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QuiksilverPR last won the day on September 14 2010

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About QuiksilverPR

  • Birthday 12/28/1979

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  • Location
    US Armed Forces in Europe
  • Interests
    Traveling, Mountain biking and Electronics.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi all!! I have been vaping for around 10 months. I've being tobacco free the last 6. I think i'm ready to move forward up to a new league. I currently using my trusty ego and just order an Icon from puresmokers. but... I think it's time for me to move up to the 5v + category. I'm thinking about the following options: -The Omega(using two RCR123A) - the Joker AV - Prodigy v3 I already order the Big Kazoo just to try and figure if i will like it. but if i do(i'm sure i will) i want to get something i would actually take out with me without having people look at me weird because i'm vaping a black box. lol!!! anyways, im just looking for opinions. Feel free to suggest some other PV's!! Thanks
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_03uBCGyJaY Down here is a how to video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNPt9uAELvg What you guys and gals think? Waste of time or convenient?
  3. I was actually wondering the same thing untill i saw this video: I hope this help!!!
  4. The cherry flavor from totally wicked is the closest i've had to a candy cherry flavor so far. it's a lil on the expensive side but it's worth the try. http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/products/totally-wicked-eliquid/totally-wicked-e-liquid-products.html
  5. I roll up one end of a paper towel as thin as possible. Wrap it around the mesh of the atty and stuff it in there. Then turn my ego upside down for a couple of minutes. the paper towel is a very good liquid absorbent. After 5 to 6 minutes i take the paper out and give the ego a couple quick short puffs until the smoke comes out faint and tasteless. I hope this helps out!
  6. Like Lily said, the DIY section its a good start! Also if you happen to own an iphone there is a good app that helps you with the mixing ratios.
  7. Good to hear!!! You'll enjoy it!!!
  8. Funny video!!!!
  9. I don't know what to tell you. I haven't get any buzz ever since i went straight vaping. But i'm still very satisfied with e- cigs. I guess i'm really not looking for a buzz.
  10. I haven't hear anything about e-cig making people teeth yellow. I might be something else. Maybe something she eating regularly!
  11. I was having the same problem with one of mine. I just keep it very wet. Also i boiled it in water for about ten mins an that helped a lot. I usually 5 to 6 drips when real dry( after being cleaned) and 3 to 4 after that!!!
  12. Welcome to VT!!! I would get an eGo(just like Brian said). But if you are looking to buy a mod, a lot of people recommend to Joker AV. I personally don't have one but it will definitely be the next addition to me collection!
  13. Welcome to Vapor Talk!! I thing Brian just answered your question but just as a side not... The pure smoker kit it's not just one of the cheapest but also comes with two cones.
  14. Funny as f***!!! I get some flash back watching this video... Yup thats songtan! Dude you should off feature songtan sally in the clip(wanna vape). that would off been hilarious!!!! I definitly remember seeing you guys at Osan! FYI... my fellow forum members. Sorry for the enthusiasm. It's just that I was station in the same base Ron is like 4 months ago. Osan Air Base South Korea.
  15. Great article!!
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