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Everything posted by ZeroMavrick

  1. Nice review, that blueberry cheesecake sounds delicious !
  2. I was going to ask this same question, when I first got my ego I didn't want to put it down. All I want to do is vape, because it is so easy lol Not only that, but when all your friends are dying for a smoke I can just whip out my ego and chief on it infront of them and they're like fml. lol I love vaping I was just afraid I loved it to much. xD But I'm glad to see people do the same as me. :]
  3. Go with an ego! YOU WILL NOT be disappointed
  4. Im glad that you enjoy your ego as much as I do! Im getting mentha and grape soda juice today for the VT store I can't wait!
  5. I agree with everyone else, don't worry about it bro. Your all good
  6. Thanks for your tips and answers everyone I appreciate all your help!
  7. Very nice! I ordered my ego from them a few days ago and it took two days to get to me. I got my ego yesterday, and I highly enjoy it. My next step is to get some juice and a drip tip Thats what I'm doing today!
  8. Hello everyone, I got my ego in the mail yesterday and I must say it is very awesome. Thank you guys for all the advice, but now I have a few questions. I'm going to purchase 2 different juices today. How do I put the juice in my ego without ruining my ego? I don't want to do the wrong thing. Can I only use juice if I have a cartomizer or do the drip tips work? Sorry for all the questions lol thank you.
  9. Very nice review You guys made that stuff sound really good. I might have to try after I get some juice from VT store.
  10. gotta love the tingling
  11. Preach it like a conviction brotha.
  12. Is there anything like this going on in Florida? & If we are in other states, is there anyway we can still help out other states that are trying to put a ban on e cigs?
  13. Yeah I am highly interested in this juice please tell about it!
  14. That is pretty scary though. Who would want to overdose on nicotine ? This scares me, but even though it does I still plan to vape. Think of all the damage a regular cigarette does to you. Just take your time and pace yourself. If something doesn't feel right, stop.
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