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Everything posted by lightbringer

  1. Thanks everybody. I'm gonna try to go to that Vapers meet on the 20th.
  2. Hello, I hope I am putting this in the right place. I have not been to vaportalk in a long time. I meant to post back in July on my 2 year quitting anniversary. Yay 2 years and vaping strong! But my life has been in quite the tumult. Some personal things I won't mention and I have moved to L.A. and have next to no job. I am trying to fulfill my long dream of becoming an actor in Hollywood. I quit my job of 10 years+ as a teacher's aide and my sister and I drove across the country to North Hollywood/ studio city area. Now I know only 2 or 3 people here including my sister, Have no real job ( I have been doing extra work on television which pays very little and is not reliable) and am going to run out of money in the next couple of months if I cannot find a job. AAHHH!!! Scary isn't it. Anyway. I meant to say a lot more regarding actual vapor subjects so I probably need to move this post now. I have been vaping Boba's Bounty regularly and The Vapor Room"s Peanut Butter cookie, Chocolate Brownie, Dutch Chocolate Mint, Orange Creamsicle, Banana Split etc. I still occasionally use Mad Vapes when I am really low on cash like now. I am still religious with my egos (see my post on battery problems please) and have been using LR mega atties exclusively. Big news I have dropped nicotine from 26 to 6 to 11 mgs in the past year. I use a little more in the tobacco flavor but all the others are 6 mgs now. So I am looking for a job and friends here in L.A. Anybody know of places to hang out and vape here. I kinda thought I would be seeing and hearing about places where Vapor people meet. I know I haven't been a faithful member here for a while but I'm sad and lonely...like a puppy. Chris sorry if you have to move this post. Thanks everybody for reading my sob story!
  3. So...I have been away for a long while (apologies, see my other post) I have a problem with 3 ego batteries. 2 900's and a 1000 mah. The threading, I think that is the issue. I have been using mega atties pretty much exclusively for at least the past year.(oh yeah it's been over 2 years since I started. Yay!) don't know if these are the instigators of my problem. All three have the same problem; atties won't screw in and battery won't screw into charger any more. I seem to remember this being an issue for others in the past but haven't yet been able to find any postings about how to or if it can be fixed without major surgery which i cannot perform/ afford right now. Is there a (simple/ cheap) way to fix these otherwise perfectly functioning batteries? Thank you for any help or insight!
  4. OK This may be another question that should be in another section but here goes... My friend; one of 4 I have (more or less) helped quit smoking for vaping, told me he put 2 drops of regular ole' vanilla extract from the grocery store (or Wal Mart brand probably given his sister's shopping habits) into his Viking Vapor Vanilla liquid(about 10 mls or so I think is all he has left) to boost the vanilla flavor. Is this dangerous or more/less the kind of vanilla flavor that would be used. Is this bad for the atty? That is what I said would be the more likely case. He said it was good but then again the other night he had me try his mix of viking vapor vanilla, cotton candy, and some other coffee flavor(maybe cignot) which was gross and I had given him the cotton candy cause it was gross to me in the first place. Thanks for stopping by and VAPE ON!
  5. I will tell ya what I always say...Madvapes is GREAT. They have my favorite liquid...Irish Mintz...Oh it's Soooo good. BUT! Be careful cause some of their liquid is gross. Stay away from Mad chai and pumpkin ginger bread. In order(my opinion) from best to eh....Irish Mintz, better butter rum, Mohito, Pina Colada, caramel tobacco, tobacco, bubble gum, sticky toffee pudding, Grandpa's Mix, waffle, roasted butternut, maple cream, cookies and cream(not bad if you need a butter flavor cause that's what it tastes like!)then into the gros like the mad chai which is good if yuo like the taste of sunscreen andd soap. I do not order hardware from them cause I only like Joyetech so far. They have sent me a free sampler before when I asked to try something. They are always the cheapest though and fastest delivery since I live in SC and they are in NC. ***This reminds me...Does anyone no where they are in relation to Charollette(sp)/Pineville area. I visit Rock Hill sometimes and may be going to the Vapercon in Va. this Oct and might go see them in person.
  6. I have been wanting to go to a vaping convention...I may try this one. I will keep an eye out for more info.
  7. This is the best thread ever!
  8. Ya beat me to it! Winning!
  9. Yes, I love Madvapes! They have my favorite liquid...I hesitate to say cause everytime I do it sells out...tee-hee. It's the Irish Mintz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They hooked me up last time and I never said anything about it here. I got a free sample of their new caramel tobacco which is better than their regular tobacco. Now you have the same 2 of the Dekang that I tried; the ry4 and virginia. I liked the virginia better but they are both adequate(sp) and yes! They are all super cheap! with their TopVapor ya have to be careful; some of them are way off and can be gross...like mad chai...which tastes JUST like suntan oil. I just got their new cookies and cream and it tastes JUST like butter. That is not a good thing. I mean like a big o' pat of butter in yer mouth with nothing for it to flavor. I have been adding it to my Irish Mintz, French Toast, and another of their new ones...sticky toffee pudding which is OK. I did not mean for this to be a review. I plan to do that later. I just got those last 2 with more Irish Mintz which I always want with me for the rest of my life!
  10. Wow! Umm...you must have a lot of people dissing you pretty harshly out there in your neck of the woods to jump to that level of anger so quickly. I can totally relate to people and stores being stupid or ridiculous with all there BS and there is Plenty of it out there but I have not encountered anything like that here or seen any of it on this forum. (I could be wrong, but I am usually not) I have not had any complaints personally with Vapor Talk and have ordered from them several times (mostly liquid) but I have seen 1st hand here on this forum the lengths that Christopher etc will go to to help customers. I hope you will be helped in any form that you need, including your inevitable heart condition. Maybe this is not a typical response from you and I can vouch that you have to yell and be the squeaky wheel a lot in this world to get anything done.
  11. That's what I am saying. I read that he had been on vacation then he was back and the next time I go back the whole thing's vanished.
  12. Thanks for the code and thanks for your reply Beans. That's a bummer. I wonder what happened...
  13. Hello all. I was just looking to see if there was any word on the smoke skins or whatever they were called. For those of us who were the 10 first posters and were supposed to get 2 free skins for our pv's. Now it seems the entire section is gone. Did the guy go away? Are we not going to get our free skins now do ya think? 2nd question...does anyone know a current coupon code for viking vapor? Thanks to all!
  14. It's Hypno-Kitty. "You will buy me an eGo. You will buy me an eGo."
  15. Umm...You can't vape at school? You could hide in the bathroom or a closet for a quick vape. I do in bathrooms everywhere including a couple of schools. Some people stealth vape and some even swallow the vapor which I cannot but if you hold it in longer or what I do is blow it into my arm or a jacket or a puppet...yeah, a puppet. If you wanna hear a real funny McGyver trick I use a little clear tube from Home Depot and have it running the length of my arm inside my jacket and blow the vapor into the tube at my wrist so it goes into the inside pocket. I vape all day btw and even as soon as I wake which I never did with analogs. I have wondered recently but I am not really too worried about the nic addiction. I am trying to go from 24 mg to 18 with some success but I won't worry too much for another year or more then I may try to go down a few more Mgs and etc. each year or whatever. Anyway i'm rambling now!
  16. How is the choc. mint. I havena' found a good chocolate flavor and would love to. Best apprx. to choc I have had is VT Choco Java. Their prices are great I didna' mention that. The shipping was super fast too. takes a day or two to process the order but then like a day to ship to me!
  17. Hello Vaportalkers. I have not posted in a while and have hardly commented but I have checked in from time to time. I havena' needed to order new liquids for a while but I did just order some from Viking Vapor because though they have been a real hit/miss place for me(mostly miss); they do have what may be the BEST vanilla out there. Now it is powerful even without doubling the flavor; which I did this time cause I wanted to thin it with some vanilla that I got from ...Cignot or healthcabin...I forget now and the bottles are the same from both but anyway it was weak tasting and all PG so I got some mostly VG and double flavor 18 mg from VV and MAN I missed this flavor!!!!!! I actually never bought it before one of my friends got 15 mls and I ended up stealing/trading him for half of it. Intense and delicious vanilla flavor. TH OK and good vape but the flavor!!!!!!!!! Sooooo gooooood. Now I decided to sample a few others; coupla smoke varieties and egg nog and pina colada. No opinion ready for these yet but the buttered popcorn! Yep more exclamation marks are coming cause this stuff is good!!! If you like Jelly Belly brand beans and you love their popcorn flavor then you are waiting too long to order some of this liquid! I do love Jelly Belly popcorn beans and I Love this liquid. Oh yeah, I put filterless on the TH option for all of these but I still do not understand that aspect cause I thought TH was all about nic. levels and PG/VG ratios. I got these all with 70% VG to 30% pg except for the vanilla b/c of the aforementioned thinning. Anyway Ok TH(another qualifier...about attys.) I have been using LR attys moslty (esp. since the Vapor King bulk deal) so that has effected the TH all around and VV liquids do not do as well with LR/higher voltage typically; the taste runs out faster. So seems to be the case with the popcorn. I have used it in a reg atty and it's fine but the TH and vape suffer a bit obviously... So to sum up....Viking Vapor vanilla awesome!!! (I dare you to find one better; no seriously, if there is better vanilla I need it cause it must be orgasmic!!) Buttered popcorn great!! (if you like Jelly Belly brand popcorn taste) Exclamation marks good! LR attys the bomb! (did I just say, "the bomb", really?) LR attys with VV...eh? you decide...all of this has only been an opinion, there are no truths here my friends.
  18. Math...huh...huh... what am I the only Beavis and Butthead fan here?
  19. Mad Vapes liquid is awesome...or it's gross... They are a hit or miss place. Irish Mintz is like my favorite liquid to vape; also mohito, pina colada, and butter rum are great but you cannot get butter rum anymore for some reason. vanutla is ok roasted butternut is ok sometimes but neither are all day vapes. bubble gum tastes like bubble gum, granpa's mix is weird but ok. Just stay away from ginger spice pumpkin bread and mad chai for sure they are gross. Mad chai tastes like suntan lotion. oh i also tried amaretto which is ok. All have pretty good vapor and throat hit is ok to pretty good. This is just there liquid. They also sell chinese liquid which you can get even cheaper(50 mls for 10 bucks) and I have tried the ry4 and marlboro flavors. I found both of them to be ok and the ry4 is actually good to me but subtle. Of course all of this is based on my opinion which is derived from my tastes so your experience may be different. They are so cheap and usually pretty fast delivery and cheap shipping too so why not try them out. Or don't. There are plenty of good sellers out there; Vapor Talk for example!
  20. Thanks guys and i thought I had read that some people use e liquid beyond the 2 years time I just was not sure how bad it would be... Is that your dog? I have a chihuaua too...his name is El Chupacabra though most people just call him Choopy for short. He is awesome!
  21. Hello again Vapor Talk...I have been away a little while but I wonder... can you freeze e liquid and if so would it matter with regards to prolonging the potency and extending the life beyond the 2 year mark? Thank you for stopping by...I hope you can help. Have fun!
  22. Congratulations! Man most of those flavors sound great. I'd take em all! I wouldna' want to be greedy though! If nobody asks for the english toffe or egg nog or waffle let me know!
  23. This sounds cool... course I've bulked up my liquid supply during the FDA scare to try and have enough for at least a year's worth of vaping..tee-hee.
  24. Looks/ sounds awesome but it seems to indicate that only %100 PG should be used..."5mL per minute fluid delivery speed (100% PG"...is that true or does that mean that fluid delivery speed would change with VG added in whatever amount? (and)How much does it cost?
  25. I love the back and forth...you guys could be a sitcom. I agree though...I wanna celebrate but as sure as I do we will get the next wave of bad news. Oh whatever...I'm celebratin'
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