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Everything posted by owutaqt

  1. How exciting!! I know you are gonna love it! Let us know what you think.
  2. http://www.wchstv.com/newsroom/healthyforlife/1772.shtml
  3. LOL, I have a teenage daughter and NO way would that come out of her mouth. She said is that gonna be instead of cigarettes forever now mom, and I said yes, as long as I can get it I will do this and not smoke, she says wow, that is a great invention! Hmmmm, guess she was not at that place to buy them. She said she saw them once on TV and thought my mom should do that instead, but I have yet to hear her say she wants to vape now.
  4. Thats why I cannot get from Christopher, someone hogged it all!!
  5. Well I am going to order a lot of pina colada juice and would like to know if anyone has tried the following: Mad vapes Indyvapor Vaperite Any others you think are awesome? Please lmk.
  6. wow! Just WOW!
  7. One week from today is the hearing! One week!
  8. I know it does not much matter if they are going after 5 or 500 they are trying to gain ground and that sucks. I am sorry for the suppliers and you especially because it hits home so hard. I think that the best we can do is keep on hoping for the best and expecting the worse. I know a lot of ppl are worried about how they are going to keep vaping and I know you are worried how you are going to keep food on the table, I'm sorry. I hope this whole thing settles down a bit after the hearing next week.
  9. I think this is a must read! http://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot.com/
  10. E-Cig poll
  11. Is this a new letter? If it was sent the 8th why is it just now coming about? I don't get it.
  12. She said it does exsist she just said it was rare! So, I thought that was good news.
  13. So, I went to the doc today and she said for the first time your ears are not infected and you don't have a sinus infection even after you had a cold.....I said YEAH! She listened to my lungs and said OH I forgot you quit smoking your lungs sound great!! We talked about PG/VG effects on the body some headaches I was having, and then we talked about people having issues with E-cigs. She does not watch the news so she did not now anyything about the FDA crap, but she said how come they cannot use common sense, lets see 4000 chemicals over lets see 4-7 in the juices. So she is pretty happy said my lungs sound better than she has ever heard them and to keep on vaping. She was shocked at how much of a variety of juices you can get. I told her my urine smelled off was wondering if it was the PG/VG she said no, its probably the flavoring. She also pointed out that if I start having problems with it that it might more than likely be the different flavorings and NOT the actual PG/VG. Suggested to start flavors ONE at a time so you know if you are having a problem with a different flavor, mixture or manufacturer. She also thought it would be INCREDIBLY rare to have an allergic reaction to PG/VG because it is all around us all the time in foods and products. She was going to suggest it to a patient she has who was in the hospital intubated and as soon as the tube came out she was outside the hospital SMOKING! Maybe it will work. Sure hope so! That's all I gots! Thought you would all like to hear some more positives from a medical professional.
  14. The first ones I got were from electro nic stix and I love love loved them, just ordered more but they are out of black so had to get pink. The other ones I got which I just noticed are gold threaded from diyflavor and they suck and not in a good way.....live and learn!
  15. Do different suppliers have different cartomizers, I mean like the brand? I have had two different orders of them the first order they performed great, the second set I ordered from a different supplier are not that great. Sometimes when I fill them up no matter what they are really harsh. The first ones I bought were not harsh at all. Any clues as to how I make sure that the ones I order are "good" ones?
  16. What about the new revolution???
  17. I think it was a possibility...............if they were sold as a novelty device only that might have helped. Maybe a personal vaporization device....I think you put cigarette in any sentence it just puts a bad taste in ppl's mouth.
  18. Happy Birthday! Glad you got the cola I hope you rocks for ya!
  19. Done, can we see the results somewhere?
  20. How does this stop the liquid from coming out of the top?
  21. Just got this and I honesty was sitting here thinking what did I just eat? I feel like I ate something.....I think it was just the juice.......could it be??
  22. I got my kit at vaporgalaxy.com you can't beat their customer service.
  23. You are going to need more cartridges or cartomizers...three wont last long. If it were me I would order cartomizers.....then you don't have to fill them up to often and the atomizer is included. JMHO
  24. try the tiramisu from Vapor Galaxy. My friend Luke, sent me a free sample and it is like coffee heaven to me. ALL VG!
  25. Yeah don't have that......so, yeah!
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