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Everything posted by kfolse107

  1. ​Poor mod. Hopefully it led a good life and may it R.I.P.
  2. You can do it. Any time you get the urge for a cigarette, pick up the vape instead.
  3. Motorcycle enthusiasts rank right up there also.
  4. Congrats Tug. I just hit my 1 year mark too! Feels great.
  5. I just throw mine vv/vw mod with tank in the dishwasher every now and then with a little Cascade and Jet Dry. NOT!
  6. I have the istick 30 watt with the nautilus mini. I run mine at 12.5 - 13 watts which is my sweet spot for the juice i use (65pg/35vg).
  7. I retired in Feb 2011 at the ripe old age of 52, after 27 years in law enforcement. Drawing a pension from that and have a small lawn care business just to have something to do.
  8. When changing a coil, I make sure to clean any juice inside the base where the spring is with a paper towel.
  9. I bought the istick 30 watt for $5 more than the price they were asking for the 20 watt. I'm only using it at 12.5 watts now, but it's good to know that If I ever want to, the 30 watt can sub ohm, where the 20 watt couldn't. As for the MVP, some people don't like how hard the fire button is to press. I like my MVP. Sometimes when just holding my istick, I accidentally press the button without intending to.
  10. I'm using the istick 30 watt and have the Nautilus Mini with 1.8 ohm coil. I run "SmokeCignals" Trailhand tobacco (65pg / 35vg). Currently running this at 12.5 watts with no problems. No burnt taste or wicking issues. In fact when I first got the istick, I brought it up to 15 watts and was just starting to get a "hot" but not quite burnt taste. I also run the MVP 2.0 also with Nautilus Mini 1.8 ohm coil with "Niquid Sinthol" (cinnamon/menthol) at 11.0 watts with no problems. As Tam said, start fresh with a clean tank and new coil. Start at lowest setting and move it up a little at a time till you find the sweet spot.
  11. I have the Nautilus mini and am running at 11 watts only because that's the max wattage of my MVP 2.0. No problems with burnt taste.
  12. 1 gallon is $18.13 2 gallons are $49.95 Usually it's cheaper to buy in bulk, but looks like they are backward. Costs more per gallon if you buy 2 than 1.
  13. I know what you mean. I gained about 15 lbs. since quitting.
  14. I have 2 Nautilus minis. One of them has the original coil in it which is over a month old and is like the day I got it. I use this one mostly at night. The other is my ADV and I get about 2 weeks or more per coil and I chain vape. Haven't had any problems with leakage, gurgling, or wicking. I did however break the glass tank after dropping my ADV for the second time. Got a stainless reinforced tank and all is good now.
  15. Not working. But I remember all my details, so it's all good. 9 months today!
  16. The one with the bigger wicks are for the Iclear16 and the smaller wicks are for the Iclear 30 but they are interchangeable.
  17. I'm at a week on my first coil on my new Nautilus mini tank. Looks like it may go another week before needing changing. I also chain vape. Lets see: 1) a bvc coil every 2 weeks = about $2.50 2) $8 a day for cigarettes X 14 days = $112 Get a good setup with extra coils and you'll still come out way ahead of what smoking costs you.
  18. I was gonna suggest the same thing. I've done this before.
  19. I'm using an Aspire Nautilus Mini (1.8 ohm coil) with 65pg/35vg juice at 10.5 watts on my MVP 2.0 and have no problems with dry hits, and I chain vape. It sounds like your problem is with the tank and not the MVP. My dad got a kit with the protank 2 included and he didn't like the tank.
  20. I bought an Iclear 30s about 6 months ago and used it mostly at night with a cinnamon juice. That tank and original coil is still in use (believe it or not!) and still puts out pretty decent vapor. The tank is cloudy from the strong cinnamon/menthol juice.
  21. Congrats on your success. It only gets easier from here.
  22. Started smoking at about 15 years old and I'm 55 now. 2 packs a day for probably the last 20 years. I tried quitting cold turkey for 1 week several years ago. April 1st of 2014 I started Chantix and vaping. Fortunately the chantix was pretty well tolerated. Both helped me quit in less than a month. I have been smoke free for 8 months now. I remember walking to the corner store at 8 years old, buying smokes with my neighbor for his Dad. They sold them to us without any questions asked.
  23. I'll just stick to drinking my coffee while I vape.
  24. It's hard to pick up a cigalike once you have had good juice on a quality device. The cigalike tasted like crap several months into vaping after good ejuice.
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