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CanOdope reacted to Tam in Been vaping for about a month
Yes, change the coil. If you're wanting to clean the coil, instead of dry burning, try soaking it in vodka for a few hours, rinse well and let dry overnight.
CanOdope reacted to bcartervol98 in Taste budds or juice?
Personally I think Vapers Tongue is sort of mythical a lot like I believe steeping to be. I mean, people say you have to rotate flavors but my wife has vaped one flavor for almost the entire time she has vaped and other than the first couple months so have I. We both quit cigarettes and started vaping the same day, 4-23-2013. For over a year I have vaped Endless Summer from Fuzion 18mg and she has vaped Peppermint from ECBlends in 24mg since her 3rd or 4th week in. Both taste the same from then till now.
I notice you are about 2 months in or a little over. I have a theory that "Vapers Tongue" is simply your taste-buds growing back and functioning correctly so you are actually tasting what you are vaping. There are literally dozens of foods I loved when I smoked that I cannot stand now and even more that I couldn't stand before that I like now. The transformation of smell and taste is so huge it is staggering. I LOVED some flavors when I started that I cannot even stand the smell of now but have vaped the same thing for at least a year if not a little over that with no change in taste or satisfaction.
With that said, it took a couple months for me to find the flavor that my new and improved taste-buds liked. Once I did it made all the difference in the world.
Just my 2 cents.
CanOdope reacted to Compenstine in We're in for some serious problems
Posted a comment and I will be doing as I state:
"Irresponsible reporting, you should be ashamed of your self's for putting legit e-liquid in this report alongside this "cloud 9" drug that is a danger to kids. Stick to facts and stop making it up as you go. Just because it is packaged like e-liquid in no way makes it e-liquid. Just because it is packaged in a dropper bottle doesn't mean that it can be vaporized. It takes specific ingredients to make vapor. They do state the kids are dropping it on gum. So why did you not put Nicorette Gum in your report? I am going through your video and taking names. I will be making the manufactures you show in the video aware of your adding their legit e-liquid in this report. This is so they can take legal action against you for misrepresenting their legit products."
I get that they want to make people aware of this issue, but they flat out lie. No where in the video do they mention E-Liquid or E-Cigarettes and that kids are vaping this stuff, yet, they put it in writing. They also show legit e-liquid in the video alongside this dangerous new drug. This is just shameful.
CanOdope reacted to Bushwick in We're in for some serious problems
This stuff is making headlines all over the place. It seems to have originated in Macomb County, MI. I'm sure most of you know the story with "Bath Salts". People are mixing research chemicals every day in a race to create new synthetic drugs. Recently, though, they have created this "Cloud 9" stuff. They are advertising it as E-LIQUID!!
This is going to be bad, you guys. If the wrong people get their hands on this information, who knows where it could lead the vaping industry. In almost every news story I've found regarding hospitalized teens who ingested this **** have depicted the stuff AS E-Liquid. This particular story shows a k100 with an igo sitting on top!
It's very obvious that any agency that gets their greasy little fingers on the stuff is going to make it out to be a vaping trend. They WANT us to be the bad guys. If not, they would not have shown vape supplies in the story along side this disgusting chemical cocktail. There were no reported cases of children OR adults being hospitalized for inhaling the stuff. All cases were caused by the oral ingestion of this liquid. They plaster the vaping image on every story right there next to this dangerous synthetic drug.
After doing a bit of research on this stuff, it seems that most of it is being distributed in MI. This tells me one thing. That some guy is making this stuff in his garage with chemicals he purchased online. I can only hope that Macomb County gets this stuff off the street as quickly as possible, and that the manufacturer loses the motivation to continue doing what he does. Unfortunately, with research chemicals, it's almost impossible to outlaw the stuff. All the chemical manufacturers have to do is change one little piece of that complicated concoction around and BOOM! New chemical. More importantly, new LEGAL chemical.
This has me very scared. I wanted to share the information with the members of this community so that you may be aware of what could possibly be heading our way. I also don't want anyone to purchase this stuff and end up in the hospital.
CanOdope reacted to SteezeOG in Vooping
I've never vooped. I leave my devices out of the bathroom. Not on purpose or any thinking about it before hand but I was also never that smoker who light up on the toilet and ashed between his legs either. I guess I just do my business and scroll through my phone apps instead.
CanOdope reacted to jonnoh in Comment on "Our" Government
They're idiots in Washington D.C.
Who think quitting smoking is easy
They won't allow ads
That show vaping has
made quitting like playing Parcheesi,
Playing Parcheesi is easy
Quitting is now just as breezy.
Vaping has taken
all the pain with its fakin'
And has made us now all smell Fabreezy.
CanOdope reacted to Bebop in I bought a pack of cigarrattes
Comp's gonna be good cop
I'm gonna be bad cop haha
You "think" it's the nicotine from the cig. But what it actually is, is the oxygen deprivation giving you the rush and euphoria. It's the tar and crap you're body is used to getting. It's no different than any other drug or chemical addiction. You fed the monkey and he loosened his grip a little.......a little. Welcome to chemical addiction.
Okay, good cops... take over....