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    mkauthen got a reaction from Tam in Help   
    And, if you don't have a real vape shop near you, check out the vapor talk store, and the vendors on this site. We have some very reputable shops that have some great liquids that you may like.

    Have fun with it!

  2. Like
    mkauthen reacted to Beans in Exercise And The E-Cig   
    I am just so proud, I thought I'd post about it for those still on the fence about the effects of vaping.
    I was a smoker for 27 years, who suffered constantly from lung disease caused from smoking. I couldn't breath well enough to do any exercise, Shamefully I admit to getting out of breath walking from my front door to the truck. I have never been athletic or very physically active because of my breathing issues. Well that was until yesterday. Hubby and I went to the local Y and used a free pass for the day.

    I got my little butt up on a treadmill , set it to 4 mph on a steep incline and walked/jogged for an entire hour. YES ME a straight hour of heavy duty(for me) exercising.
    And guess what? I could breath the entire time! Hubby a non smoker couldn't even keep up with me! I feel so liberated! I am no longer a prisoner in my own body! Wholly Cow does it feel great to breath!

    Well we are signing up for a membership. Amazying the things I can do now! LOL I have a new body! And I have only been off cigs for 40 days. Imagine what I'll be able to do in another year. leap small buildings in a single bound? Perhaps.

    Enjoy your weekend all!
  3. Like
    mkauthen reacted to Compenstine in We're in for some serious problems   
    Posted a comment and I will be doing as I state:

    "Irresponsible reporting, you should be ashamed of your self's for putting legit e-liquid in this report alongside this "cloud 9" drug that is a danger to kids. Stick to facts and stop making it up as you go. Just because it is packaged like e-liquid in no way makes it e-liquid. Just because it is packaged in a dropper bottle doesn't mean that it can be vaporized. It takes specific ingredients to make vapor. They do state the kids are dropping it on gum. So why did you not put Nicorette Gum in your report? I am going through your video and taking names. I will be making the manufactures you show in the video aware of your adding their legit e-liquid in this report. This is so they can take legal action against you for misrepresenting their legit products."

    I get that they want to make people aware of this issue, but they flat out lie. No where in the video do they mention E-Liquid or E-Cigarettes and that kids are vaping this stuff, yet, they put it in writing. They also show legit e-liquid in the video alongside this dangerous new drug. This is just shameful.
  4. Like
    mkauthen reacted to Brandon76 in New Provari   
    Got my Provari in the mail today.

  5. Like
    mkauthen reacted to Scuba-Matt in Teens being tempted into smoking analogs by using e-cigs?   
    I just can't help but feel that big tobacco and governments are behind all the bad publicity that ecig are getting. Neither wants to lose the revenue that the tobacco products give them.
  6. Like
    mkauthen reacted to bcartervol98 in Teens being tempted into smoking analogs by using e-cigs?   
    At the risk of being in violation of the sites T&C they also say marijuana is a gateway drug when I know many many people that are in their 40s and 50s that have used cannabis since their teenage years and never touched anything else.

    Nothing can make someone do something else except free will. That's it, and any attempt to claim otherwise is just sheer ignorance.
  7. Like
    mkauthen reacted to Itsmedeanna64 in Allergies   
    I have year round allergies also, I so feel for anyone who does. My ear nose and throat doc finally told me he just couldn't help. I've done shots, sinus sergury, meds and the whole shebang. I finally just gave up and just suffer through it with cortisone shots which do help when I get a bad attack. I havent noticed a change yet since I started vaping about 8 weeks ago. I hope it makes a difference. I'm looking forward to it!
  8. Like
    mkauthen reacted to MattB101 in Hey Folks   
    My name is Matt. I'm 56yo and have been vaping almost 3 years now. I normally can be found over on ECF in the 50 year and over forum. Kind of a cool forum with lots of good folks. I am a lung cancer survivor. I had the lower half of my right lung removed in May 2012. Thankfully the doctor got it all. I am probably one of the luckiest SOBs alive, didn't need chemo or radiation at all. I have been cancer free for 2 1/2 years or so now. Retired Navy Senior Chief. 20 years all on the east coast mostly smaller ships. I support our military. Service to your country is one of the most noble callings a person can have. Freedom isn't free. No off my soapbox. Looking forward to hanging out with you all and I will probably find a home on one of the forums.
  9. Like
    mkauthen reacted to Jeffb in Hey Folks   
    Congrats on being cancer free!!! Welcome to VT from a guy thats almost in the "Over 50 crowd"
  10. Like
    mkauthen reacted to Compenstine in A recommendation for me?   
    Yes my Mint Medley is very strong. I can also adjust any liquids I sell for increased flavor.

    Earthling, if you like Cinnamon you should give my Cinnamon Stick a try.
  11. Like
    mkauthen reacted to bcartervol98 in what kinds of e juice are 100% organic/natural   
    I am a huge fan of Fuzion Vapors it is all I vape. Not sure about organic but that's something that rarely enters my mind for consideration. All those Tam listed are good and I have used them all I just prefer Fuzion but my wife prefers ECBlends.

    I would second what Tam said about maybe trying liquids that have no nicotine. I always hate to see anyone, especially someone prone to addiction, add another addicition to the list. If its just the sensation then 0 nic liquids taste a lot better and the flavor is not as tainted. I only say this out of caring and if you are concerned about "organic" or "natural" or whatever then I would definitely be worried about adding a nicotine addiction. Just my 2 cents.
  12. Like
    mkauthen reacted to VaporJunkie in what kinds of e juice are 100% organic/natural   
    I'm not sure which juices are organic but I do know that the Suicide Bunny juices are made with pharma grade PG/VG and are also tasty.
  13. Like
    mkauthen reacted to thylight in what kinds of e juice are 100% organic/natural   
    well to be honest im not getting off cigaretts. i just got out of rehab for a drug addiction and i need somthing you know?
  14. Like
    mkauthen reacted to Tam in The Nautilus Mini   
    For flavor and performance, the Nautilus mini out does the Davides. I just wish they'd come out with a 2.5 ml tank. Now, that would be perfection!
  15. Like
    mkauthen reacted to Bebop in Off to a decent start....   
    Its a chemical addiction. The body is craving all the goodies it was used to getting. There may be psychological factors as well but you gotta give the physical addiction time to pass. (Detox)
  16. Like
    mkauthen reacted to dragonflie in Off to a decent start....   
    I find them disgusting too every time I cave in and smoke (which actually hadn't been for a few days). So why do I still crave them sometimes?? Makes no sense.
  17. Like
    mkauthen reacted to Valhoon in Off to a decent start....   
    I've been vaping about a month now and since I started I've only had maybe 3 cigs? Everyone is different. I tried one last night and it was the most awful thing I've tasted.
  18. Like
    mkauthen reacted to kfolse107 in Off to a decent start....   
    I was a 2 pack a day smoker for many years. I started with Chantix April 4th of this year. Started vaping at the same time. Went from 2 packs a day to just 3 or 4 cigarettes a day in like 3 days. Quit cigs completely April 24th. I only cheated 2 or 3 times after that by taking a puff and immediately put it out because it tasted nasty. Havent even tasted a cigarette in about 3 months. I still have half a pack in my motorcycle saddlebag which I need to throw away.
  19. Like
    mkauthen reacted to Itsmedeanna64 in Off to a decent start....   
    Totally agree with NOT having cigs where you can get to them. It's like I could not resist knowing they were in that drawer! If they are not there then there's no temptation and you turn to vaping instead. That doesn't mean I still don't 'think' about them but just knowing I have a backup there made all the difference in the world. I never realized how hooked I was with just those 5 cigs a day!
    You are well on your way so do whatever works for you. If it's slow to give them up then you do what you have to do. I think you are doing great.
  20. Like
    mkauthen reacted to kitsune in Vaping to quit or Vaping to substitute   
    Lifetime vaper....I have no doubt without vaping I would still be smoking.
  21. Like
    mkauthen reacted to iheartvape in 1st Unregulated Box build   
    It was super fun! Kept me busy for about 4 hours....

  22. Like
    mkauthen reacted to iheartvape in 1st Unregulated Box build   
    So I decided I wanted to build a unregulated box mod today. I will admit... Next time I will put more thought into it and also buy a battery cradle. Trying to fashion a way to get contacts points to stay in place with no real support was a epic failure... Lol.
    I got it together and working, but I'm not impressed. It looks like poop thanks to my inexperience.

    I used the 510 top cap from my Cronus clone, a 3amp switch and project box from radio shack, and battery contact points from an old ohm meter that I seriously rigged into place... The positive contact plate is in a cap from a dripper from a bottle of ejuice that I slip the battery into so it maintains contact... This thing has more glue in it then plastic I think... Lol
  23. Like
    mkauthen reacted to iheartvape in 1st Unregulated Box build   
    I definitely need to practice my soldering skills though... lol
  24. Like
    mkauthen reacted to Bebop in The Nautilus Mini   
    Once you go nautilus you never go back!

    Just kidding......kind of.
  25. Like
    mkauthen reacted to Tam in The Nautilus Mini   
    The Nautilus mini has a 510 connection so it'll fit on your Evod Twist. It even comes with a beauty ring to hide the eGo threads on your Twist. If this doesn't make sense now, it will once your mini comes in. I use my mini on my Vision Spinner, which is very similar to your battery.
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