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Everything posted by Jkimbo

  1. well after 3 months with out a cigarette I paniced yesterday. I was at work and my carto died, I had a spare but that was a previous dead one I forgot to replace in my bag, so I had nothing! I had to bum a cigarette and it was terrible. Vaping is soooo much better then analogs! I could not wait until I got home to vape!!! Trust me, in time you will feel the same way!
  2. I started at 11 mgs went up to 16 then 24 and finally up to 36mgs! Yes I still vape like theres no tomorrow and it's been 3 mos for me so far. I've tried lowering my nic level but I get cigarette cravings when I drop below 36mg.
  3. I think to many news reporters and possibly the FDA may already suffer from Alz
  4. Not sure about the lungs but it can't be as bad as smoke. We should also be concerned with the throat and mouth. I've noticed at times I sound a bit raspy as if I had a soar throat even tho I don't. This harshness is either on my vocal chords or from moisture in my breathing tube (trieckia?). Not sure if this is ok or not. Aain I can't imagine it as bad as smoke, but should be looked at just so we know.
  5. 2 years after you quit smoking, the FDA bans ecigarette sales.
  6. Pollution. It is NYC.
  7. I have trouble sleeping too and another reason I vape nothing but 36mg at nite and even during the sleep nite when I wake up about 4 times! I read some where about nicotine effects. It has a dual effect. The study was done on cigarettes so not sure how much it can apply to ecigs. They claimed that shorter puffs result in short energy bursts, and slow long drags results in a sedating effect. The body and mind is usually on auto pilot and will smoke as needed at the time. I can testify that slow long drags on ecigs (36mg) and holding in the vapor longer, does produce the desired effect for me at nite. More of a sedating calming relaxing effect. At bed time I am not concerned with coulds of vapors. I'd rather just get to sleep
  8. Sounds like either dry carts or weak battery. try recharging battery and new cart or add a sittle more juice in it. Also, when adding juice don't over fill as that will cause flooding and very little vapor too! If it's hard to puff on or you hear a gurgle sound it's over filled. The kit looks actually decent priced and offers cartomizers and carts and juices. You certainly could have done worse!
  9. All good points. But I think we may be in for a rough ride soon. It will be interesting to see where we are around this time next year. I think we will see this market shrink some in the USA. Leaving only the bigger players. I have mixed feelings about that.
  10. We don't know what quality control the Chinese follow. There are not too many American juice makers but they all pride themselves in very clean and strict quality. That's the only reason, may or may not be justified. I'm a gadget guy too.
  11. #3 for me too. But I can't help wondering how hard that would be and if I would have to resort to analogs until I score lol.
  12. Just wondering and thought it might be interesting. Ok I guess I don't know how to make a poll on this forum lol. The question was: What will you do if they ban ecigs The choices were: 1. I would probably just quit all together. 2. I would probably go back to smoking analogs. 3. I would keep vaping and use the black market.
  13. So true, what's the point? But addressing the health question, usa juice and zero nic is prolly as safe as processed food When you think about it, smoking and vaping looks silly. If I didn't want to get my nic fix I wouldn't even bother.
  14. I've had the stick batteries, they last about an hour and a half tops. That is puffing time not sitting time. So if your a light smoker, you could last half the day on one battery. You would still want to carry at least 2 spares. For me I needed 3 batts to get thru work or 2 batts and always charging one. The Ego is a monster. I consider myself a heavy vapor. A regular 650mAh batt will last me almost all day. I have yet to exhaust my 1000mAh battery! I swear it has gone almost 2 days for me!
  15. Congratulations to you for your brave new move. Enjoy your new freedom.
  16. My Disclaimer: I am not a Doctor or a scientist. Ok with that said, If you stick with USA Juices and 0 nic, I see no more harm in vaping then any other food product manufactured.
  17. I run in to similar situations. Conservatives call me a liberal, liberals call me a conservative, I call them both retards.
  18. I'm not as concerned with "who" is mixing my juice but I am concerned with "what's in my juice" I want details! Contents on label! I want to know exactly what every ingredient is in it. For health and also to prevent scams and provide a more reliable knowledge base. And back to the 0 nic and 36 nic thing. Honestly I felt like a retard smoking and I feel like a retard vaping too. If it was not for my nic high which I crave, I wouldn't bother with any of it
  19. pardon me if I have no sympathy for the rich :lmao:
  20. Sorry, but I would rather error for the poor and middle class, those struggling to make ends meet. I have no sympathy for a millionaire feeling the pinch while he has to (gasp) sell one of his homes, or yachts. My sympathy goes to the families who lost their only home, who don't have enough money to buy their children school clothes this year because money is so tight. So when ever this topic comes up on forums I lmao. I mean really, wtf? I love the "it's not fair" argument. Life is not fair, then you die. I will not support any measure that eases the rich person's tax burden at the added expense of the more needy.
  21. Not so simple math. Your not factoring in cost of living. Losing millions to a billionaire is nothing. Losing $100 for a poor man can be devastating. Now what was that about simple math?
  22. Sounds great! But not in this world. I do have a issue with sales tax. After all how many times must we get taxed? There is income tax from the state and federal, and then there is sales tax too? To add insult to injury there is no end how many times an item can be taxed! If I buy a brand new car I paid the tax for it, now if I sell it a few years later guess what? The next buyer has to pay tax again for the same item. And over and over again. If any thing this tax is close to criminal or theft lol. Another issue I have is with politicians. I don't care what party they are with. Both the Dems and Reps are snake oil salesmen. In the beginning holding a government office was voluntary, there was no pay. Candidates held offices and still worked real jobs. What happened? They became politicians lol! I have an issue with these fat cat lazy politicians who get paid well get great benefits for doing very little. They are now so over paid it isn't funny! Here's my take on taxes in general. It is an evil we need if we want to continue to have a government with so many departments and employees. Want less taxes? Cut some government! But the tax structure should be fair to EVERY ONE, not just corps and the rich and a flat rate does not accomplish that. As I already said, there is certainly room for improvement. I would begin by firing the dems and reps and start cutting some government right away. Beginning with the FDA of course
  23. So what percentage would a flat tax be? You understand that no matter what it might be we would be accommodating the rich at the expense of the poor, because no matter what percentage this flat tax would be, it would have to be a increase for the poor and a decrease for the rich. Why?
  24. Here is why a flat tax is not the answer. What ever you make this "flat tax" would not be fair either. Consider a worker making minimum age struggling to make it to the next pay check. In needs buy food, clothing, transportation, housing, the same as every one, yet would be subject to the same tax as a millionaire or billionaire. Since the Roman Empire time the principle of the more you make the more you pay has been widely accepted. Along with the neat loop holes for the verry rich to get away with paying less. IMHO you would see more class warfare with a flat tax, and besides, what would it be? How would you calculate it? I think the most fair way to tax is by income, and that has always meant the more you make the more your taxed. I think there is room for improvement over our current tax structure. I just don't feel a flat tax is the correct way, unless of course your rich. Who paid more? A poor man who gave 10% of his earnings or a rich man who gave 10% of his earnings? 10% to the poor man is a bigger loss then to a rich man. That does not even take in consideration the economic structure. I think both the liberals and the conservatives need to be fired. Both have done a half *** job on taxes and the economy.
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