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Everything posted by QuiksilverPR

  1. Hi all!! I have been vaping for around 10 months. I've being tobacco free the last 6. I think i'm ready to move forward up to a new league. I currently using my trusty ego and just order an Icon from puresmokers. but... I think it's time for me to move up to the 5v + category. I'm thinking about the following options: -The Omega(using two RCR123A) - the Joker AV - Prodigy v3 I already order the Big Kazoo just to try and figure if i will like it. but if i do(i'm sure i will) i want to get something i would actually take out with me without having people look at me weird because i'm vaping a black box. lol!!! anyways, im just looking for opinions. Feel free to suggest some other PV's!! Thanks
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_03uBCGyJaY Down here is a how to video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNPt9uAELvg What you guys and gals think? Waste of time or convenient?
  3. I was actually wondering the same thing untill i saw this video: I hope this help!!!
  4. The cherry flavor from totally wicked is the closest i've had to a candy cherry flavor so far. it's a lil on the expensive side but it's worth the try. http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/products/totally-wicked-eliquid/totally-wicked-e-liquid-products.html
  5. I roll up one end of a paper towel as thin as possible. Wrap it around the mesh of the atty and stuff it in there. Then turn my ego upside down for a couple of minutes. the paper towel is a very good liquid absorbent. After 5 to 6 minutes i take the paper out and give the ego a couple quick short puffs until the smoke comes out faint and tasteless. I hope this helps out!
  6. Like Lily said, the DIY section its a good start! Also if you happen to own an iphone there is a good app that helps you with the mixing ratios.
  7. Good to hear!!! You'll enjoy it!!!
  8. Funny video!!!!
  9. I don't know what to tell you. I haven't get any buzz ever since i went straight vaping. But i'm still very satisfied with e- cigs. I guess i'm really not looking for a buzz.
  10. I haven't hear anything about e-cig making people teeth yellow. I might be something else. Maybe something she eating regularly!
  11. I was having the same problem with one of mine. I just keep it very wet. Also i boiled it in water for about ten mins an that helped a lot. I usually 5 to 6 drips when real dry( after being cleaned) and 3 to 4 after that!!!
  12. Welcome to VT!!! I would get an eGo(just like Brian said). But if you are looking to buy a mod, a lot of people recommend to Joker AV. I personally don't have one but it will definitely be the next addition to me collection!
  13. Welcome to Vapor Talk!! I thing Brian just answered your question but just as a side not... The pure smoker kit it's not just one of the cheapest but also comes with two cones.
  14. Funny as f***!!! I get some flash back watching this video... Yup thats songtan! Dude you should off feature songtan sally in the clip(wanna vape). that would off been hilarious!!!! I definitly remember seeing you guys at Osan! FYI... my fellow forum members. Sorry for the enthusiasm. It's just that I was station in the same base Ron is like 4 months ago. Osan Air Base South Korea.
  15. Great article!!
  16. I went from 7.74 to 8.22 since yesterday, after 6 or 7 posts!!!
  17. Can you post a link to the video? I cant find it!
  18. Crazy huh!! You guys made a video? At osan? I gotta see it. I know what you are saying. my first e-cig was the revolver elite and it was good, the only big complain was having to charge the battery so often. But since i got my eGo and started using it i went to straight vaping!!!
  19. Welcome to VT!!! Velvet Vapors sell different size of sample packs 5x3ml bottles for $12, 5x6ml bottles for $20, 5x10ml bottles for $32 and 3x30ml bottles for $46. They supply hand-mixed, gourmet vaping liquids for your personal vaporizer. They offer their juices in an amazing variety of flavors, bases, strengths, and sizes, and strive to provide the best products and customer service possible. Velvet Vapors has more than 40 flavors that are all-natural, with no artificial flavors or colors. Customize your liquid by choosing the base. Each order is made to your specifications at the time of purchase so you can ask them if they can mix a couple flavors for you.http://www.velvetvapors.com/ And theres also johnson creek which have's very good flavors too!
  20. Welcome to Vapor Talk!! I think Brian pointed you out to the right direction!
  21. I believe so... But not 100% sure!!!
  22. Ken Block, the greatest Gymkhana driver in the world, drives his 650-horsepower (0-60 in 1.9 seconds) 2011 Ford Fiesta around an insane abandoned race track in France.
  23. Hey no matter what i know for a fact you will love and enjoy your tornado!!!! I do! LOL!!! Good luck!
  24. Yeah... the batteries should not take long to charge either the first time. Just remember that they come about 80% charged already out of the box! http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/products/tornado-e-ni-accessories/titan-mains-charger-product.html Check the link. the charger that kit comes with takes between 60-90 minutes to fully Re-Charge a 510 battery from empty. 510 not tornado! Hey i was just saying believe me i went thru that long 7 hours of charging for about a week and a half.
  25. yeah... about that!!! the charger that comes with the TW kit(which was the first eGo/tornado kit I got) takes like 6 1/2 to 7 hours to charge a batt thats fully discharged. I would recommend you to get a usb fast changer which take a lil less than 2 hours the charge a batt. Good luck and enjoy your Tornado!!!
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