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Everything posted by AimeeG

  1. I'll check that out, aerovapor. Thanks!
  2. So there is liquid in the carto, that's good. A nice way to have checked, too, with the toothpick. Then you pressed the button and didn't see any vapor but I bet you heard the crackle. You do need to be pressing the button and inhaling for the vapor to come out. Hold the button down for as long as you are pulling/inhaling (about two to five seconds). When you remove your mouth for the carto, you can stop pressing the button. OR stop pressing the button and keep inhaling for a second as there is still some vapor, albeit a it a little bit. Good luck! Let us know how it pans out!
  3. Thanks, Juliery and jeffb, I appreciate the feedback. I'm spoiled on Dulcis. I love it. It's my absolute favorite. I have three bottles left right now. Usually that sends me into panic mode to buy some. But I'm feeling the crunch of taxes and other stuff right now. If I could figure out the flavors in it, I'd give a shot at Juicy Vapors five flavor mixing option. But I know I'd be disappointed. And I hate to think of stealing a recipe or shorting Christopher who's such a great vendor and forum owner. Ah, the conundrum of vaping and loyalties!
  4. I ordered six bottles from VaporRenu last week. All I have to say is: meh. Kind of bummed about that too, because Juliery raved about it so much. I'm beginning to think it may be because I ordered them with no nicotine. ??? Seems weird to think it would be the absence of nic that made them so blah to me. I want to be at zero nicotine because I think it may be a factor in my migraine issues. Five of the six I ordered smell great, the other is pretty nasty. Here's my breakdown, all zero nic with no additives and lowest (smooth) throat hit: Black Tea (double shot): This was the worst of the bunch. It is definitely NOT black tea. It is like perfume of some flower. Terrible smell, worse taste. White Chocolate (double shot): This was ok. Tastes like melted butter, when I could taste anything. Might be ok mixed with some other DIY flavor only additions. Double Dutch Chocolate (regular flavor): Again, ok. Very powerful smell from the bottle, definitely not the same vaped. A bummer. Not sure if it'd be better mixed with DIY flavor only. Dulche de Leche (regular flavor): I love this ice cream from Hagn Das (spelling? sorry!). It tastes nothing like it. I knew it wouldn't be as creamy as the ice cream, but I get a chemical taste on this. Bummer. Not sure if it's worth mixing with something else do the chemical thing. Cappuccino (double shot): This one is vapable. Not the best cap liquid I've had (VT gets that honor), but I can use it. It does have a small tinge of that same chemical taste as the DdL above. Mocha (regular flavor): This one has the best promise of the six. I wish I'd ordered it in double shot because I'm sure I'd like it better. None of the chemical tweakiness comes through, so that's a plus. I just have to wonder if the addition of nic would make any of them better. As of now, I'm leary of making another order despite everyone else's great experience. I hope to hear good things from all of you who have made an order and maybe I'll try again.
  5. Thanks, easilyamused, about the xylitol info. I love gum and am glad I don't have to avoid it. Trident is my favorite, but not cinnamon; I like the blue wrapper minty flavor. I hope when you order liquids you can check that they don't use ethol malto and I'm sorry about your gluten situation. I'm glad I mentioned it!
  6. I just had to define that word to my seventh graders the other day when we read a story from the late 1800's. Lots of snickers (which I expected and curtailed) and now it's their favorite word. And I only get on their case when they don't use it in a reasonably contextual sentence. So "you are so *****" is not good (I did the stars myself), but "you are being so ***** because you are holding your book upside down and reading" is ok. I agree, though, the FDA is behaving as such!
  7. And the FDA continues to allow chemicals that have been shown with clear evidence to be hazardous to health to be used. (I'm looking at you aspartame!) It's shameful.
  8. One of the sweeteners a vendor uses is sucralose. I won't be ordering my juice from them anymore with extra sweetness because it gunked up my atties and made my cartos need to be replaced faster. I should've known better. I don't think sucralose is as bad as aspartame/NutraSweet, but I'm going to stay away from it anyhow from now on in my vaping liquids. There's another sweetener I got with some DIY stuff, ethol malto. Haven't really researched this one too much, but I also haven't really used it. Aspartame/NutraSweet gives me migraines. I avoid it at all costs. Xylitol is in a bunch of gum (I think that's the sweetener part). Since this "neotame" is a derivative of aspartame, I will avoid it at all costs.
  9. Money talks, people. This is overboard on the sugar alternatives front. Read it and weep for our vaping rights. Sorry if you have to subscribe to the site. You can easily opt out after you receive the first email from the site tomorrow.
  10. OMG, PsychoMaster, was that you on I-75 northbound around 11:30pm Saturday night in a white mini van? The roads were total crap for me driving home to north of Detroit from south of Detroit that night. It was ok from the Woodhaven area until the Rouge Bridge where the city proper starts and the highway didn't have any real lanes until after Eight Mile which is after the city proper. I'm so glad you are ok! I do agree, Jeffrey at WordUp is good people. When I ordered my kit, he called me to ask me about something and walked me through the entire start-up procedure. So awesome!
  11. I did try it. A quarter turn. It may be psychological, but it did seem to help.
  12. Uma, Little Big Planet 1 & 2 are both PlayStation3 and whatever their handheld device is called. Ofortuna, next time I'm on LBP, I'll add you to my friends.
  13. So have what might seem to be a few duds in my current huge batch of cartomizers. I just read a review for them at the website from which I bought them and someone wrote that turning the pin with a screwdriver will help. Now, I'm curious. So, I take a screwdriver to the connection to battery end and turn it. Ok, which way to make it work better? Or do I just play with it to see? And how much? A quarter turn? Half? Full? If nothing else, maybe this info will help someone else in the future. And since I haven't run across it in my five months here, I haven't read about it yet. Ok, thanks.
  14. Excellent! Maybe you would have good luck if you followed the Dooder method for cleaning the icky one. Let me know if it works! Oh, and after it's "primed" with those six drops when I first start using it after having blown it out, I just put two in to keep it going after every four hits or so. Enjoy and vape on!
  15. I'm so sorry! Take this for better luck?
  16. Julie, I get that too, the perfume causing nausea and migraines. (Forgot that one in my migraine thread.) Anyway, the junior high students where I work, and am required by contract to do hall duty between classes, spray cologne, Axe (nasty stuff, that), perfume, body sprays, hand sanitizer, lotion, etc., by their lockers and in my classroom. I can never catch the culprits in the hallway, but in my classroom, where I've stated plenty of times scents make me ill, they know they are getting a phone call home. Honestly, I'd rather smell their new-found body oder than smell their nasty Britney or Hannah perfume. As to smelling the vape, most people I've been around really don't mind it. I never smoked in front of my parents, but yesterday I was really tempted to tell them I had quit (they HAD to've known I did it by the way people smell to me now when they get out of their car after smoking) just so I could vape while I graded papers and watched a hockey game over there. I didn't though. I did puff a few times in the bathroom and was prepared to tell them, if they noticed the smell, that I had used some lotion that smelled like that in there. Thankfully they didn't because in the case if Mom really liked, I wouldn't've been able to produce said lotion!
  17. CASEACE79, do you have any search tags we can look for in LBP2 so we can play these vaping themed levels? Thanks!
  18. I'd say (and many others will too, once they are awake!) to get an eGo or a knock-off of such a device (Riva, Tornado). It is about the thickness of some smaller cigars and depending on the mAh, either short or long. The different ways to enjoy it are mounting up: atomizers with cartidges, cartomizers, tanks with their respective atomizers, and drip tips on atomizers. I've had my eGo since September and it's worked really great. I use an atomizer with a drip tip while at home and cartomizers when driving. There are lots of places to purchase liquid to enjoy. You won't find one that tastes like your favorite brand of smokes because there is so much else in them that give them their "special" (ick!) taste. After a while you'll be ordering up many different flavors that sound good to you to see what you like the best. I like coffee types because, well, coffee tastes good to me. I also like more smooth flavors like caramel and toffee. I didn't end up caring for really sweet candy liquids or fruity flavors, though I thought I would. Lots of places sell sample size liquids and you can order a bunch to see what you'd order in a larger size later. The Noobie Guide and the Jargon For Noobs posts here will help tons on the basics. We're glad you're here and want to kick that pack a day habit with something better than the blu. Feel free to ask any other questions you have! We're happy to help.
  19. Huh. You blew out the primer and dripped only two drops, right? When I first load up my atty after blowing juice or primer out, it takes at least six drops to start it working well. My understanding is the Riva is similar to an eGo and that's what I use. With LR attys (atties? which way do you like? choose at your pleasure!), I've found that my standard issue eGo batteries (650mAh) won't fire it. I don't know why. Do you have any higher mAh batteries to try on? Or someone to loan you one to see? Barring that, I'd say try another atty and put six drops in to start after blowing out primer and see what happens. I love LR atties (I'm going with this spelling!) and don't like regulars or even regular cartos anymore. Good luck and get back to us!
  20. You bet, Lori! It'll be interesting to see where the AC ends up. We should put one of the "where's George" tags/codes on it and watch it travel!
  21. Hi! It's your resident having a bad day vaping vaper. Today it continues despite new equipment. When I threw my eGo battery at the wall the other day, I was irritated with the eGo tank atomizer being clogged up and gunky. Probably from the sucralose in my liquid. Anyway, I tossed that tank atty with the battery. Today I pulled out a fresh eGo Tank atty. Blew it out to get rid of primer. Filled up a tank with a brand-new-to-me flavor liquid. And it tastes like burning plastic. Nasty. The house reeks. I didn't see any "smoke", just vapor from around the edges of the atty as normal when I used it and from when I blew the nasty burning plastic taste out. I used it for a bit longer because I was too lazy to go get a regular LR atty and my drip tip. I pulled out the tank and I could tell by the level of the liquid that it had been used. The brand-new-to-me liquid smells delicious. It tastes delicious when I licked a drop of it off my finger. I did have it in a LR brand new carto earlier today as well. Unfortunately there must be something wrong with my batch of cartos because they have that sickly sweet, airy taste to them and it didn't last very long, maybe only five draws of this where each one seemed like the end of the liquid in the carto. This sucks because I have 50 of them! (Forty-five left now.) I filled them up normally with the condom fill method with the same amount that I always do in a first fill. But the burnt plastic taste is not the liquid because it didn't taste like burnt plastic in the carto despite it being a pretty bad carto. So, two questions: 1. When I removed the cover from the tank, I don't think the little piece that gets punctured in was punctured enough, so maybe that was melting and causing this burnt plastic taste. Anyone have thoughts here? 2. I bought 50 of these cartomizers from a reputable vendor because when I did some LR cartos testing I ordered from about five places and picked the best of the bunch for my BIG order. When the big order arrived, the look of them was drastically different in the black wrapper department. I'll admit I wasn't crazy about the way the original perfect batch looked, but I was willing to overlook that for great cartos. Now, the BIG batch looks better, but performs terribly. I can't use the cone (which I love), I can't get good flavor, and they seem empty (and look it too!) after only five normal draws/toots. Is there that much difference between batches of cartos?!?!? Ok, thanks. Here's to a better vaping tomorrow.
  22. You are quite welcome! I hope they are enjoyable!
  23. Totally normal. Don't worry. Some people love the pop and crackle and will wait for it before they inhale. Vape on!
  24. Yeah, Jeff, you have a point! I did not brave it to walk the quarter mile to the grocery store to buy some smokes because of this. It actually didn't even cross my mind to do so. There's a win, right?
  25. I had a snow day off of work today (teacher here). So I was stoked that I'd get to sit at the computer, vape, play some PS3 games, vape, etc. So not to be. It all started with my atty. It's been working rather poorly for the last few days. Over the weekend I vaped about 10ml of Cafe Macchiato from Tasty Vapor. While it is very tasty (haha), I did add sweetener and I think that gunked up the atty. I need to try el Duderino's PG cleaning method. Anyway, I went to the tank. I put the same liquid in it. Man, did that so not work! It's all PG, but it just didn't want to wick down. I got so mad, I threw the eGo (a long one, probably a 900mAh) at the wall. Thankfully, I had the presence of mind NOT to throw it at the TV. Phew. That battery was broken. Totally shot. The top part where the threads are came up a bit, like popped out, but not off. I was also mad at my tank atty. I threw that at the wall a few more times trying to hit the trash can. That little fit over, I went to a cartomizer on a different (obviously) battery. It was brand new and performed HORRIBLY! I hope the rest in the batch aren't like this. I bought ten five packs of them back in December because I had purchased a bunch of different vendors back then and this particular one had the best cartos. My boyfriend put some of his no nic liquid in a new one, too, and another, and they both were terrible. (He likes the taste of coffee, but doesn't want to drink coffee all day, and it's zero nic. To each his own.) So hopefully, the rest of the ten packs aren't bad because this was the best of the five vendors I tried. Then I decided to "fluff" up the carto filler a bit with an unbent paper clip. It helped. But it's time to go to bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better vaping day. Moral of the story: Even people who have had success, and a lot of it, can have a bad vaping day. Keep plugging away all of you who are just starting, there will be a few bad days when nothing works like for me after being off analogs for five months, and there will mostly be good days when everything just flows and there are no problems. Vape on!
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