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Everything posted by mkauthen

  1. I use a vision spinner 2 with protank 2's. not too bulky, but not too delicate either. Also love the Nautilus tanks.
  2. Welcome to the best forum anywhere! From the wife of a vet, I truly appreciate your service. Pull up a chair and jump right in. Friendly group, lots of knowledge, and fun!
  3. I have both the mini and the regular Nautilus (with adjustable airflow). I prefer the latter. As to better tanks out there, well, I'm too new to vaping to know that one yet... So sorry to hear about your dad. Hugs!
  4. Funny how a topic that was started about the joys of paying it forward took this turn that I need daily. I am only 552 days sober. Alcohol is my downfall. I was the good girl. Didn't drink growing up, never did drugs. Around 5 years ago, started drinking, daily. It got out of control. Discovered my depression was the cause. I know now, drinking just makes things worse. Hubby on the other hand, spent 6 years addicted to speed. I enabled him, cuz when he was high, he was happy. He managed to kick it, cold turkey. Feels like between the two of us, we have been through the wringer. Refuse to go back to that life. We may not always be happy, but we are no longer killing ourselves. Feels good to know that.....
  5. Funny that you mentioned the one up stories. Thats what got me. I couldn't take it anymore, I knew I had to leave. It was like everyone needed to have been in a worse, darker place than the person before them. I decided my mental health was at stake and knew it was time to go. I know it works for many, just not for me. Yes, I got sober, yes I stayed sober, but yikes! My poor brain and nerves were a wreck the whole time.
  6. agreed Jason. I did do a 12 step, for almost 9 months, and if anything, it pushed me back into my addictions. This forum has managed to become my safe place, I come here and know that people will not be looking to harm me, only help. Best place ever.
  7. I'm currently chain vaping Holy Grail's "Cream Supreme". Its a vanilla cream w/ graham cracker crumb notes. It is delicious! I highly recommend it. Holy Grail also has one called "Berry Confused" that is also amazing.
  8. welcome! You have found a great site!
  9. Exactly! I discovered that tobacco flavored juices don't work for me, so I had been given some, and I regifted them to another vapor that loves tobacco juices. Any help to another person is still help!
  10. So, many of you jumped in to help me get started with vaping, whether it was w/ juice, back up battery or replacement parts. I appreciated every single act of generosity more than I can say. Honestly it renewed my hubby's faith in people (he is extremely jaded). That being said, money is still extremely tight, but since I have received so much help, I decided to try and help others when I can. Started with the guy that works at the store by my house. He recently started vaping to kick smoking, and I noticed that he was using nasty gas station juice. So we brought him one of our bottles to show him that there are really good quality juices out there, along with a few recommendations on where he can buy quality juice. Then last week, hubby was approached by a guy at work whose dad is a 30+ year smoker who is dealing with several hope issues. He was asking hubby what all he should buy his dad to get him started. So, hubby, knowing that I have been on this forum night and day asked me to make up a list. I decided to do one better. I put together a vape package. A battery, a tank, and extra coil, plus about 6 different juices in varying nic levels. I included a note with a link to where to buy a charger (I didn't have an extra, and links to online stores with great juices(dad doesn't drive). So, I will continue on this path. I already feel so much better without smoking. I want to spread the wealth! So I am challenging anyone that has received help from the vaping community to jump up and help someone else when you can. If I have learned one thing in this journey so far, it is that people want to ask for help, but are too embarrassed to do it, and we can offer help! Hugs to all of you!!!
  11. glad to hear it wasn't just me! lol Gotta say though, the two juices that I did buy, I am very happy with!
  12. I googled it for you. I don't see any coming up soon, but apparently there is a Vape-A-Palooza in Atlanta, GA in August.
  13. After you have 3 posts, you are no longer restricted.
  14. welcome!
  15. Welcome! Glad you are on the right road now! (many of us took the bumpy road to start out). And I too agree on Space Jam juices, hubby and I currently are using Galactica and Andromeda. But as you continue this journey you will find many many great juice companies. Michelle
  16. Ok, so we left the house at 9 a.m. this morning, picked up a friend of hubby's then proceeded to drive for 2 hours to get to VapeCon. Arrived at 11 a.m. and went to the ticket booth to buy our tickets. First problem. They do not offer a 1 day ticket. You have to buy a 3 day pass. So that stunk, since we could only go today. Can't even give our ticket to someone else, because the ticket comes with a tightly fit wristband that you have to wear. Stood in line till 12:15 then we were inside. Started off with a bang, we were given reusable bags, and vape calenders (with hot ladies for all you guys). Found a display that gave us each a free shirt and a free hat, woo hoo! My vaping wardrobe is growing! lol Found a few displays that were handing out free samples (sadly all but 2 were giving away 0 mg nic..) Went through the entire hall about 5 times. If you have a smartphone with Facebook and Instagram you could enter raffles and get some more free stuff, but if you don't have that, well, you are out of luck, which we were because we had absolutely no internet connection in there! We left around 3 pm because hubby's friend had to be home by 5. So, now I will tell you the problems with VapeCon. (I was disappointed). 1. No single day tickets 2. Only 1 expo hall, ECC had 2 and an outdoor tent!) 3. Very bad cell signal, and all vendors wanted you to like them on Facebook to get something free. 4. This event goes on for 3 days, but you can see everything in less than 5 hours. 5. Many vendors that were advertised to be there, were not there. (Suicide Bunny not being there really disappointed me!) Now here were the highlights: 1. Local Vape gave out great stuff! T-shirts (good quality!), trucker hats 2. E Juice To Die 4 gave out juice in a high mg that tastes great. 18 mg 3. Found and bought 2 new juices. Holy Grail Elixir (Cream Supreme flavor), Mad Vapes, Big City (Seattle flavor) And on that note, I am going to bed, my feet hurt, and I'm exhausted. So to wrap this up, it was a fun time, but definitely less than ECC. But than again, ECC was my first expo, so I guess that kind of spoiled me....
  17. Ok, so I have no wish to delve into the world of dripping right now, but hubby wants to. So, in order to help him, I am coming to you all with his questions. First off, he has a Provari. Is it possible to make it into a dripping device (different batteries or something?) Or does he need a secondary device? Next, what is a good (not expensive) RDA? Now here is where his questions start to throw me for a loop. Is there a site that can explain in detail what he needs? (wire gauge, wick types, etc) If not, can someone spell it out for him? I tried to look at the stuff with him, and it is all greek to me.... So, since you all seem to know everything about everything, I'm looking to you for help. What should he invest in, what does he need to know, etc. Thanks, Michelle
  18. welcome!!!
  19. welcome!
  20. welcome!
  21. welcome!
  22. As a lifelong Dodger fan, I have to root against your Giants. Sorry. LOL So I will be pulling for KC (if you squint at the screen, it looks like a Dodgers vs Giants game anyways).
  23. welcome! Plenty of chit chat, friendly people, a few crazies (you know who you are), and all in all, encouraging and fun people! Jump right in!
  24. As someone that has a Nautilus, I can second what Tam said about too thick of juice. I've found that if the vg is too high, not only does it gunk up your coil, but because it takes longer for the wick to absorb the liquid, you tend to burn the coils much quicker which makes everything taste nasty... 50/50 works great. And my preferred juice mix is 60/40 pg/vg, works like a dream.
  25. Welcome. Jump right in, feel free to ask any and all questions, tons of really knowledgeable people in here.
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