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Everything posted by AimeeG

  1. Haven't vaped it in a while, but my favorite fruit one is orange from wordup. I also love loveLOVE dulcis from the VT store. Just ordered some more just now, in fact. Can never let that get low. I've tried lime and cranberry from wordup, too, and they just weren't my thing. Good luck and looking forward to know what you decide to get. I'm especially interested in the ideas on fire and ice. I assume that is something like a red hot? maybe?
  2. Or at least get a counter (see below, click on it, fill out, and paste to your signature box in your profile) and see it start adding up! Also, very happy for you and caseace. It will get easier and better. All those liquids to try! Yum!
  3. Why that sounds like a method I've heard of to get liquid in and out of cartos! Blimey, mate!
  4. Oh, NO, noXious, you do NOT throw away VT bottles! They are the best bottles for DIY. But I see your point. Christopher, I'm pretty sure one of the coaxing methods I tried was a little jig, indeed. What else you got?
  5. So I'm sitting here with my bottle of midnight. I know full well that I have another bottle. But even with the bottle upside down, I can't seem to get some of the last little drops to fall into the dropper. I've shaken, spinned, and coaxed it the best I can. What do the rest of you do?
  6. You mean "obsession" not "habit", right?
  7. I agree with Brian. Smart guy.
  8. Looks like this is Vaperite's address. Have fun!
  9. Ah, for new mods, then, eh?
  10. The "revisit" is great advice! As your taste buds heal (and your sense of smell, I mean WOW!, I had no idea that my 12 year old students smelled so bad when I smoked analogs!), you'll find some of the perhaps more subtle flavors now really pop later. Good luck and vape on!
  11. I'm going to go with coincidental. But some people do have a reaction to PG. It may also be that your body is cleaning up toxins and getting you fixed for your new habit and the breaking of the old. Feel better soon! Take some vitamin C and D!
  12. Yeah, zero nic. Men. It's all good though.
  13. Nice work!
  14. Might I recommend a tongue scraper? It sounds bizarre, but it has really helped. Not only with tasting things, but getting rid of bad breath too. Try this search I did. Ok, back to your discussion, sorry to throw weird stuff out there.
  15. And that is an awesome thing. Because big tobacco doesn't deserve our support anymore with their noses all in everything and I'd like to support the small business. /rant and off soap box
  16. Did she go out and buy one then? Don't leave us hanging!
  17. Awesome! You will love it for sure! I can't stop backing up my batteries now, though. Especially now that my boyfriend has absconded with one of the ones my kit came with even though he didn't smoke. He just likes the coffee flavor and having it in his hand.
  18. Got an email from clouds of vapor today notifying me (by my request) that there were in stock! My link. Ordered and will let you know how it goes.
  19. Would it be possible for you to post a link to where you bought them? Please?
  20. All I know is that if I hate it, I know where to send it. ( )
  21. Mastiffmom, I seem to be following your orders closely... I'm ordering WU white zin and rum&coke based on your recommendations. I love how this new "hobby" has helped me in two ways: I stopped smoking analogs and I've pretty much stopped drinking (except for all the awesome water!).
  22. Due to my insatiable desire to try something new, and the fact that wordup is having a sale, I'm going to try these (eGo Con Shaped Jumbo Atomizer). I hope it's what you mean. I'm also going to order some of these in the "eGo Jumbo Cone Shaped" style. Though I've never used a cartridge (it's been all cartos or DD for me so far), I want to give this a shot, especially if it holds a ---what was that word, Jolly--- redonkulous amount of liquid. I have personal concerns on filling my cartos at the school building, and this might work better for an all day fill, not to mention longer drives. Once I find out if I like them, I'll order all the new ones when VT gets them in. Thanks for all your help! Oh, and please let me know if this is not what you all are talking about. Like Uma said, it gets confusing when different names are used for similar products.
  23. MtnLioness, you are right, that site does not yet have an internet storefront. I love the tag line, though: "Keep Smoking. Quit Cigarettes." Cute. I wonder what those box like things are next to their eCig on the site front. Any idea? And noXious, I am going to take your advice and wait until VT has them in stock! That is awesome! Thanks!
  24. Yeah, me too! Can any of you post links to where you got them? I don't want to sift through all my bookmarks of ecig places to find one, then order it and find out it's not what you all meant. Plus, I'm being lazy today! Thanks in advance and "rep" adds for those links.
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