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Everything posted by AimeeG

  1. Maybe for you, it doesn't make you look like you have a problem because you are much more rad than I am. So, you go, girl, double fisted vaping!
  2. I just got some from Awesome Vapor, cappuccino and RY4. Both very good. Their butterscotch (received as a sample) is nowhere near as good as VT's and the other sample is Special Roast Coffee (or something like that) which is good in a carto but not so much via direct dripping. Good luck!
  3. I've had my eye on one of those (though not in pink) for a while. Please make sure to get back to us on how it works!
  4. This is AWESOME!!! I love how these devices push so many people forward to try something new, learn some stuff from great people, and feel proud of their accomplishments. I'm so stoked for you, Nanna!
  5. LMAO, egoluvr!!! Figures, indeed!
  6. Hello. My name is Aimee and I am a chain vaper. I had to switch from an aluminum drip tip to a plastic one so I wouldn't burn my lips. Sometimes I just can't get my fill of vaping. Sometimes I just don't want to wait for the battery and atty to cool down. One option I just thought of would be to have two going at the same time, so while one cools, I can vape the other. But this makes it look like I have a problem. And I don't. I like to keep the cone on as I've found, for me, it helps me control any leaking with an atty, so that option is out. You all are a crafty bunch, so I though some of you might have thoughts, ideas, and various options to try. Tomorrow, thanks to Chris, I'm going to be putting a quarter on the bottom of my eGo to make it stand up better. So, see, I know you all are crafty. Bring it on... let's get the chain vapers into using more liquid!!!
  7. My bad, sorry. PIF= pay it forward. But what you thought of works, too!
  8. Sorry to hear that, egoluvr. I had the same problem. I guess they are good for PIF or something.
  9. HomeDaddy, RY4 is back in stock at AV and I just got mine today: AWESOME for sure! Go get it before I buy the rest up! What did you order instead? I also got cappuccino (very good) and I haven't tried Special Roast Coffee or Butterscotch yet, but they are sitting here waiting for me.
  10. AimeeG


    Well, you really can't go wrong with eGo for your first time vaping. The store here at Vapor Talk sells them at a good price. There are many other places as well, but Christopher is great with customer service and his liquids are amazing. If you do order from here (or wherever, actually) be sure to get some extra atomizers and/or cartomizers as well as extra liquid. No sense in running out of atties or cartos once you love vaping (and I'm sure you will!) and not having extra liquid is a real bummer. Get a few flavors because you never know what you will like. Good luck and let us know how it works out. Also, welcome to Vapor Talk! Be sure to ask any other questions; we love to help!
  11. Well written. Very true, all of it. Vape on!
  12. Another thing I found, and this is true for me of all my liquid, is that the stuff from Tasty Vapor is different in a carto. Aside from the sweetener which I now don't have anyway and gunked up my cartos, the flavors I don't like when dripping are ok in a carto. So if it doesn't taste good in one delivery system, try another.
  13. I'm, sadly, turned off by Tasty Vapor currently. I tried atomic cinnacide which was just too much for me. I've had Cafe Machiato (however you spell that) with and without sweetener. The sweetened version junked up cartos and atties. The unsweetened doesn't taste good to me right now. I did a create your own and am disappointed, though maybe it needs to sit a while. I do NOT like their tobacco flavor at all... tastes like an ashtray to me. I also didn't like Geoff's Blend, too much atomic cinnacide for my taste. I hope others come by with good stuff to say. But even though my thoughts are negative on the flavors, their prices are good and their service was fantastic. Good Luck!
  14. Haven't received it yet as I ordered yesterday, but Awesome Vapor has 9mg RY4. Mine should be here by Thursday, latest, along with their cappuccino.
  15. That's awesome, Erika! I don't feel so bad now that I missed out on that superb four battery deal since a good lot of them went to people who needed them!
  16. Uma, I thought so, too, when I started running four years ago. I was a late bloomer runner. I'm not fast, but I've seen improvement. If the mood urges you to run, do it! Or that horse riding thing. Do that.
  17. Did she send you Atomic Cinnacide? If so, I'm hoping it's found a good home now. That one was mine and she said she didn't care for it.
  18. Very helpful! Thanks, Aaron!
  19. That's awesome, Beans! I, too, got better with ecigs. I ran three half marathons while I was still a smoker. Did ok, but didn't see much improvement. Last summer I did my running training as normal but also added in P90X. When I had two weeks left of it, I got my ecig. My next half was seven weeks away at that time, too. My P90X results were great (despite the smoking throughout) but the half marathon time after another seven weeks of running training while NOT smoking were AMAZING! I shaved twelve minutes off my best time, so that's almost another minute per mile faster! I credit that in large part to the ecig and a little bit to the P90X and regular running training. Keep it up!
  20. Well done, Julie! So happy for you and making it, so easily, to one year of no smoking. I'm also really glad you've found other flavors to enjoy. Just think, if it wasn't for a bummer experience with a supplier you never would've found the new good tasting stuff. Making lemonade from lemons, nice work.
  21. You're not elderly ... Your Mileage May Vary
  22. Stevia gunked up my atties and cartos and tasted funny. YMMV. Good luck with mixing!
  23. I went to take a look at the Vapor Renew/ Renu (not sure which is right and why both work?) site. All I see when I go there is an "Account Suspended" "This Account Has Been Suspended" notice. I tried to get there on Safari and Firefox. Same result. I went to my confirmation emails and clicked the link there to see my account. Same thing. Anyone know what's going on?
  24. A mixing calculator is helpful. Here's one. Here's another. And one more. The last one is useful on a iPod Touch or iPhone only. I'm sure there is an Android version of something similar. Good luck and happy mixing and vaping!
  25. LMAO!!! Actually, your post made plenty of sense to me. I hope it works out for those of you with this problem.
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