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Everything posted by AimeeG

  1. Good job!
  2. From the tastyvapor.us site FAQ: How Do I Mix The E-Liquid And Doubler? One of our customers was kind enough to post this on our ECF forum, the math looks good, so we'll save ourselves some typing here. Mixing should go as follows: If you start with 48 MG E-liquid 36 MG = 3 parts e-liquid + 1 part Doubler 32 MG = 2 parts e-liquid + 1 part Doubler 24 MG = 1 part e-liquid + 1 part Doubler 16 MG = 1 part e-liquid + 2 parts Doubler 12 MG = 1 part e-liquid + 3 parts Doubler 9.6 MG = 1 part e-liquid + 4 parts Doubler (mixing the whole bottles of each together) If you start with 36 MG E-liquid 27 MG = 3 parts e-liquid + 1 part Doubler 24 MG = 2 parts e-liquid + 1 part Doubler 18 MG = 1 part e-liquid + 1 part Doubler 12 MG = 1 part e-liquid + 2 parts Doubler 9 MG = 1 part e-liquid + 3 parts Doubler 7.2 MG = 1 part e-liquid + 4 parts Doubler (mixing the whole bottles of each together) If you start with 24 MG E-liquid 18 MG = 3 parts e-liquid + 1 part Doubler 16 MG = 2 parts e-liquid + 1 part Doubler 12 MG = 1 part e-liquid + 1 part Doubler 8 MG = 1 part e-liquid + 2 parts Doubler 6 MG = 1 part e-liquid + 3 parts Doubler 4.8 MG = 1 part e-liquid + 4 parts Doubler (mixing the whole bottles of each together) If you start with 12 MG E-liquid 9 MG = 3 parts e-liquid + 1 part Doubler 8 MG = 2 parts e-liquid + 1 part Doubler 6 MG = 1 part e-liquid + 1 part Doubler 4 MG = 1 part e-liquid + 2 parts Doubler 3 MG = 1 part e-liquid + 3 parts Doubler 2.4 MG = 1 part e-liquid + 4 parts Doubler (aka mix the whole bottles of each together) What I did was take a 10ml empty VaporTalk bottle (it's the best bottle IMHO), and use some guesstimation. I got 1oz with 36mg nic and a 2oz doubler. I filled the bottle 1/3 full with the nic bottle and the rest with the doubler to make 12mg. I wanted to use a syringe, but I could not get their drip topper off the bottle. So I had to guess. I don't know if TastyVapor always does this, but my order came with an empty 1oz bottle as well. I know I didn't order it. Good luck, Michelle!
  3. I think you're up to about twenty or so liquids on the "big bottle list", sister!
  4. No, a drip tip isn't absolutely necessary for dripping to vape. You can take off the empty cartridge and drip onto the atomizer that way. A drip tip basically just allows you to not have to remove the mouthpiece and dripping down into it will allow the liquid to go right onto the atomizer without having to remove anything because it is just a mouthpiece with a big hole in it. Easy peasy.
  5. I really like VT Clever Clove. Usually, it does taste great, but with my cold going away and yours still around, it does not taste quite up to snuff, I imagine. It is really good, I promise.
  6. You can do it! Put 'em down!!! Hope you feel better soon. I just got over a cold myself. Menthol liquid helped clear the sinuses.
  7. Ummm, what could be better? Just seeing Johnny Depp would be enough.
  8. I had a few smokes left in the pack the day the eGo arrived. While it charged up, I had a couple. When it was fully charged, I went outside, had a drink and the last smoke, pulled the eGo out of my pocket and vaped it up. Haven't bought a pack since. I have, though, bummed a few smokes while at the bar from friends here and there, but by this time I don't think I've had more than fourteen of those nasty things since September 1, 2010. They taste so awful now. Love vaping!
  9. Well, you can forget the questions I asked in your welcome thread. I never could or can get cartridges to work. They do just like what you wrote: it still seems full, but it doesn't pull down to the atomizer. I gave that up for dripping, the direct dripping with a drip tip. Also cartomizers work really well. Good luck and keep trying! Let me know if you find something that DOES work with those carts!
  10. My way to ecigs is similar to Brian's. Kept hearing commercials on the radio (the ones right after grow your own TOMATOES! [you know what I mean]) and I did a search for something like Brian's too. Found Vapor Talk and everyone was so friendly and encouraging. I knew I wanted something that lasted longer, didn't care if it looked like a cigarette, and would really work. eGo it was. Got it September 1 and have only had a few bummed smokes here and there since.
  11. For sure, an eGo. They use the 510 size atomizer and cartomizers. The VaporTalk store has an eGo kit, check out the store: http://www.vaportalkstore.com Liquids are also available. Always good to have plenty of liquid! Good luck and vape on!
  12. Thank you, Emily. Vape on, sister!
  13. Yup, that's more complicated and more based on personal actions. If you puff for a long time with an atomizer, you'll need to drip more often. You'll notice the taste starts to be "off" or "burnt" and you need to add about two drops. It should be good for, generally, five to eight hits. As for the cartomizers, when they start not producing as much vapor and tasting "off" --don't let them get to "burnt" because then it's done-- then you should refill it. Hang in there!
  14. All right!!!!!!! Well, then maybe never mind the post I made right as you were posting this one! YEAH!!!!
  15. Are you able to use the chat feature here at vapor talk? The address is http://tinychat.com/vaportalkforum I'm sure someone there will be able to answer your question really fast and show you at the same time! Unfortunately, I don't use the camera and headphones, just text. But even then, someone there, if you're only able to do the text part, will probably be able to show you stuff. But, if it is just your liquid, then try another. Blow out the atty first, though, to get the machiatto (sp?) taste out. We're here for you!
  16. You may have flooded the cartomizer. Take it off the battery and blow out through the mouth end onto a paper towel or tissue or napkin. Give that a try and get back to us, OK? I so want this to go well for you!
  17. Midnight for me, too. Right now anyway.
  18. I hope flavors get better for you. You've done lots of work to figure out what went wrong and deserve some reward for it, like your liquid flavor staying consistent. All the best and vape on!
  19. I use a sharpie on my cartos. It is silver color and shows up nicely on the black paper.
  20. Well, Kingbtheone, there goes my response to you in the other thread. I'm a little shocked, actually, that they won't replace them. Boo on them.
  21. Kingbtheone, you shouldn't need to buy batteries every week. I'd contact my supplier to see what's up with them. Most suppliers offer some kind of warranty on them, if I'm not mistaken. At any rate, it doesn't hurt to ask.
  22. Yes, I think we are all in agreement about the flavor changing over time, in a positive way though. Let me ask you this: what have you said to your dad when you've asked him to try the 555? In other words, have you perhaps clouded his opinion to it not tasting as good? Or have you been more neutral in your approach? And how has he tried it? From a taste of a drop of it on his finger? Or a hit from your PV? And if from your PV, was it from a fresh cartomizer or atomizer, or one that has been used?
  23. Having a few analogs here and there is normal. I had a few on Friday and I've been vaping for three months. The battery life is amazing, isn't it? So glad you like it! As I understand it, VT Tobacco and Exotic Tobacco are the same thing. The drip tips go on top of the atomizer instead of the cartridge. It may be a snug fit at first, but the o-ring will give a little after some use. Vape on!
  24. I have VT Butterscotch. I like it quite a bit. I vaped it on an eGo with a brand new LR atty and drip tip. I had just had some butterscotch cookies that day, and I thought the liquid tasted right on.
  25. Creative. Love it!
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