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Everything posted by lightbringer

  1. I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hoping that someone else would see it and think it and here you guys are talkin about it! So when do we get the beetle/ formula flavored liquids named Ode de FDA?
  2. Well I dunno about best but I do really love that butter rum from madvapes! I got several from them that I am working on to review and that is one of the first and best of the bunch! Also i am diggin' the french toast from Indy vapor and of course most of the VT liquids...I haven't finished studying them esp. the Midnight which needs close examination. My fav. right now is either(and these don't go together at all so??) VT cola, Indy Vaps French toast...or...I dunno there are a couple of tobacco flavs I really enjoy right now from Indy and VT. OK so they could go together...1st i eat some french toast, wash it down with some cola, and then have some tobacco. HA!
  3. I would like this to be true if the worst is coming... can anyone else speculate as to our having a few months at least to stock up cause the start of fall is always a little rough on me financially... I am preparing to buy more attys, cartos, and a few batteries but will not be able to do so until 2nd week of OCT. and then more liquid but I was hoping to have at least till Novemeber to do this. Will I still have time do ya think? I would tend to agree with BURN here but that may be optimism and a lack of faith in the governMANts ability to do anything in a timely fashion. C'MON, REPLY, you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Whoa...that's cheap...any good? any other flavors that cheap cause I am not a menthol fan wait I just reread and saw base...no nic huh...I am not quite ready for the DYI world
  5. I have tried chocolate from a few places and none seem to be great. Better when mixed with cream and/or honey and/or green tea(I know that sounds weird but I think its cause the tea flavor is not too strong but it carries flavors well) I mixed in some choco java from VT into some choc(1) and cream(2 different flavors there) from Indy vapor and got a better choc. thanks to VT's choco java flavor but still like fake chocolate...like in count chocula cereal or other creals flav. w/ choc. which is fine but not heaven.
  6. OK...I have not been on here all weekend for a couple of reasons. It was my birthday last week as some of you may know;I've been playing all weekend. (and) I got a lot of liquids from 3 different places. I will be taking some time with some of these b/c they really need to be studied in my mouth (like midnight) I will post reviews after I know what to say and figure out my own little rating scale. Just to let you know I got; From VT store: all at high nic. choco java, sweet dawn, cola, ex. tobacco, mignight from Mad Vapes: butter rum, roasted butternut, maple cream, virginia blend tobac, amaretto, grandpa's mix, vanutla from Indy vapor: French toast, blueberry cheescake, crispy cola, chocolate, cream, granny's apple pie, camel Now that is a lot but the mad vapes only cost me like 30 bones w/ shipping and a pack of cartos (most disappointing of entire order) plus they are in NC and I am in SC so I think that caused the shipping to be cheaper and faster; like next day fast. Indy vapor was all on sale (cheap) and hardly cost me a thing cause a friend paid for most of it for my bday. I will say that nobody sent me any free samples and I keep hearing how people get free samples all the time and I guess its just cause I am a jerk and nobody likes me! So stay tuned to the same bat channel, same bat time, or whenever I get around to it! Plus not this channel I guess cause I will put them in the liquid review area, at any rate just check out my reviews coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. The Indy vapor store has some good camel! and REALLY cheap; kinda sweeter than a camel but good w/ great vape and OK TH. Mad vapes also REALLY cheap(cheaper than INDY) and I have now Virginia mix or whatever and it is OK...but they are right! If ya want good tobacco with great TH and ok vape VT store exotic tob. I want to try Boba's bounty so bad, but that is b/c I heard it has a quality that approximates the taste of smoking a real cig. as opposed to just tasting the tobacco as if chewing. Now I hear it may be sweet which is also ok but I really want the smoking flavor. I have some RY4 for sweetness. plus it's got Boba Fett right there on the bottle man! Han Solo: "Boba Fett?"
  8. I have ordered from both Indy Vapor and Mad Vapes now and it was because of their prices...and the impending doom that hangs over us like a pall. I can say that I am quite pleased with what I got from both of these stores! I plan to elaborate soon on a post of my own but I ordered a wide variety and for the most part they are really good. It helped me get like 200 MLs now. Also Mad Vapes took like a day to get to my house. I guess cause I am in SC and they are in NC.
  9. Yeah see I thought they had received one of the cease and desisit orders... at any rate the liquid sounds good I wonder how long a limited time might be.
  10. I've had mine since wed. and so far I get about 12 hrs or a little less on a battery so I change once a day instead of 6 or 7 times w/ my 510 (which I still love my 510...don't feel jealous little beauty I will never let you go)
  11. Been thinkin' 'bout these since I saw them 4 50 cents at healthcabin... just got my eGo, does the button cause that much trouble?
  12. Man that hurts. I just blew my 1st atty yesterday and am starting to build my back up collection...I was focusing on liquids with the FDA scare in full effect but I gotta get some attys and cartos, then some batteries.
  13. Yeah my younger brother is my best friend, I shoulda mentioned that. I have a BIG Irish family and we used to hate each other but the past 15 years more or leass we have been really close.
  14. OK just saw there is a tutorial vid. about mega cartos on the forum...gonna check it out
  15. OK...My brother got me....an eGo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep...he got it from cignot cause thats where I got my 510 and thats all he knows but he got an extra battery in some kinda deal they have or had...dunno when he ordered it. So I have been vaping on this since I got it cause he had one of the batteries charged already. That was yesterday at like 4:30 or somethin' Let me repeat...Yesterday at 4:30!!!! i know most o' You guys know this already but i have been carting my PCC around with it's "never stay closed" top and 1 hour to hour and a half use times! I love it...don't know if I love the cone... Got a mega cartomizer too and a drip tip! How in the world do i fill this mega carto??? Any opinions on the cone??? My batteries have the cignot insignia imprinted on the bottom... LOVE my EGO! Oh but check this out...I killed my first atty yesterday. Now I have used it with my 510 since end of JULY. Is that about how long they last? That's not quite 2 months and I alternate between the 2 that I had. Anyway now i gotta buy more attys b4 the FDA gets there mitts on 'em. So now when I get my VT liquid I will drop them into my eGo!!! oh, I canna' wait!!!
  16. Yeah...I have had several from Viking vapor...Carmamel apple, cotten candy, Mar-boh, vanilla, butterscotch, cherry cola, honey, and marshmallow. None are awesome(or really good at all) but vanilla was good. It is also VERY powerful and stays in atty for a while. Caramle apple is NOT good unless mixed with a lot of some balancing flavor. Cherry cola I put like 4 drops in with 10 or more drops of another plain cola to make a pretty OK cherry cola...I think they're flavors are too strong maybe... I have thought maybe they lend themselves more to the higher voltage and taste is subjective!!! I think the cotton candy tasted more like candy corn but my friend says he thought it tasted like cotton candy and bought it from me. Butterscotch also good and strong...not great. Mar-boh is OK, marshmallow is pretty decent. Honey I got double flavor and it barely tastes like honey except the after-taste...kinda kills the high voltage theory maybe... I would say hit and miss...it could be a batch issue. And ya' get what ya pay for though if the INDY VAPOR shop is still having a sale you should check those out...cheaper than VV right now and flavors are better but they are specifically for 510 and similar voltage...that's 3.7 right? well whatever i can never remember That's just flavor...the vape quality is good and the TH...well I kinda got low nic dose on most of them so it is low but vanilla, butterscotch, and Mar-boh are high level so they're pretty good.Hope that helps!
  17. That Dr. should talk with the FDA so they can actually do some investigation
  18. An e-cig by any other name would smell as sweet. I think PV is a great name!
  19. OK. so I just put in my first order from Vapor Talk!!!! good news and bad news though....No Dulcis or Grape soda in high strength... I did get; Choco Java, Midnight, sweet dawn, exotic tobacco, and...wait for it...COLA! Now everybody keeps sayin how fast VT is and how their liquid is the best...ya got me so excited 'bout these liquids I just canna' stand it!! I hope they are as good as you say!! If they are then I am sure to order more cola at least. Does anyone know how soon will they get more grape soda and dulcis at high strength?? or will they at all???(FDA ) I may have to try low nic. level just to taste these flavors... I will post again when they get here and I have tasted them...I have never done a real review and am sure everybody here knows these liquids (see Kitsune I am trying not to use the word juice too) PEACE be wit' ya'
  20. I am also quite impressed that you would brave the potential admionishment by sharing a very important story of warning to others! We all make mistakes and learn by making mistakes! Great Job and listen to Kitsune, she really seems to know what she's talkin' about. I don't have any children of my own but that "don't call it juice comment was spot on!"
  21. Hey, I didna' even think about that... i don't play a lot of online type multiplayer but anybody who wants to be an Xbox live friend look me up I am Lightbringer23. Friend request w/ vaportalk in message so I will know. I will look for FloridaKracker today after work.
  22. I really appreciate the birthday wishes and thank you so much for the offer Brian. I really do want cola the most! Though that might be cause I have never had the midnight! This is what I am talkin' about with this forum! You guys are always so giving and caring. I am really excited about the Ego. I was told not to buy one and that is why I believe I am gettin' it for my Bday.
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