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Everything posted by Itsmedeanna64

  1. Hello, lots in motivation here! Welcome to the forum! Deanna in middle Ga
  2. Hi welcome to the forum! Nice setup too! Deanna in middle Ga
  3. So happy for you. It's a good feeling I know, I'm over 6 months without cigs now. Those first few days are scarey but are so worth it! Keep going, were rooting for you! Deanna in cold middle ga
  4. I think that's so great. Good for him and you! Let us know how he does on progress! Deanna in middle Ga
  5. Well I am the queen of the castle, typical stay at home mom. I keep my 2 yr old niece full time which is a big job in itself right now. I have farm animals I tend to everyday....goats, donkeys, geese and a pot bellied pig, all very much loved pets plus 2 very rotten dogs. I still manage to run the lives, or try to, of my 25 yr old son and 20 yr old daughter, lol. They don't complain. We a close family. My husband of almost 32 yrs works for a major natural gas pipeline and is out of town quite a bit. I'm very thankful to have been able to raise my kids at home and now can be there for Shelby. I've been very lucky to have such a great job! Deanna in middle Ga
  6. Wow, that's just great! It's a good feeling to know you made it. I'm going on 7 months myself! Congratulations you should be very proud of yourself! Deanna in middle Ga
  7. Hi and welcome to the forum! Enjoy! Deanna in middle Georgia
  8. Hello and welcome to the forum! Enjoy! Deanna
  9. Today it's fritos for me and home made in a cast iron skillet cornbread for my hubs. I made a big pot of made from scratch chili that's been simmering all day. Deanna, who's watching the WD Marathon!
  10. Hope you got plenty of vaping supplies......and food lol Deanna in middle Ga
  11. Welcome to this great forum! Sounds like you're well on your way. Reading all the threads here is certainly great for info and motivation! Enjoy! Deanna in middle Ga
  12. Congratulations on your switch, Vapin. That's a big accomplishment. I also did the same thing, I quit 6 months ago with vaping it was the easiest thing I ever did really. Stay close to this forum for lots of motivation and tons of information! Deanna in middle Ga
  13. Isn't it beautiful? Would love to go inside....I wonder if it's haunted!? Lol Deanna
  14. Ok I was going to say alligator but ya'll have totally outdone me! I couldn't hardly stand to read it! Deanna
  15. I don't know really. I've been vaping over 6 months and I'm still looking! I've tried a few different setups. Right now I have a Hana and an Atlantis and love it but yesterday I put a mini Nautilus on my Hana and love that too! I also love my MVP with a reg Nautilus so I'm constantly changing around! My least favs right now are Spinner twos and Protanks but that may change! Lol Deanna in middle Ga
  16. I also have an Atlantis and have to fill at least twice a day. I'd like to see a pic of what you got. Deanna in middle Ga
  17. Welcome to the forum! Enjoy! Deanna in middle Ga
  18. Congrats and welcome to the forum. I hope reading all the threads here will give you lots of motivation like it did me. I quit cigs 6 months ago and reading and vaping was the reason I quit. Quitting was very easy for me. Right now I have 2 friends who are having a hard time switching from cigs to vaping. Both of them are vaping then going back to cigs. I am trying to encourage them. If you are determined you WILL get there! Deanna in middle Ga
  19. Hi Peg welcome to the forum! I don't know what the others will tell you about keeping it upright. I generally do but occasionally lay it down. I don't see a difference. We'll see what they say is best... Deanna in middle Ga
  20. Welcome to the forum! My spinners did the same thing.....lasted a few months really strong then eventually got a little weaker and quit after about 6 months. I've had 2 do this then I've had 2 last a while longer. I have a couple now that are backups. I still like them. Deanna
  21. I change mine about every week to 2 weeks usually. Deanna
  22. Welcome to this great forum I think you'll like it here Jake! Deanna in middle who's son is named Jake
  23. Welcome to this great forum! Looks like you're ready to jump on in here! I'm somewhat a noob so I'll let the others make suggestions for ya. I've have learned quite a bit here. Enjoy! Deanna in middle Ga
  24. Welcome to the forum! Deanna
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