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Everything posted by AimeeG

  1. The coughing will get better! It is (most likely) your body ridding itself of the awful stuff from the analogs. As a side note, I sometimes still cough on my first vape hit of the morning. Throat hit is not something I especially enjoy, nor seek out. Vape on!
  2. Staying home. Had been planning to do that anyway. Maybe go to the neighbor's to be neighborly since they invited me over. Oh, and I'll be rocking the New Year in with my very own Mark's Mod which is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. (thank again, Mark and Brian! )
  3. Oh, do get one for your mom! It'll be good bonding for you both!
  4. To add on to the eGo bandwagon here.... I stopped smoking analogs in September. That means I also stopped smoking them in my car. I vape in the car though, on an eGo with cartomizers. So when I went to pick up my cousin last week, with whom I've spent countless hours smoking in the car during summer months, she said, "I can't smoke in here, can I?" I said, "Nope!" and handed her a second eGo battery with a cartomizer on it. We vaped all the way to lunch. I knew after lunch would be hard for her, but she said, "Can we have that smoky thingy in your car again?" I, of course, agreed, because nicotine after Chili's is a must! LOL We get to our next destination, and she just wants to hang in the car for a bit and vape. No problem. On Christmas day, when we usually sneak out and have a smoke in the car to get "gas" (yeah, right!), we just went in her room instead an used the "smoky thingies" again, this time with drip tips each. Unfortunately, she loses everything, so I didn't get her one as a gift, but I did give her this site to peruse. In other words, if it worked for my 18 year old cousin (who's been smoking since she's 15), it'll work for you. Not once did she complain about the size or that it didn't look like a cigarette. Not once did she wish she had something that tasted like Newports. I had a sampling to use from here at VT for her on Christmas, and she loved it all! Good luck, Joy! We are all here for you!
  5. I read the thread Lori made about not being able to taste flavors, and that kitsune, nana, mastiffmom, and she all have the same problem. Sometimes I have that problem, too. As I drank a bit of pineapple infused vodka last night, I got to looking at that infuser, and thought, "Hey, I wonder if on a smaller scale, this would work for DIY flavorings?" So seriously, if I put some vodka, or other high alcohol content liquid, in a bottle or jar with some PG or VG, wouldn't I then be in control of the intensity of the flavor? I mean this fresh pineapple I have in the vodka has been there a week and it keeps getting more intense each day. So couldn't the liquid, had I also put in PG or VG, but used to vape and mixed with other DIY stuff? I think we'd have to be careful about things with oils, like orange or lemon. Or maybe not, just shaking might work. Dunno. And maybe be careful with straining things, too, like with cheesecloth, because you might not want a chunk of pineapple or whatever ending up in your atty. Has anyone tried this? Or have thoughts about this?
  6. What a great gift! Congrats and enjoy!
  7. Jeffb, that is stand-up righteous!
  8. snubber, three weeks!?!? Are you kidding me? How many times have you refilled it, do you think? What vendor did you get it from? Holy crap impressive! Back on topic.... still living the vaping dream with Dulcis.
  9. CASEACE79, that is really well said, and I wholeheartedly agree. I wish all of you the very best of fun and excitement and good times for the holiday and the New Year. Vape on!
  10. I like your thinking, snubber... "beta tester AimeeG" has a nice ring to it!
  11. Wow. Looks totally amazing! So excited to try it.
  12. And in a BOGE LR Carto, right? I'm back to Dulcis.
  13. No, they don't. From their website (close to the bottom of the page): "Where Do I Enter My Discount Code? Sadly, if you were lurking on the forums and ran across someone saying that there is a discount code you can use on our site, this is the result of someone having a laugh at your expense and ours. We do not have discount codes AT PRESENT. This may happen sometime in the future, but it does not exist now. We offer competitive prices for a very high quality product. We also offer weekly specials and amazing deals on Doublers and miscellaneous products enough that we don't feel the necessity to have discount codes. For those of you placing larger orders, the site is programmed to extend a 10% discount after the first $100 in purchases, and a 15% discount after $200 in purchases. This is as far as discounts go and an already highly reasonably priced line of products. While discount codes DO exist, they are a SINGLE USE code that the system deletes once the code has been used. These codes are ONLY offered under certain circumstances and NOT handed out casually."
  14. Yeah, it seemed like it would to me, too. I ordered some. Never been a cart user because I could never get it to work. My really great carto search isn't going very well. I feel like I waste a ton of liquid in them besides. So, I'll try these silicone plugs and see if they work.
  15. Would this item in regular carts do the same thing?
  16. Back to Dulcis for me, too. Yum! It really just can't be beat no matter the weather.
  17. So, how is it, MtnLioness?
  18. I had that happen to some of mine once, too. Not a fun experience. I think of the 20 I received from that vendor (whom I've forgotten the name of right now), seven of them were bad like that. They were full of liquid, but it tasted like burnt ick. Mine burnt my throat, too, and left a funny feeling on my teeth. I'm sorry this happened to you. It's no fun, especially when you might not have many cartos on hand to try again. Good luck and wish I could help more.
  19. I have no idea how I came across them, but IkenVape seems to have an unusual interest in perfecting their cartomizers. Has anyone tried them? They also seem to take great care in their atomizers. Has anyone used those? Many styles and types seem to be out of stock right now, so I'm not sure if that's because they are really good, they have customs issues, or they just don't make that many to begin with. So, if anyone has thoughts about IkenVape's line of stuff, it'd be much appreciated. Vape on.
  20. I won't give you hell for slammin' Dulcis, CASEACE79, but I will say that Atomic Cinnacide is a very different flavor from Dulcis. And I like that when I'm in the mood for a wake-up the taste buds kind of taste. I we compared it to, say, some generic RY4, then I'd give you hell.
  21. I just put Killa Vanilla from ElectroNicStix on my atty. Tastes very different with the atty as opposed to in the two cartomizers of it I used on the way home. Very good in the atty, coffee-ish in the cartos.
  22. DAYVAPE, we never get tired of hearing you "yap" about Boge cartos.
  23. Tasty Vapor lets you customize to an extent. I'm sure there are other places, but I haven't ordered from them yet.
  24. Hi, Emily! Most of my VaporTalk juices play nicely together, like Dulcis, Midnight, Colada, Machiato (sp?), Cappuccino, Clove, and Butterscotch. The only one that doesn't like to be mixed from VT is Cola. It takes a long while for the Cola to vape away when I put something different in the atty. But it does go away. Eventually. I haven't really cleaned my atomizers much more than to blow them out in the evening and stick a corner of the napkin I blew into inside by the bridge to wick up any other junk. Some people have soaked them in water with a denture cleaning tablet, others soak them in pure grain alcohol (everclear). I haven't done either of these things. I keep a dedicated atty for orange cream pop and atomic cinnacide. Other than that, I use one for all my other flavors. Let us know how it's going!
  25. I was faster than Brian?! That's got to be a first!
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