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Everything posted by AimeeG

  1. User error? And you thought my response was funny?! Well, then, snark back on in full effect! Maybe put some duct tape around the cord so it doesn't get damaged too badly from yanking on your new one. From here at VT. For $24. Duct tape is maybe 24¢. Best and vape on!
  2. You had three pass through batteries die in a month?! Holy crap, man! I'm really sorry. I imagine you've contacted the vendors about it? I gave one from here at VT to my cousin about three weeks ago, it's still going strong. But she was only a half pack a day smoker, so I don't think she uses it too heavily, I mean, only in the car, when at the computer a few hours a day, and on breaks from work. Good luck, prouddad, on your quest for a better made PT device. Sorry for being snarky.
  3. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's not what he meant at all, but I couldn't resist.
  4. [smartaleckresponsealert] Click here and use CC! [/smartaleckresponsealert]
  5. I ordered my tank from Totally Wicked, too. It's just that my 650mah batteries are older, used and worn and such. Like I said, they don't even fire a regular atty at this point either. So if your battery is a bit older and used and worn from recharges, maybe that's why? That's what I'm going with for mine. But I do have other batteries to use. And it sounds like you don't and that they are newer. I hope it works out for you and that you hear back from TW with good news.
  6. When I first received my tank atty, I put it on one of my original eGo batteries, the really short, maybe 650mah ones. It wouldn't fire. I don't know why. I put it on a longer battery, a 750mah, and it fired right up. I went back to a normal atty, put it on the 650mah batt, and it didn't fire either. Weird. The 650mah fires a carto no problem, but not an atty. I would try a different battery that you have, or you might have to get a higher mah battery. I don't know why this makes a difference, but it does seem to for some reason. Don't toss it yet!
  7. Yeah, but earl grey is black tea with bergamot. Not what I'm looking for, ultimately. Thanks, though!
  8. Yeah for an eGo order and four flavors! You won't be disappointed. And whatever your favorite "tootsie pop" flavor ends up being, I'm sure it will be a fun journey. Enjoy and vape on!
  9. That was COOL! I've got to try this.
  10. I love black tea. I love the taste and smell of it. My boyfriends cologne is Bulgari Black which has as its base note black tea which I buy for him because I love it. So the obvious next step is to find a black tea vapable liquid. I've done a bit of searching and some places sell it, but they are vendors I've never heard of. I also do think I want a chemical smell/taste alike. What I'm wondering, then, is can I masticate my own black tea leaves, like steep them in some PG for a while and mix with nic and sweetener? Anyone try such a thing? Anyone know a reputable vendor who has done it? I'd love to sample theirs. But making my own might be more fun. Thanks in advance for any helpful tips. p.s. I know Tasty Vapor makes an Earl Grey. And I know they make their own tobacco flavor with this infused or masticate method. Maybe I should ask them about it, too. They seem like pretty nice folk. And I do order from them from time to time. In fact, it is their weekly special that got me to spend money on vaping this month.
  11. Naw, it's just a 2.4% concentration/ml. I think. I mean, if I can get a 10ml bottle from here at VT with 24mg and a bottle somewhere else that is 30ml and it is 24mg, who is lying? It's just a concentration. But maybe it's 0.24%/ml. Ok, someone else chime in.
  12. Ah, the care and feeding of an atty... At night before I go to bed, I fold up a napkin twice, put the thread side down onto it, and blow into the large opening. I do this a few times until nothing more comes out. I wipe around the threads then. I also take a corner of the napkin, shape it into a pointer, and stick it down into the atty from the large opening, trying to get it to absorb any other liquid still hanging out in there. Others do lots of cleaning rituals. This works for me with little to no muss and fuss. I use attys for about three to four weeks. Your mileage may vary. Good luck and vape on!
  13. Done. Even added some of my own story at the top.
  14. Well, excellent then. WOOT! Winning lottery ticket, eh? Could I get in on that, just for a spare eGo batt.
  15. I have fired it up before hitting, doesn't seem to put undo stress on my cartos of the same ilk you have. I have taken 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 second hits with no problems. I top off when it becomes "airy"... like less coming up the pipe, not a lot of vapor. This happens before you get that burnt taste. You'll get a feel for it. When I refill, I pop the soft white cap off, and drip onto the inside of the metal so it seeps down the sides. I twist it to 12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clock. I repeat until it's slushy looking. Cleaning... meh... I just toss 'em after they don't taste good anymore. Others do, try what they suggest. I'm not patient enought. Good luck and enjoy!
  16. Welcome! Two to three drops for direct dripping will get you about five to seven hits. How many drips in a bottle? How many licks to the center of a tootsie pop? I dunno, maybe 200 drops in a 10ml bottle? Assuming 20/ml. Get two or three flavors to start, that's my recommendation. I mean, you don't just like one flavor of tootsie pop, do you?
  17. So, I thought I'd make it through the month without ordering anything. Wrong. TastyVapor has Geoff's Blend on special this week. I've been wanting to try it. The big decision is to add sweetener (which they recommend) or not. I like sweet flavor liquids. I understand my favorites VT Dulcis and VT Midnight don't have sweetener in them, but they seem so to me. Since they don't and they do taste sweet to me, would I be better off getting without at TV? What have you all experienced with TastyVapor and their sweetener added? I'm also not a big fan of the aftertaste of sucralose which is what they use. I'm also thinking of trying their Ultimate Vanilla, but I've yet to find a vanilla that's any good. Anyone tried it? And what about their Cafe Macchiato, and again with the sweetener added conundrum? I do add sugar to my lattes and such at Caribou or Starbucks.
  18. To tag along with Jolly: while I am one of those people who helps sell out Dulcis on a regular basis, I cannot taste anything, and I mean anything, in Boba's Bounty. It tastes like nothing to me. It's not unvapable, just a "meh, why bother?" liquid to me. Overall, though, I think you make an excellent point, though, Case, +1 for you.
  19. Completely understand.... LOL
  20. [cough]http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/forum/topic/9771-my-blackberry-is-not-working/[cough]
  21. Thanks, snubber. You read my mind.
  22. I'd say 2-4ml/day is an average. On the weekend, or when not at work, I vape much more.
  23. If I recall from reading her other posts, she has a condition whereby her hands shake and she can't drip without making a mess. Otherwise, I'm sure she'd do that instead.
  24. What kind of cartos? From where?
  25. When I have ten or so piled up, I'll PM you for your address. I doubt it'll cost more than a stamp, so, really, you are not going to send me postage, I forbid it!
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