone looking to start DIY Juice get the supplies they need to be successful.

    To get started you will want:

    My go to for DIY Flavors and the rest of what is listed here is http://www.wizardlabs.us

    Test your flavor mixes in small batches 5 to 10ml samples

    Basic Must Haves:
    1ml, 5ml,10ml blunt syringes at least 2 of each (Put scotch tape over the measuring markings or tey will ware off quickly)

    30 ml Glass Dropper Bottles any color (I use Cobalt blue) (For holding small amounts of Bases PG, VG, Nic strengths)

    Droppers for Flavor bottles (Out of Stock)(Wizard Labs sells them to fit the flavor bottles they sell) (I have some small dram bottles I use that came with dropper tops)
    This is where I ordered my bottles from: http://www.specialty...assvialsmi.aspx

    10ml, 25ml glass graduated cylinders (I prefer glass so it don't absorb flavors)

    Glass Funnel

    At least 1 50ml Beaker

    1-2 Volumetric Flasks 50ml and 100ml

    PG/VG Make sure it is food grade or medical grade not industrial grade. What they sell on Wizard labs will do to start with. http://www.bulkapothecary.com/

    The more VG you have in your mix the weaker the flavor but more vapor. VG, If you have say 10/90 mix it will take a lot more flavoring to get it up to taste. I would not recommend doing high vg to start it can get costly for flavor. Trade off for less VG is less vapor production. Straight PG gives vapor but dissipates quick. don't less than a 90/10 mix.

    You will want a Juice calculator as well. There are two that seem to be popular eJuice me up and LiqMix

    Hope this helps get you started on your Journey to doing DIY E-liquid.
  8. Like
    Breaktru reacted to Jeffb in looking for a calculator   
    I am
  9. Like
    Breaktru reacted to Jeffb in looking for a calculator   
  10. Like
    Breaktru reacted to Proetus in eJuice Calculator - eJuice Me Up   
  11. Like
    Breaktru reacted to Jeffb in DNA 30 by Breaktru   
    Very cool. Thanks for posting!
  12. Like
    Breaktru got a reaction from HelloMiakoda in When to throw the coil in the garbage?   
    Some ejuice tend to gung up coils more than others. I find some getting crusted with burnt on juice. Scraping the crust with an extacto knife helps and followed with a PGA rinse then dry burn for a sec or two.

    It's nice to have more than one on hand to dedicate to a particular flavor juice. Washing between differnt type of ejuice is sometimes not successful in removing the previous eJuice flavor.
  13. Like
    Breaktru reacted to wizard46304 in Cucumber-Mint Cooler Recipe   
    Yeah, I don't know either, for all I know, it would ignite and explode. someone call mythbusters or something.
  14. Like
    Breaktru got a reaction from Uma in Post A Recipe Here   
    Tootsie Roll Recipe

    I was looking at several Candy Tootsie Roll recipes and came up with this. What's missing is White Corn Syrup. They don't make a flavoring for corn syrup.

  15. Like
    Breaktru got a reaction from Uma in Post A Recipe Here   
    Watermelon Frost:

    Two style recipes for Watermelon Frost.
    Adjust to taste

  16. Like
    Breaktru reacted to Jeffb in HELP! Need Calculator for a 50/50 Nic base   
    This one might help

  17. Like
    Breaktru got a reaction from Boostedrex in eJuice Calculator - eJuice Me Up   
    New version has been released!
    Red warning text added for PG and VG when ratios are indicating a minus amount.
    There has always been a pop-up warning but I felt an additional warning was needed for the few that have disregarded the pop-up warnings.
    New recipes also added. If you have it installed already, setup will do an update only.
    Download at: http://ejuice.breaktru.com

  18. Like
    Breaktru reacted to Mike in Post A Recipe Here   
    I'm gonna make one of those Watermelon Frost recipes tonight --THANKS BREAKTRU!! --- and also a Peanut Butter Fluff and Chocolate. My girlfriend liked the Peanut Butter Chocolate I made last week and I'm gonna change it up a little with some marshmallow for her sweet tooth.

    Peanut Butter and Chocolate:

    Signature Peanut Butter 10%
    BlueMist Peanut Butter Cup 5%
    Lorrann Chocolate 3%
    EM 2%
  19. Like
    Breaktru got a reaction from kitsune in eJuice Calculator - eJuice Me Up   
    New version has been released!
    Red warning text added for PG and VG when ratios are indicating a minus amount.
    There has always been a pop-up warning but I felt an additional warning was needed for the few that have disregarded the pop-up warnings.
    New recipes also added. If you have it installed already, setup will do an update only.
    Download at: http://ejuice.breaktru.com

  20. Like
    Breaktru got a reaction from kitsune in Post A Recipe Here   
    Watermelon Frost:

    Two style recipes for Watermelon Frost.
    Adjust to taste

  21. Like
    Breaktru reacted to Mike in Post A Recipe Here   
    Pineapple and Coconut taste good together. I call this one Gilligan's Vape or Pina Colada or just Pineapple Coconut. Measurements are approximate because that's how I roll. I just made a second 15ml bottle cuz I enjoyed the first one a lot. I did something like this:

    about 1ml pineapple
    about 1ml coconut
    1/2 ml cotton candy
    1/2 ml marshmallow
    about 3ml vg
    pg with and without nic to hit my strength of 18mg

    this is a 15ml bottle so 3mg is 20%. The combined flavoring is 20% and so is the vg level and all this can be tweeked to suit your taste. The cotton candy and marshmallow add sweetness.

    BTW, I'm using Lorann, CK Products and Flavor West. With these flavors I don't think it makes much difference but CK Products makes a real good Coconut and Pineapple. Anyone else ever use CK? It is sold in a local store near here and I never heard of any vapers using this brand. They make quite a few flavors that are great for DIY.
  22. Like
    Breaktru reacted to Uma in Breaktru Builds The Dna20 Mod   
    Way cool!!!
  23. Like
    Breaktru reacted to Christopher in Breaktru Builds The Dna20 Mod   
    Breaktru builds the DNS 20 Mod. See how it's done -

  24. Like
    Breaktru got a reaction from Uma in Post A Recipe Here   
    Wuffle Truffle

    5% Chocolate Hazelnut (FA)
    10% Waffle

    Download recipe for use in eJuice Me Up. Right click and select Save Link As: http://breaktru.com/recipes/Wuffle%20Truffle.rec
  25. Like
    Breaktru got a reaction from samearlana in Variable Voltage Booster Copper Mod   
    Copper V.V. Mod. Using One 18650, 3.7v. battery Incorporated the PTN04050C regulator and a DS-18689-100 Digital potentiometer.
    Voltage in = 3.7v to 4.12v, Voltage out = 3.24v to >6V

    V.V. Booster Mod

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