I am just so proud, I thought I'd post about it for those still on the fence about the effects of vaping.
I was a smoker for 27 years, who suffered constantly from lung disease caused from smoking. I couldn't breath well enough to do any exercise, Shamefully I admit to getting out of breath walking from my front door to the truck. I have never been athletic or very physically active because of my breathing issues. Well that was until yesterday. Hubby and I went to the local Y and used a free pass for the day.
I got my little butt up on a treadmill , set it to 4 mph on a steep incline and walked/jogged for an entire hour. YES ME a straight hour of heavy duty(for me) exercising.
And guess what? I could breath the entire time! Hubby a non smoker couldn't even keep up with me! I feel so liberated! I am no longer a prisoner in my own body! Wholly Cow does it feel great to breath!
Well we are signing up for a membership. Amazying the things I can do now! LOL I have a new body! And I have only been off cigs for 40 days. Imagine what I'll be able to do in another year. leap small buildings in a single bound? Perhaps.
I don't smoke cigarettes but I do enjoy cigars, though not every day. Concerned about the health impact from my cigars and due to the ever strict laws regarding where I can enjoy them I decided to try an e-cig. I first tried a VUSE. While it was awful in taste I liked the concept. After research I ended up finding a nice vape shop in Panama City Beach called VaporTimePCB and I tried out real e-juice and vaping. It was not only significantly better than the VUSE it was better than my cigar. No bad breath and I didn't smell like an ash tray. Wife was pleased as well.
I bought a kangerTech EVOD kit to get me started and I am really enjoying this, even on my condo patio where smoking is now Illegal with condo security looking for violators! I have family who smoke pretty often and I intend to show them this as an alternative.