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    Noobvape reacted to Bebop in Im new to vaping and i need help   
    Earthling gave you sound advice.
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    Noobvape reacted to Earthling789 in New to vaping ,i need help asap   
    You've not been ripped off... you just have the most basic, disposable clearomizer. I used these myself for trying new flavors, and simple portability. There is nothing wrong with them... they are just "basic". You can clean them, but it requires rinsing, rinsing, rinsing, soaking in hot water, and my personal favorite... soak them in Vodka, then allow to air-dry. The Vodka will remove water, remove old-juice flavors, and is perfectly safe to vape if any does not fully dry-out of the tank or wicks But, with only one Ce4 tank, you can't change juices fast, unless you don't mind the first half-dozen hits to be tasting of mixed juices...
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    Noobvape reacted to Earthling789 in New to vaping ,i need help asap   
    Welcome to VT!

    What you have is a basic, 650mAh battery with Ce4 Cleromizer (disposable). You cannot really clean them out easily... you dump the juice, and can boil or rinse them to remove as much juice as possible, but then you have to let them dry for days (in some cases).

    I would guess the juice is just not that good... I'm not familiar with that brand, and would suggest you visit a vape-shop nearby and sample some better juices so you can make a better choice/purchase (without wasting $).

    The battery you have is probably fine, but likely won't last all day... I suggest at the least to buy a better (brand-name) battery from Kanger, Vision, JoyeTech, etc. and pick up TWO of them, so you'll have the current battery as a back-up to the two you'll rotate out daily. Stick with batteries at least 900Mah for all-day performance, and >1100mAh if you chain-vape. Variable Voltage batteries are a good choice, too, but slightly more expensive, although you get the ability to fine-tune to your tank/juice. As for tanks/clearomizers...

    Ce4's are the most basic, and work okay, but I would recommend a good bottom-coil tank such as an EVOD, EVOD2-glass, Kanger ProTank 2 (or 3 or Aerotank) mini, Vivi Nova mini, Aspire nautilus mini (Aspire has other good ones,too, but can't recall their models). Basically, any of the brand-name bottom-coil tanks are better than the Ce4's

    Good luck, and keep the questions coming... we'll be glad to offer help and opinions
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