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Everything posted by owutaqt

  1. Did you want the address for my stocking??? LOL!!
  2. I have heard that LASIK surgery can make vision worse years later and that it is not unusual to have to have it done twice. I don't know if vaping causes eye problems, and I will continue to research this but it just seems like a really wild side effect.
  3. Well the gist of it is that the nicotine is NOT causing the cataracts, but the irratation from smoke itself whether from cigarettes or another source increases your risk of cataracts. Something about the way smoke oxidized your eyeball. Like paint on a car. Does that make it any clearer or are we like mud still???
  4. Found this info.....which I thought was very interesting. Mechanisms of Smoke Action The mechanisms by which smoking may damage the lens are becoming increasingly clear. Damage appears not to be related to the nicotine in tobacco, but more generally and commonly, to any form of smoke and partially pyrolyzed organic material from tobacco, coal, wood, cooking fuel, or automobile fuel. Our earlier studies14 suggest the major damaging mechanism to be oxidative stress brought about by reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by smoke constituents both in the dark and in light. Damage is more likely to occur through systemic absorption of smoke constituents that reach the lens and generate ROS endogenously through photodynamic action. This effect would depend on the amount of such photoactive material in the lens and is therefore thought to be dose-dependent (heaviness and period of smoke inhalation). In prior smokers who have overcome the habit, such deposition of photodynamic material would have ceased, rendering this mode of oxidative stress inoperative. This would explain why quitting smoking reduces this risk factor.46 47 That oxidative stress by smoke is generated in dark conditions, as suggested by reports15 16 48 49 on the accumulation of metals such as Cd and Fe and the reduction in levels of vitamin C in the lens and blood of smokers (and smoke-exposed rats). Oxidative stress occurs through a metal-catalyzed Fenton reaction that produces ROS and by modulating the role of metallothioneins. Partial relief of the condition by the administration of the antioxidant vitamin E and the iron-chelator deferoxamine48 49 adds support to the idea that oxidative stress is imposed by smoke. The recent French Age-Related Eye Diseases (POLA) study31 implicates the role of antioxidant enzymes in the etiology of PSC in lifelong heavy smokers.
  5. She has some nice stuff, Christmas is just around the corner!
  6. The vapor rooms cotton candy is good but their vanilla cupcake is heavenly! I do dulcis all day everyday but when I want a sweet treat I go for one of those two.
  7. OH man! I hope you are OK! Traffic accidents always throw a wrench in your day. Start back when you can.....never a failure, just a setback. Hope you have a better day today!
  8. What is the current one you have not giving you? what level of nic are you doing? Do you have juice that you really like? Are you using cartridges now or cartomizers or Direct dripping? All of those are factors in killing the urge. What were you smoking before and how much? The ego is the way to go for battery life, but like Dayvape says its still just a 3.7 volt so it might not do the deed for you.
  9. Hmmm, well then I would try some VG juices and see if that helps. I would also try to up your nic and see if that helps. Then you have to go the other way....is there too much VG in your juice and do you need to lower your nicotine. It is hard to figure it out, but eventually it just becomes a process of elimination. The other factor is have you been taking aspirin, tylenol or another pain reliever this whole time, I know that rebound headaches can happen as well. What are you using to vape with? An Ego? a 510 ?? Maybe the draw is too hard.
  10. Well, have you gone to the doctor? I know that headache can have many causes, not enough nicotine, too much nicotine, sinus and healing, not enough caffeine.....I do think though if you have had a headache for three weeks constant, you need to be seen by your doc.
  11. You must try the Dulcis here at the VaporTalk store, you just must....it is my all day every day vape. I think you will love it!
  12. haha, nope I am not working for a marketing company! I do think it would be a great idea though! LOL!
  13. You know if battery life is the most important thing for you, I would suggest either a mod or an Ego, I think that for someone that is new an Ego is probably your best bet. I do not know much about the volcano product line, so I can't help much there, but I know that an Ego will last you most of the day if not all day. Welcome to vaportalk
  14. Maybe they need to come out with a starter kit that has a 510 battery and then an ego with it, so newbies can have the best of both worlds....hmmmm??
  15. Wow that was like a breath of fresh air! Nice and fair for a change.
  16. That is crazy!! Other ppl were using them for the same thing. I never thought about having such a thing, but I suppose if we ever have "the big one" we will be without power for awhile..hmmmm!
  17. Good Luck! Remember not to be too hard on yourself if you don't just go cold turkey to an e-cig. For many its a process, I was very much that way!
  18. hahaha AimeeG I was just thinking the same thing! I admit I got the 510 and I still like it a lot, but the battery life does suck, at times I do want that "feeling" of a cigarette in my hand still. I think it will change someday and I don't "need" it all the time anymore, but man when I started out, I really needed that feeling. I like that we at least have that option. I do think it helps newbie ppl that are on the fence about trying the ecig a good place to move from analogs to the world of no combustion.
  19. You are gonna be just fine! I personally did not give up analogs on the first day out well hell honestly I did not give them up till about a month into vaping, so take into consideration that it may take more than a day to make the transition, don't be too hard on yourself if you smoke a few. I held onto one a day for quite a few weeks. Take your time and enjoy. One step at a time.
  20. Some juices that start off with no flavor maybe awesome in two weeks, revisit them and see what you think then. Seems like you got things going in the right direction, awesome!!
  21. This is my 2cents and you can take if for what its worth. I would advise stocking up on any ONE flavor or any juice. Unless you have been vaping for 6 months or so, you may not know what your "true" favorite is yet. Try a bunch of different ones. Go to the classified section here and pick up some stuff cheaper and try all kinds. Keep what you can vape, even if you don't love it, if anything happens you will have some stock pile. Trade or sell off the ones you don't and keep a steady supply of those you love love love! Be careful though all but one juice I have here I could happily leave, but I do have others "in case" I need to vape and can't get stuff.
  22. hahah, you know as silly as it looks and sounds you are right on there Aimee. I do think that you have days where it just does not taste right, just like you have days that you just can't get the "right" hit. I hope it comes back soon Snubber, maybe try something fruity?
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