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Everything posted by AimeeG

  1. Congratulations! Two years is awesome!
  2. Congratulations, Jodie!
  3. Chris, I didn't want to say where it was from. I hope you appreciate me withholding that. I'm only trying to figure out what it is that I'm sure I'm doing wrong. When I just pressed on the button to see if it was discolored behind it (i.e., the color of the liquid), it is not. Nice, bright, shiny white LED. It seems that is a simply a case of liquid running down the sides and defying gravity to go around the button (as I rest it button up at the fifteen degree angle, as mentioned previously). It's not a huge issue, I was merely curious if it happened to anyone else and see what I might be doing wrong. Placing it in a cup of some sort while it rests will likely help, especially when it's overnight and in the off mode. I appreciate the help and the service, if it were indeed warranted. (Not the same as "under warranty".)
  4. mjradik, you are a funny guy! the wall, indeed! Glass cup, check. Should work. It just seems weird that since I have the battery leaning, with the button toward the ceiling, that the liquid would come through that area and not behind it (the part toward the desk or table). I'm using a just a 510 atomizer, not an eGo-Tank atty. And yes, I use the cone with it. It's weird.
  5. Jeff and BirdDog: Contacted supplier. Was told that "batteries are completely sealed so there is no way for the liquid to enter into the battery compartment" and that it "is usually a result of leaving the ego on its side over night". With the Super-T VapeMate on the eGo-T battery, I do indeed do this, kind of. The batteries/entire unit is propped up on a raised coaster, about a quarter inch, off it being perfectly horizontal, so maybe a fifteen degree incline. The button faces the ceiling. Maybe it is indeed user error. Anyone have ideas on a resting stand set up?
  6. I bought four new ego-T batteries last month. The two black ones leak at the button area. Anyone else have this issue? I use atomizers on them with a Super-T liquid feeder. I've never had this problem before. The cone is tight. I clean out the atomizer connection to the battery and the place where the battery holds the atomizer regularly. Any thoughts?
  7. It's almost a year for me since I started vaping, and I went through many trials as I started. Thought I'd use a ton of cartos ... didn't like filling them. Knew I had to vape in the car or risk falling asleep, so I kept at the cartos. Loved direct dripping at home and my low resistance atties. Dripping and driving aren't safe. There are lots of options to remedy this, from box mods that have juice bottles inside to the option I use which is a vapemate from SuperT Manufacturing. I use it on my eGo and enjoy "direct dripping" while on the go with it. Take it easy, relax, and vape away cravings. You'll do great! And you'll find the perfect set-up for you somewhere along the way! Enjoy!
  8. At almost ten months into vaping, I have to agree with what everyone wrote above. Smokers smell nasty. No amount of perfume covers it up. And perfume and ashtray just don't work for me. Running is easier and smells better outdoors in the spring for sure. (Though after running smells a bit worse now, too. ) When I first started vaping, I kept rolling the window down in the car. Then it got cold and I realized I didn't have to do that. Though I did have to run the defroster a bit more often because it got humid in the car. I do still go out to the garage now that it's warmer to vape and talk on the phone, but I didn't in the winter. I stayed toasty inside and vaped. I also drank less alcohol these last ten months. Saved my waist line. I sleep better. Not as much snoring. And, yeah, my house smells nice.
  9. While I have no idea how long the clearomizers last, if you have the cash now and this is to be your only order for June for them, then I'd get two. And if five last a month, you won't have to buy any in July.
  10. I use this: The Super-T VapeMate. Drip, drive, no huge hassles, I love it.
  11. Hello Vapor Talkers! Long time, no talk. But I had to alert you to a situation that came about this evening. I was vaping happily along, making lime infused vodka (tedious work, that, zesting seven limes and then squeezing them). Anyway. Suddenly, I'm sucking in air. Did my battery lose its charge already? Nope, still lights up, not blinking. I try again. Feels like I'm sucking air through a wide open straw. Mind you, I've been using this atty for about two months now, maybe longer. It's my "at home" atty. Probably on average used four to six hours each day. And it's LR, so I knew it would go sooner than later. But I'm a sad vaper. That atty has seen me through Spring Break, checking research reports for hours on end, cruising the Internet for far too many hours, and helped me get through my mornings as I readied to face the wonderful darlings I call seventh graders at work. It was perfectly broken in, switching from one flavor to the next in similar varieties without a hiccup. Now I have this new one, and it's just not as good. I'm sure it'll get there. Someday. In the meantime, I wish this atty well in its travels. Take care, Vapor Talkers, of your atties and appreciate them every day. You just never know when the relationship might come to an end. Treat them as well as they treat you. [As a side note, I did nothing special to clean or take care of this one in any way: no blowing out at the end of the day as I had done, no boiling, not even a PG bath, aka, The Dooder Method. Lasted me so much longer than any of my others ever did with all that craziness.]
  12. I'd also like to suggest Sweet-Vapes.com. I love those liquids, and if you like coffee flavored ones, you'll be ordering a bunch in no time flat. Kona Cream and Starbuckets Espresso are delicious! Pineapple Upside Down cake is also very good. Order small bottles from lots of places to start. You'll find your go-to's quickly enough.
  13. I'm so sorry Sweet-Vapes didn't work out for you. But I wanted to say, I think you wrote a completely honest review of the liquids and still gave high praise to Dayna. That is commendable. Well done. I'm bringing you back to zero (you had a negative point on this post).
  14. Do not watch while consuming a beverage.... unless you like cleaning up your monitor. Some of these people ought to be really careful or they'll end up in the next batch of Darwin Awards.
  15. Nanna, I have to agree, Sweet-Vapes margarita is lovely. I especially love it when I'm drinking something citrus-y. Great combo. Well written review.
  16. I was just honestly curious. I'd never seen it spelled that way, and you nothing if not consistent for doing so. No worries, and like Dayvape said, we won't hold it against you. I also have some of those dang CE2 things and I hated them. I hope they work out for you. If they work for you, I can send them your way, if you wish. Just PM me an address where you'd like them sent.
  17. Glad you found something to work for you! While I'm at it (posting), I wanted to say, you are the only person whom I have consistently seen spell cartomizer with a d (cardomizer). Did you find that spelling at the store where you bought them? Just curious.
  18. Pop off the white top of the cartomizer and drip liquid down into the white batting. Do not let it go down the middle hole or it will drip down and out the cartomizer.
  19. I've refused to add up what I've spent. Ignorance is bliss when it comes to my vaping supplies! Too bad we can't claim the price of them in the health supplies section of the tax form!
  20. I use the cone when direct dripping (which is all the time now) because if the atomizer leaks, the cone will keep it from making a mess. At least until you take it off carefully over a napkin.
  21. Yeah, I'm with Jeff. I think about too many other things while driving at this point. You wouldn't be able to have a conversation or listen to the radio with that contraption. I want a car that I can tell a GPS or some such thing where I want to go, and it just does it: taking the best route, accelerating, turning, stopping, etc., on its own. Maybe it should also have a Nike swoosh.
  22. Just ordered some needed hardware backups. Thanks for keeping up my spending. He had everything I wanted: battery (red), charge cords (two because one died [thank goodness for already having a backup!!!] and one spare for the car), a car charger (both batteries were dead the other day, must not allow that to happen again!), and a drip tip (should always have a spare in case one gets lost). Looking forward to having these items at the ready!
  23. This is why you are one of my top two of my liquid suppliers.
  24. I've never seen anything about an ER in reference to cartomizers or atomizers. LR, though, typically stands for low resistance, and you can achieve a five volt type vaping experience using an eGo battery with such an atomizer or cartomizer.
  25. Nice work, Frank!
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