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Everything posted by lightbringer

  1. Yeah just hold more and only with the cart. I was disapointed by these because of that. Otherwise they are the same old atty. I would go for Low resistance or LR attys. They rock! I do wonder about eGo mega attys cause they seem to actually be bigger...anybody know if they actually hold more with no cart?
  2. Maybe you and I have similar buds. Glad someone else can relate. Coffee idea sounds good, I thought it might mix with some Irish Mints or Butter Rum too.
  3. I really agree that we vape a lot more than we smoked cause of all the covenience. I vape a lot more than I smoked and I think too that it's due in part to addiction; Oral fixation and our minds clinging to analog memories. I have had no troubles staying away from analogs (even while drunk; That was the big question that I answered this summer. I don't drink often so at a party this summer I experimented by getting VERY drunk. When I drink that is when I had to have analogs but this summer; I was falling on my face but with a 510 in my hand) but the more tempted I am or the more I want an analog; the more I vape. I expect that will dwindle as time goes on. Or not as I LOVE to vape! It's been almost 5 months and I vape from the time I awake to the time I sleep. I do use lower nic levels in the morning. Honsetly though I have so little fear of the vaping as compared to the dread I had of analogs and the toll they took on my body. I have had some head buzzing action from too much nic but that's when I put the eGo down. I have not had any other negative reactions. VAPE ON!!
  4. It was a clean atty but not a new one. I did use a LR atty and that made me wonder until I read someone here tried with a LR atty as well. I am going to try it again with a brand new (regular)atty, then maybe later again. Thanks noXious. And thanks again to all for the help!
  5. Let me know. I definitely don't wanna seem like I am dissin' Chris. He and everyone on this forum have been so wwonderful to me and every other flavor from VT I have loved (I haven't tried Aplle Dapple but that's all now I think) Sweet Dawn is Beautiful. I do not like to eat most pears because of the texture but I love pear taste and Sweet Dawn is all about the pear. Thanks and thanks to all else for helping!
  6. Hi! I was wondering...how are you (whoever has this) enjoying Vapor Talk Butterscotch? I wonder if maybe it is one of these liquids that need to sit and breath for a while or if I got some bad mix or how it tastes to you guys maybe I just don't like it but mine tastes like baby formula or warm milk about to go. Now I love butterscotch. And I have loved every other VT liquid...(well I don't love Midnight but it's good especially with a little tobacco mixed in.) So when I got Butterscotch with Clever Clove and some more Dulcis I jumped right in expecting bliss...but it was gross. Clever Clove tastes like Djarum by the way. It's awesome and takes ya back to High School and/or college. All who have read me know I love Dulcis so I won't review that again but I guess I might do a clove. Help me out here anybody who has tried butterscotch and Christopher, oh Chris, please do not be upset with me. Thank You and farewell.
  7. I have to agree with everybody here. I have used cartos with several different ratios of PG to VG and the more VG the more gurgling drowning sound ya tend to get and not great hits. The more PG the better but I do like VG. I think my best carto liquids are %70 PG, %30 VG. Just play around. Buy samples from cheaper distributors to nail down the ratio you like. Madvapes or Viking Vapor both are really cheap and the liquid at Madvapes is awesome (mostly)but you get more control over the mix at VV. You could buy a bottle of all PG and a bottle of all VG and mix yer own. I still use carts a lot and always will cause I like to DD and switch liquids often but don't give up on the cartos yet. They are awesome when they work right. I tell ya one more thing. The 1st time I bought cartos from MV they were not very good but then I got some from VT and they are killer!
  8. Vaping Irish Mintz from Madvapes while I'm at work. Though now my mouth is already watering to have more Dulcis and eager to try out Butterscotch from VT (put in my order earlier today)
  9. YES! Geoff's blend is very good. Tastes like Juicy Fruit gum with hint of Atomic Cyanide. I have also had their bananas foster and I will say all 3 of these are more intense flavors then many I have had. My Geoff's blend seemed a little too much like AC at first but after a week or so it had mellowed out which liquids tend to do after a week or so. I wanna try their waffle and Tastyfinger.
  10. When you say you ordered 2 bottles...could you elaborate cause I have ordered from them twice now and must not have ordered the right two bottles. I ordered 1 oz. atomic cyanide with a 2 oz. doubler. Then my second order was 1 oz. Geoff's blend with a 2 oz. doubler and 1 oz. of bananas foster. Now it was on special at 10 bucks so maybe I did not qualify for free bottle or maybe 2 bottles w/ 2 doubler bottles in 1 order...but otherwise I want my free bottle man.
  11. I would like to inform everyone who is still apparently intetested that my passthru, computer, x box, laptop, etc are all working fine and I enjoy my passthru very much every night while it is plugged into its new ac adapter and car adapter. All of which came from Madvapes and I would advise that they can sell you these items as well at good prices too. If yer interested.
  12. This was supposed to be helpful I am guessing but it sounds like admonishment and it's much too late to have helped but thanks for the sarcastic condescension...did ya want ta' anger people or help? First experience with this kind of approach on this forum...don't like it; nope.
  13. I usually attribute it to me being me and nobody likes me but I have ordered from Madvapes 3 or 4 times now and never got anything free. I have ordered a lot in the past 4 months and I have only ever received 10mls free from Indy vapes and some 50 cent 510 protector sleeves from healthcabin...again the universe seems to hate me so I never expect free stuff. I will definitely try your christmas blend tonight!!!
  14. I believe that cream flavor is meant to lighten other flavors and make them otherwise more appetizing. I use a cream flavor in many liquids for just an occasion. I also have the Top Vapor Maple Cream and agree with your review; It would be too much w/out the cream. I can also vouch that indeed the maple cream works well in a french toast liquid. (my french toast is from Indy Vapor) Micahealprater have you tried their Mojito yet? It's pretty good. Beware of Mad Chai and Pumpkin Gingerbread!
  15. See, I told ya you would like this stuff. It is my new favorite!
  16. I have now ordered from Healthcabin twice and had no troubles either time. the 1st time was a small order and I didna' pay the higher price for fast shipping and it took a month to get here. The last order got here just 2 weeks ago and was a big order of batteries and attys and I did pay the higher fatser shipping charge and it got here it less than 2 weeks. Everything works great and they do have a DOA warranty but they are in China so if you had trouble it would take a lot longer and cost more to ship it back etc. Plus the shipping charges are at least twice what the high price would be for USA shipping. Sometimes they prices are just to hard to resist the potential trouble...especially when they have a good monthly special.
  17. I love Sweet Dawn! Midnight is OK but I am not a big fan. I believe that if you enjoy wine you would love Midnight. Sweet Dawn has a wonderful TH and taste. It's like the best taste of pear with a hint of apple and a splash of "calm down man it's gonna be OK." I don't vape either of these all day or anything but I do use Sweet Dawn a couple times a week at least. Midnight may be a once in a while thing although I did consider using it exclusively in my "Cobra Commander" Mega atty. (Pics coming soon)
  18. YEAH. the Mad Chai tastes like a combo of suntan lotion and shampoo. Seriously!!!! The pumpkin gingerbread tatses like dried leaves. I am giving them a week or so to sit before I try them one last time to be sure that they seriously are horrible. Once again though the Irish Mintz!!!!!!!! even better then the Butter rum Michael Prater...did I write that correctly? Anyway I know you love the Butter Rum like I do.
  19. OK so I was about to give Madvapes the big Thumbs Up too when I saw this. So you like their cotton candy? That is one I am scared to try after Viking Vapor's tasted ...not good. And you say their banana bread is good too? Basically please tell me about all these liquids (cola too) cause I plan to order from Madvapes a LOT and want to know if these flavors are good b4 I try them cause the Mad Chai and Pumpkin Ginger Bread are GROSS!!!! but most of what I have tried from them is really good especially my new favorite...Irish Mintz. I will be doing a big review of what I have real soon (like later today or tomorrow) but basically they are all pretty good except for the two aforementioned. And Butter Rum and Irish Mintz RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. So I get home from work today and find that my healthcabin order had arrived before halloween which I doubted would happen. Anyway I got 2 ego mega batteries, 2 510 mega batteries, 2 low res. attys, 2 mega attys, a 5 pack of ego mega cartos, a drip tip, and a ego battery button protector! That's a lot but my battery issues should be nonexistent for a while esp. with the pt I now have (which is not faulty-see shocking pt thread) Plus I am about to make a couple of customized pvs. One will be Cobra Commander's PV (Gi-Joe) One will be a Slytherin electronic wand, one a Green Lantern...Lantern(?). That sound funny? Just wait and I'll post pics! I just gotta find some little plastic crystals or gems that will fit 510 battery. I have everything else I need...mmwwa ha! Ha! Ha! Vaping is good.
  21. Thanks I just ordered that, the car adapter, and 60 more mls or Irish Mintz...I love this stuff!
  22. OK OK Check this out!!!!!!!! 1st let me say that I received a response from David very happily willing to exchange my pass through but WAIT!!!!! I got home last night from work bout 6 or so and went to plug my eGo battery into the charger which is and has always been plugged into my computer and guess what? It shocked me! It has never done that but I thought if it is shocking me and never has then maybe my passthrough is not faulty but my computer somehow suddenly is. Computer seems to be fine and eGo charged well enough AND sure enough I plugged my passthrough into my XBOX 360 and it works fine with no shock! I plugged it into my laptop and though I get a message saying I have exceeded the power output of the usb port it works fine their too. Now I could not get it to work with the AC outlet adapter that I have but that could be the adapters output etc. right? Anyway It looks as though It is not a faulty pass through after all. Right? Help me understand cause all I know about electricity and technology is how to work it not how it works. Seriously I don't want to waste Madvapes time or destroy my XBOX etc. so I need some advice 'bout this.
  23. Thanks and in that case I definitely agree with FTJoe, or at least I have ordered from them once before and both times I received package within 24 hours of shipping and I absolutely LOVE their Butter Rum and now their IRISH MINTZ flavor may even be better. These liquids are inexpensive too! That reminds me though someone said something about their Butter Rum the other day in a comment to my question....anyone know if their Buter Rum has bad ingredients in it or what happened to it cause I was gonna order a lot more and it was not just out but not even an option on their site. I still have like 15 or so Mls of it and would like to keep vaping it. Anyway I plan to order liquid from them as long as it is a good as it is.
  24. I thought as much but, and this is going to sound stupid; what is IMO? Thanks!
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