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Everything posted by Testy

  1. Look for "real extracts" in your product search as most juices use articial flavors. They are not easy to find. Most e-juices promoted as natural fruit flavors are, in fact, lab produced "natural" flavors. Contact the manufacturer and talk to them about it if there is any doubt. A real natural will state "no artificial flavors" but the e-juice industry is based upon artificial flavors almost exclusively. Those of us that don't vape artificial flavors go to more trouble than most vapers to find our liquids. We also work a little harder to vape as we have to change our wicks and clean our coils more often but it is worth it for real natural flavors IMHO. Some atomizers are better better suited to the natural flavors as well. added: Fadora Vapor Five Pawns Vape Dudes EC Blends None of the vendors listed above are natural flavors based upon their website info. I just sent off a customer request to Five Pawns asking them to clarify their ingredients statement.
  2. I have a theory about artificial food flavors: The flavor molecules used in the flavorings target specific olfactory (smell) receptors and burn them out (saturated) temporarily. I solved that problem by only vaping natural extracted flavors. I don't have to chase flavors with my vapes as I don't get tired of them.
  3. Personally, I would buy concentrated flavors (most e-liquids are composed of artificial food flavors from) from the flavor suppliers and make my own. There are a few out there. Check the DIY threads for suppliers.
  4. Practically everything we do is a habit. The question is can we choose a less harmful habit over another. Yes indeed.
  5. I stopped using any wick that can burn up. I switched to a mineral wick and have been much happier with mine. One dry burn is all it takes to fry most wicks.
  6. Hi I have been vaping for almost a year, like The KangerTech protanks and the MVP and IPV2. I use a Kayfun 91% lately. I only vape natural juices both tobacco and natural extracted flavors. I am looking for posts related to what I use. This forum looks like it has potential.
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