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Everything posted by PACKYDYRM

  1. I have two and both charge up fine
  2. Ladies and Gentlemen I have officially made 30 days with no tobacco and with no desire to go back. It is truly a blessing.
  3. It will get better. we have all been there
  4. As most of us know it is very hard to quit analogs(very hard) I truly have no desire to smoke since the vaping. I also hope I havent traded one bad habit(healthwise) for another. I will say that I do feel better and i can tell my body is changing for the better. It is hard to explain or have anyone understand what we go through as people who once smoked and working hard to quit and stay analog free.I am just looking for more research to come to light with the effects of vaping. Tell your husband to hang in there you are on your way to reclaiming your health.
  5. Make sure to get the vaportalk banner that shows your smokefree days. i love looking at my accomplishment and pathway to better health.
  6. Welcome
  7. Welcome valeriee
  8. The first thing I noticed was a change in my blood pressure. I instantly, when I used analogs, felt after the first puff my heart started beating faster. I no longer have that mucous build up in my throat,and as far as smell and taste I look forward to that change. I was also a closet smoker but the evidence of tobacco smell was still apparent on my clothes hands...etc. The fascinating this is I dont drink as much beer,which I believe goes hand in hand with smoking (for me anyway.) Here is the weird part for me, all the time that I tried to quit I always wanted to smoke, now I dont even crave the analog at all. I use a very low nicotine juice (0.6) and I am cool with that. I look forward to my life without tobacco.
  9. Anyone else feel a change after quitting the analog?. Do tell
  10. Thanks so much folks. I dont even have the desire anymore
  11. Thanks to you all for your help
  12. I was wondering if anyone can help me add the Vapor Talk (chrono smoke free banner) so I can see my Tobacco free days and money saved to my page setup.
  13. Thanks...I appreciate that
  14. I did not have a choice of using the e-cigs back in the day. I use the lower level of nicotine to help with the addiction but I really cant say if I would have tried it or not but the e-cigs truly help.
  15. Will I need to open up my Vision Spinner 2 to change the batteries eventually. I dont want to damage it trying to open it
  16. I was wondering if there are some e-liquids to totally stay away from. I have done a bit of research but it issomewhat overwhelming and confusing. I am currently using Halo e-liquids.
  17. I have left the analogs alone now for about 2 weeks and I will never go back....finally free. The Vape thing is truly working for me.
  18. I just wanted to say wasup and I look forward to chatting and learning
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