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Everything posted by AimeeG

  1. Now I've seen everything. If they can get Sheen to use an ecig, I might like him a wee bit. Unfortunately, that liquid sounds great. Again, great review. I also dig your website. Checking out those batteries with color changing battery power.
  2. Great review! And done without video. Superb. I do wonder, though, what the PG/VG ratio is? Are other options available at Goodejuice? I've never heard of them. Thanks again for writing that up. It's like a wine description.
  3. Vapor Talk liquids don't kill my cartos. Sweet-Vapes liquids don't kill my cartos. I can fill them an average of ten times. Granted, the amount of liquid going in decreases each time, but sometimes I get those lucky few (say three out of ten) cartos that seem to take twenty drops for a long time. Good luck!
  4. Very nice, ladies. I hope the OP takes you up on it.
  5. I honestly don't know. The original one with "Janty" on it is the one I plug into the wall and came with my original kit. The other one doesn't say anything on it and I use it at my computer. I tell you what. Next time those same two batteries lose their power, I'll put the one that says "Janty" on my computer and the other one that I'm currently using in the computer in the wall charger USB slot. Then we'll know, I guess, right?
  6. I looked at those Reo's.... Beautiful! And not in stock. And then I realized something just now reading over this post: When I drive, I love having my eGo planted between my fingers and on the steering wheel while I drive until I need to take a hit, just like I did with analogs. Well, it's a little different motion, but it's the same idea. And I realized it's part of my smoking --now vaping-- ritual and staying awake measures in the morning. So unless I hear back from you all with the wetbox mods that I can do this (I'm guessing I have to set the box down or use a lanyard and can't hold it between my fingers), I'm going to go with VapeMate. A little more info on that holding position: It's like having a pen in my hand, albeit, a larger, heavier one, and with the tip in the air. Thank you all for your help and thanks in advance for anymore coming my way over night.
  7. Finally was able to do a little test. I have two batteries that I received at the same time and have been rotating between them at night, so they've roughly been used the same. They both ran out of battery life today. So while I was using a third battery (gotta love those backups!), I put one on the wall charger (my original charger that came with my original kit and says "Janty" on it) and one on a charger that I put into the USB of my super-"fast"-four-year-old-MacBookPro (I ordered this one from somewhere, maybe here at VT store when someone mentioned that her/his charger stopped working and I realized I needed a back-up for that). Verdict: The USB charger got my battery to green in two hours and forty minutes. Currently now at four hours, the wall charger one is still red. Thoughts?
  8. It's so easy to totally get into when you have great liquids... and you have two of my favorites working. A+ When I first started, I kept to my same rituals of going outside. It really helped with the transition. Then it got cold and I stopped going outside, but sure as heck didn't stop vaping. It became my new ritual place of habit. You'll get there. I, personally, haven't encountered any resistance about vaping in smoke-free areas, but I don't do it that often. The one bar my colleagues and I frequent sells disposables, so I use it there. Haven't really been anywhere else long enough to want to try it out. Others are much more open, you could say, about having it out and using it all the time. Keep on vapin' on! You're doing great!
  9. I did that for a bit, too, Tags, but what ended up happening, to me anyway (YMMV), was the liquid kept going straight down the cartomizer hole and never hitting the batting in it. So it leaked everywhere. Also, not the best thing to do while on the highway, dripping, even into carto. Thanks for the thought, though, you're a peach.
  10. I've been wanting to get away from cartomizers for a while (sorry DAYVAPE ) because for driving and vaping they can just be a pain. And they don't last as long as an atomizer. Day for day, price for price, flavor for flavor, atties, to me, seem the way to go. And I drive often enough to make it worthwhile. Hoping for a driving vacation this summer and don't want to deal with cartos on the road. So, I'm asking for all of your opinions. YEAH! I know a number of you have bottom feeders, like Old Goat's Mod, an Ali'i, or something else. And I know a few of you have a VapeMate. I know some of you (lucky ducks) have both. I don't want too much hassle. I can just see getting a bottom feeder's bottle out of its box being a hassle despite a ribbon to help pull it out. I don't want liquid to spurt everywhere when I do it. I also don't want to have to work too hard to get the liquid into the atty, like tipping it too much and squeezing seems to me like a recipe for another liquid disaster. I know you can get some tubing to work with the bottles in the VapeMate, can you do the same thing with a bottom feeder, you know, to help the liquid go up? The one thing I don't really like about the VapeMate is its top heaviness, even if you use a five milliliter bottle. But the box mods/bottom feeders seem like awkward things to hold in your hand. I'm not over worried about price, Old Goat's Box and VapeMate seem about the same. I'd love an Ali'i, but I can't get motivated enough to wait and hope I get in on the next set of ordering. And it's pricey. Plus, I already have a beautiful wood mod (Tulipwood, thanks Mark!). What info do you have, folks, what do you think? Give me pros, cons, ideas, thoughts, links... whatever you've got to help my decision is appreciated.
  11. And I added a +1 to make it what KaYoTiiC meant. Nice recipe.
  12. Not sure this is what you want, but maybe Tasty Vapor's Tobacco?
  13. I noticed this last night: If I eat a really BIG meal, I feel that same chest tightness, shortness of breath thing. I think because after eating so much, my diaphram was pushed up to make room in my stomach and I couldn't get a decent breath in. Could it be something like that? Probably not, but worth considering.
  14. Not for me it isn't. Using my eGo wall charger takes approximately twice as long as the charger I put into the USB port in my computer.
  15. I don't have a clue as to what you are talking about.
  16. Well, VaporTalk, I never thought I'd see the day. And it's only seven months in. When I first signed up, I thought to myself, "I'll never get to 500 posts to see what's in that VIP board." And yet, here it is. I never thought I'd have so much to say or comment on or ask about vaping. I figured, when I first started, that you got your feet wet and then just did it. Like running. But no.... there's mods to try (thank you, Mark!), there's great juice to sample and love (thank you, Chris and Dayna!), there's different delivery options (thank you cartos, direct dripping [which when I first read about it, I thought I'd never do it, now I can't go through an evening without it... and sometimes mornings!], tanks [yuck], and other various yuck methods), and there's great community. And the community is what keeps me coming back. Thank you. You all are awesome. Now, if I ever get to 5000....
  17. I am so jealous. Since tomorrow is marks my seventh month analog free (except for a few bummed ones early on), and I get paid tomorrow, I just may have to get one. All my ego batteries are black and red, so I think the raindrop fade effect of red to black may have to be copied. Or maybe I should wait to see pics of yours. Or maybe I should get a Vapemate (still waiting to hear back from Aaron on my questions to him). Ugh. Too many decisions and choices. I hope you love it! Vape on!
  18. Nope, PaPaT, Boge 510 cartomizers do not require you to use any special filling mechanism. You can (a blunt needle), but most people just put liquid in the carto "condom" and push the carto into it to suck up the liquid. Or pop off the white cap and put the drops down the sides (proper beer pouring down the sides manner). Unless you are talking about the thin plastic film wrapper? That, of course, you don't just puncture, but rather you just take the whole durn thing off and throw it away.
  19. What is vape wiz(ard)? Where do you get it? What does it do?
  20. And I'm the opposite. Dulcis was great right off the bat and still is. Just got some Sweet Dawn after six months of seeing it (and knowing now that it's the VT owner's fave), and it is an acquired taste for me. I liked it initially, hated it for a few drags, then finally settled on hmm-it's-good-but-don't-know-why phase. Oh, and I like VT's Butterscotch, Brad. I think I did a review on it in the store. Enjoy and vape on!
  21. Can you point me to your initial review of this, please? Or maybe just answer here my concern. So I hook up the Vapemate to my atomizer like a drip tip. I attach the drip tip. I have a bottle on the Vapemate. When I squeeze, I have to tilt it down so that the drip tip is facing my lap, right? I'm not worried about leaking or creating a nic liquid flood on myself because I know the Vapemate has a seal and kind of bridged system to stop it from doing that. But I do wonder, as well, if you get a feel for drops? Or do you just squeeze and not notice drops going in? I really want to get this and love it because, as much as I enjoy my cartos, I might just relegate them to when I'm in a restaurant or walking down the street. I hate having to switch cartos while I'm driving. Would you recommend using it at home for a bit first to get the feel of it? I've looked at it so often. I really want my experience to be like yours. But I'm so nervous!
  22. I don't know for sure about the highest prices, seems about similar to most other places, including VT, milliliter per milliliter. I've got to say, her Kona Cream is giving Dulcis a run for its top spot of my favorites. I have about nine other flavors to try from SV, but I can't stop enjoying this one in particular to see if the others deserve a bigger bottle order. I swear, I had a dream the other night after vaping Kona Cream for about four hours about tasting it. I rarely "wake and vape", but I truly had to with Kona Cream after that dream. And while I'm not all that concerned about throat hit, it is there. At least on Kona Cream at 90PG/10VG and 18mg.
  23. Kona Cream from Sweet Vapes is also excellent. Even had a dream about the taste of it the other night. So yummy. Mix with caffeinated liquids as you desire.
  24. YEAH!!!! So glad for you, Meziked!
  25. I tried it. I wanted to make something like an RY4. I used their tobacco which was a big mistake. They use actual tobacco leaves and infuse them somehow into the PG. Not a bad process, I'm sure, but it ended up tasting like how an ashtray smells. There was also carmel and vanilla in it. So, I would say, if you are staying away from the tobacco, it should work out fine. What you've got lined up sounds really good. Let us know how it works out!
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