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Everything posted by N5XTR

  1. Thank you for sharing this
  2. Congrats on making the switch I started out on a Hades dripper with 6mg juice. I still love the satisfying hits that it delivers but I also have an eGo twist with an Aspire tank as a backup using 18mg juice. I just stepped down to 12mg juice in the backup. 3 weeks without a Camel and here is my strategy. In the morning, I vape on the eGo. I try to wait until about 11am or so before I start hitting the Hades. I usually vape on it when I have those "Really need a cigarette" moments. So far it is working for me, maybe it will help someone.
  3. That is one of the most disturbing websites I have ever seen. Just read through their "policies" and it looks like a bunch of atheists pretending to be Christians just to make fun of the bible. Truly disgusting. Maybe one day they will get a wake up call like I did.
  4. Yeah I know what you mean, the rubber bottle cap wrench. I tried that with no luck. For an update, day 3 was a breeze. Alternating the Ego and the Hades is working great. Both are now loaded with Skittles flavor and I really like it. 18mg for the Ego and 6mg for the Hades. Vaping has made quitting the Camels so easy.
  5. Good news, I got the Hades back in operational status After vaping the morning with the Ego I got the lock ring unstuck with two pairs of channel locks. It hits so good and satisfying the rest of the day went pretty good given the work load today.
  6. Thanks y'all.
  7. So today was the first full day with a real cig. It would have been a few days ago but found a full pack of the Wides in my truck and hard to resist them. Found them on Thursday and made them last until Sunday morning but my wife was having one when I did so I only had ten cigs in four days. For me that is super awesome. We both had a rough night's sleep due to no before bed smoke and today was going well enough. Went to the local vape store and picked up some Skittle flavored just for my Hades and the gal up there rebuilt my atomizer with dual twisted coils and new wick. What a huge difference. Well the locking ring kept getting stuck on the Hades and as I just got it back together my co-worker came waddling by and knocked it off the table and dented the Hades really bad and I cannot get the lock ring unstuck yet again. It is really difficult to get the battery out and almost impossible to get it back together. But the dang lock ring is warped or something and now the Hades is unusable. So I had to get an Ego Twist like my wifes before I went postal on folks. Then I realize that my juice is for the Hades and is only 6mg. It has no hit at all out of the Ego so it was a rough day. I still didn't have a cigarette though
  8. Small world Jason, I lived in Lubbock for 12 years or so. Moved out of there 2 years ago. My wife's family is still there and my sister still lives there.
  9. Nah I didn't take it that way. But I am a noob when it comes to vaping. Now if someone needs an antenna for 7 mhz, I am a pro at that.
  10. Howdy
  11. Thanks guys, Yes the Hades is my first real one. The Mark10 e-cig and the Blu (gas station e-cigs) were a severe disappointment so those really don't count. As far as equipment goes, I am probably better equipped that the majority of folks. With my main hobby of Amateur Radio (Extra Class) I am extremely familiar with building coils like shunt coils, induction coils and air-wound resisters. I have a full array of volt/ohm meters and capacitance meters as well. Not to mention analyzers and ... well I did sell my oscilloscope but I don't think it would be necessary for coil building. I also worked in electronics repair for several years and got really good at replacing surface mount components. Come to think of it, I should probably get started building a coil. The kit came with a small amount of kanthal wire more than likely 28ga and oh, two extra premade coils an some wick
  12. Like usual, I am trying to quit the old smoking habit (Camel Wides are/were my brand of choice) and starting to vape instead. I am in Oklahoma and I work on gas stations, specifically the pumps. So not smoking is a really wise choice, LOL. Yesterday my wife and I got hooked up at a local Vape Shop with some decent products and juice. She got an adjustable pen with a tank and I got a mechanical dripper. I suppose since she smoked those weak Marlboro lights and I smoked the mega-Camels we ended up with what we purchased. I am not exactly sure what her pen is called by name but mine is a Hades combo with a 26650 battery. From the little searching online, I got a really great price on it compared to online merchants. So what does everyone say? Pics or it didn't happen?
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