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    Gambling,Vaping,Camping,etc. Most of all Dogs :)

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  1. Thank you very much for that info...much appreciated. I am wondering,as I was thinking for my mom, that it would be easier and simpler than the manual...but I guess if I get a really good instruction manual with pics...she can't go wrong. Do you know of anywhere that I can print off an excellent instruction manual with pics for the Ego? Thanks again
  2. Hello, I am just wondering what people prefer in an Ego and other PV's... manual or automatic? What are the differences? Besides the obvious Lol! Thank you
  3. $10.99 hmmm...that's a really great price!
  4. I wish I would have thought things out before posting the above company names. I have been on another forum years ago and I thought that you could delete a post at anytime. If it is possible to delete company names above, please let me know or it would be appreciated if the company names above can be deleted. As I don't think it is right for me to be mentioning other companies names etc. and anything that says Canada...It would be even more awesome if the whole thread on this could be deleted... Another stupid noobie mistake
  5. Thank you very much I am soooo glad I found this place and was pointed in the right direction, I am very sure I have found an awesome company as well...again...from everyone's help...which is much appreciated
  6. Thank you ALL very very much I ordered the super Ego kit from Vaporworld ...and am also going to order samples of VG PG and I ordered the 50/50 mix. That way I will know what I like I have sooooooo many friends that want these, but I have told them I haven't found a company or product that I would recommend yet. So, I cannot wait to get my Ego...and let everyone sample it etc...I'm soooo excited! Thank you all very much for all your help! I'll be letting you all know what I think about the Ego, flavors etc. the day I get it
  7. Thank you Yes they have given me great advise! Are you saying to add blank or pre-filled cartomizers to my list? How many should I buy? Also, the batteries that I do have from these 2 companies, 1 is replacing my dead ones...can I use these still and buy carts or new attys for them? I don't know what they are...they both have different threads on them,like the Epuffer carts don't fit on the No.7 choice batteries and vise versa...are these batteries or attomizers what people are referring to as 510's? Thanks again...and sorry for the stupid q's...
  8. Thank you for all your advise That's my problem trying to figure out the Epuffer e-liquid, I ordered it in "high" and one in medium...it states absolutely nothing on the bottles it just says, E-liquid 555 High 30ml...by the way I love 555! The other e-juice I have ordered from SS Choice No.7 states that it is "high" that it has nicotine(0-2.4mgs) aromas,glycerine and water...the flavors are awful,blueberry,strawberry,vanilla, and apple. I found it to be a little strong. I smoked 2packs a day of lights for over 25yrs...I think mine may be more habit due to alot of stress rather than actually the nicotine as I was able to quit in a couple days once I was vaping 8mgs a day on the Epuffer cartomizers.Is using just a cartomizer maybe weaker than using an atomizer/cartomizer? Thanks again
  9. Thank you very much for your reply Are the attys for the Egos just the regular or should I get the jumbo? The jumbo are cheaper $16.50 compared to $22.99...at Vaporgalaxy they state they are not responsible for seizures, so I don't want to risk it if Wordup guarantees like I think I read somewhere?
  10. Hi, I am lost again, In need of help. I decided to go with the Ego, however I want to make sure I buy enough of everything as it will take a couple weeks to get to Canada. How many extra atomizers/batteries do I need to last me at least 2mths? What about a passthrough for the Ego? What is the proper names for everything, as I see there are jumbo/cones/etc. i'm very confused. With the e-liquid...if smoking lights, shouldn't I go with the 6mg vs the 11mg? I was smoking 8mg cartomizers from Epuffer.com and I could have easily went with the 6mgs. Then the next question Propelyene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerine,or 50/50 mix? I have no clue what to go with. I also want to make sure I buy from the right supplier, so that if it gets seized I'm not out all my money. I have $250 to spend right now and that includes shipping costs. Can someone please direct me... and also would like to know if there are any deals/coupon codes? Thank you Was thinking on going with Wordup, because someone had mentioned it...and right now they have everything in stock. Thank you again
  11. Thank you everyone! I decided to go with Wordup and buy the Ego! I wanted to buy the other brand as well that takes cartomizers, but they are out of stock in the mgs I wanted.I just don't have a clue what strength e-liquid to buy? I was on 8mg cartomizers before and am a 2 pack a day smoker.I also don't know the differences in PG, VG, and 50/50...any advise would be awesome! Thank you all
  12. Thank you for all the replies! It is very much appreciated I found one of the sites that states they are an American company,and even the juice is American made. Here is what it says and the name of it: ProVape is an American manufacturing company started by several people in Washington state. We come from varied backgrounds but we combine our knowledge and strengths to create world-class products. We draw on years of experience in the consumer products industry, military electronics, engineering, computers and manufacturing. ProVape is proud to be an American company and we believe in quality American-made products. I know I have seen more claiming this, I just cannot find them. Does anyone know about this company? The company I was buying from is Epuffer.com they were featured twice on the Drs. T.V. show. A starter kit 2 batteries a charger and 5 cartomizers are $119.99 and $139.99. The batteries are $39.99 each...$49.99 for a USB passthrough...$14.99 for 5 pre-filled cartomizers,and $29.99 for e-juice. Then there is a discount of 15% but there is also 12% HST and shipping is $25...but they messed up on my credit card by charging me $336 and I faxed them my credit card statement showing this,as they do not show these charges on their end.I am supposedly getting an answer tomorrow as to what happened,but am pretty pissed off that I have to wait,but the lady clearly remembers my order,she is nice and appologised that they could not do anything sooner. So I will see what she says tomorrow, but now that I here what the actual prices should be...I see I am really getting ripped off! As far as a ban in Canada...some companies are selling everything except the e-liquid...but Epuffer is in Canada and they sell the e-juice as well...so I don't know how they get away with it and other Canadian companies don't? I also am wondering about the propelyne glycol vs the vegetable glycerine and the 50/50 mixes...what are the differences? Also, due to the fact that I am a two pack a day smoker...how many mg e-juice do you think I should start with? Wordup sells the Ego correct? Do most of you prefer the non-cartomizers? I want to stock up so I don't run out again and have to start smoking again, so I want to make sure I don't run out again and have to start smoking again, so I want to make sure I get enough supplies.Thank you all for your advise it is very much appreciated
  13. P.S. I forgot to add that I just started all this the end of July 2010 and just ran out a week ago...and this is how much money I have already spent in only a month!
  14. Hi, I am new here...and I really would appreciate advice...I am a 2 pack a day smoker,until I discovered e-cigs...I completely quit smoking. However,I have already spent over $800 trying only 2 different company products. The first company I tried,has crap and charges a ridiculous shipping rate. With this product it is called the No.7 Classic starter kit. I have read the instructions, watched videos on how to use it...yet there were many times I took a drag and got a mouthful of juice! The 2 atomizers don't even work anymore either. The second company,though very expensive,uses cartomizers.I now am a huge fan of the cartomizer...except the batteries are already both dead!I don't believe the cartomizer is equal to a pack of cigarettes by any means! As I have to smoke 3 cartridges a day! I found the 8mg cartridges to be a little strong, as I had a sore throat for over a week, and was vomitting frequently.When I ran out of the cartomizers I started trying the other brand again, and I got nicotine poisoning really bad! What I really need to find...is a reputable "made in the USA" company that has excellent products,excellent prices,and ships to Canada affordably. These cheap "made in China" products are crap! I also really wonder what is in the e-liquid? So with the research so far...I have heard about ceramic cartomizers that have no filler...I can't remember where I saw this though...does anyone know who has decent cartomizers that you can refill and has alot of vapor? I have heard alot of talk about the Ego...and am really curious how that works and if this would work for me without the juice getting in my mouth when I take a drag? I have been out of e-cigs for a week now due to the second company accidently charging my credit card for $336 and am waiting for them to figure out what they have done wrong and credit back my card,this is why I have been holding off on ordering from them. I cannot wait any longer,i'm back to regular smoking now...and I hate it...but I need my nicotine! I just want a reputable company with great lasting products,lots of vapor,great prices and shipping...and I along with many of my friends will be a loyal longtime customer! Thank you in advance for your help...it is soooooo much appreciated ~Stacy
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