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    Jorden reacted to Compenstine in *Share Your Coil Builds*   
    Not mine just had to share...

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    Jorden reacted to Compenstine in New To Vaping   
    There is a lot of info on doing builds in the Cloud Chasing section of the forum.

    1. You will need a RDA if you really want to cloud chase.
    2. You will need to learn about doing it safely (Do your homework and research) Battery safety, Building Coils, OHMs Law, meter testing coils. It is not something you want to just jump into without taking the time to learn. We don't want to hear that you need face reconstruction.
    3. Again you will need a good RDA (Rebuildable Drip Atomizer)
    4 Learn how to build coils for flavor and clouds.

    Welcome to V|T
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